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Ukraine: Practitioners Pass On the Message of Hope Through Falun Dafa Day Celebrations

May 28, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Ukraine

(Minghui.org) Practitioners from different parts of Ukraine gathered at Volodymyrska Gorka Park in downtown Kyiv on May 11, 2024 to celebrate the 25th World Falun Dafa Day.

The park is picturesque, filled with green, shady trees. Dressed in bright yellow jackets, practitioners demonstrated the five exercises, gave out fliers and explained to people what Falun Dafa is. They also displayed artworks from the Art of Zhen Shen Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance) exhibition. The paintings created by practitioner artists depicted how wonderful Falun Dafa is and the resilience of practitioners in the face of the brutal persecution in China.

Practitioners from different parts of the country came to Volodymyrska Gorka Park in downtown Kyiv on May 11, 2024 to do the exercises and celebrate World Falun Dafa day.

Passersby stopped to view paintings from the Art of Zhen Shan Ren and learned about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China.

People sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution.

Falun Dafa Day also happens to be the 73rd birthday of the founder, Master Li. To practitioners in Ukraine, the annual Falun Dafa Day is an opportunity to express gratitude to Master for introducing the practice. Many of them have been practicing for more than 15 years. Everyone wished Master Happy Birthday, and they wanted to take the opportunity to share the benefits of the practice with people.

Everyone in My Family Believes Dafa is Great

Ludmila, who organized this year’s activity, is 76 this year. She has been practicing for 24 years. People are usually surprised to learn of her age because she looks much younger. She is often full of strength and energy. Ludmila credits this to practicing Falun Dafa.

Ludmila tells a passerby the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa.

Recalling how she began practicing, Ludmila said, “An unknown woman came to my workplace and gave me a book titled Zhuan Falun, and since then, everything in my life changed. I finished reading the book in a few days and from then on, I began to practice cultivation.”

She said the atmosphere at home became more peaceful after she began practicing, “My health is better and I am full of confidence for the future. My children and grandchildren believe that Dafa is good, and it has helped give us a stable life. Everything is harmonious – health, spirituality, environment, friends, work.”

Ludmila hopes everyone can follow the principles of Dafa – Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. She believes that if everyone follows these principles, they will take the right path in life, just like her own personal experience.

Falun Dafa Gave Me Direction in Life

Alexander came from a town in the northeast of Ukraine to attend the day’s activities. He has practiced Falun Dafa for 13 years.

Alexander came from a town in the northeast to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

“I found direction in life. Before I began practicing, I was like a ship without a sail, drifting in the sea, not knowing how and where to go. Since I began to practice Falun Dafa, from the moment I read Zhuan Falun, it is as if I obtained a sail and saw a beacon. I understand who I am, where I came from and where I’m going to.”

The teachings of Falun Dafa helped Alexander become a better person. “Based on these principles, I inspect my heart and see what is not aligned with the principles. I strive to do better.”

He recommends that everyone give Falun Dafa a try, especially under the current difficult war conditions. “Due to the war, many people are depressed and under a lot of stress. You can tell from their eyes. Falun Dafa can help people strengthen their inner mind and build up confidence. When one’s fear gradually diminishes, people can handle troubles in life calmly.” he said.

Practicing Cultivation Helps Me Raise My Children

Anastasia began to practice Falun Dafa in 1999. She said, “In various stages of my life – from being a student to a young mother and an accountant, Falun Dafa has been with me all along. Dafa helped me treat others with kindness and patience, as well as avoid conflicts in everyday life. I also gained good health – I don’t have health problems like most people around me.”

Anastasia does the second Falun Dafa exercise.

Anastasia has three children, two sons aged 19 and 14, and a 16-year-old daughter. She said that practicing cultivation has been a great help to her in raising her children, “Because they are not far apart in age, it is very hard for me at times, I don’t know what to do, but I always remember to be patient, stay balanced, be calm and let go of attachments. I learned to listen to my children’s needs. When conflicts occur sometimes, you cannot find any common language with your children at all, when I feel something like this is about to happen, I remind myself to be calm and let go of self. When I am able to do so, I either found a solution to the problem or discovered that indeed I was wrong.”

Practicing Dafa Increases One’s Positive Energy

Denis and Karolina have been practicing Falun Dafa for nearly two decades. After the war broke out, they went to an air raid shelter nearby to do the exercises. People in the shelter supported them and gradually everyone said they wanted to do the exercises. The couple thinks practicing Falun Dafa can increase people’s positive energy and it is beneficial to the community as a whole.

Denis and Karolina have practiced Falun Dafa for nearly two decades.

Karolina said, “This is our country, our people are kind, bright and have conviction. We want to support such brightness in people and expand it. If everyone has more kindness, we will have a better future.”

People Understand What Falun Dafa Is

Dressed in a heavenly maiden costume, Zoryana handed out fliers about Falun Dafa and explained what the practice is about. She received an enthusiastic response. Some people said they would go to the Falun Dafa website to find out more about Falun Dafa.

Zoryana distributes information about Falun Dafa.

Several people thanked Zoryana for telling them about Falun Dafa as a way to eliminate bad thoughts and stress during troubled times. Many of them signed the petition that calls for an end to the persecution.