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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] How I Eliminated My Addictions to WeChat, My Phone, and the Internet

May 28, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) We often tell people, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” How does this manifest? The following is my personal experience.

I Stopped Using WeChat

I loved playing with my mobile phone. I had a cell phone when no one else had one. The people around me didn’t have mobile phones, but I had SMS and MMS.

When people began using WeChat, I upgraded my mobile phone so that I could use the app. However, after a while my eyes turned red and I was alarmed: What was the problem? At that time, the Minghui.org website published a notice for mainland practitioners to uninstall WeChat, and I did immediately. Three days later, my eyes felt better.

I uninstalled WeChat without hesitation because I remembered what Master said in Zhuan Falun, themainbookofFalunDafa:

“Have you ever seen a Buddha carrying a jug of wine? No.”

“Have you ever seen a Buddha or a Tao sitting there with a cigarette in his mouth? How can that be possible?” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

In today’s society, we all have cell phones. But isn’t the addiction to them similar to the addiction to alcohol and cigarettes?

Master also said,

“Therefore, I have said that if you want to cultivate, you should quit smoking. It harms your body and is a desire as well. That is completely contrary to the requirements for our cultivators.”(Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

However, I wanted to try it again because I felt having red eyes and then getting rid of them was so unique. I installed WeChat again, and my eyes got red again! I immediately uninstalled it. Three days after I uninstalled it, it was fine again! So, I never dared to try again.

After uninstalling WeChat, I felt uncomfortable, but the feeling only lasted a short time. After that, I relaxed.

I seldom used my mobile phone after I retired. I keep it in a stainless steel box to prevent it from being tapped. I asked family members to test it for me, and when they call, they are told that I’m not in the service area, and my cell phone shows a missed call.

I am almost seventy years old, not blind or deaf. I can hear the TV (New Tang Dynasty Television) clearly at a very low volume, while my son has to watch TV at a very high volume. After seeing how great my health is, my son seldom plays with his cell phone anymore.

Quitting My Internet Addiction

Although I stopped using WeChat after I retired, I was still addicted to surfing the Internet. I circumvented the firewall every day and browsed the Internet overseas.

However, this is also an attachment that should be removed for a practitioner. I knew it was not right to surf the Internet for hours, but I couldn’t help it. I used the excuse that I was looking for materials to clarify the truth, but the reality was that I got half the result with twice the effort. I recommended the website to my friends, but no one accepted it.

I dreamed that I had to go to a place urgently for work, but I found there was no door to enter. Then I saw Master and asked Master to help me. Master said that it was no big deal. He pointed his finger at the wall, and immediately, a secret door opened, leading directly to the place I wanted to go. This dream truly reflected how easily I could climb over the firewall.

Because of my easy access to the Internet, I became addicted to following dramas! One day, the screen suddenly went black while I was watching. I checked my Internet signal and saw that it was strong, so what happened?

I looked inward. Could I have become addicted to watching videos and wasted too much time? It seemed that I needed to pull myself back from the edge. So, I stopped watching dramas.

As a Dafa practitioner, I was able to give up my addiction to WeChat, cell phones, and the Internet very quickly. Could an ordinary person who does not practice Dafa have done that? This is how “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” manifests itself.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)