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Zurich, Switzerland: Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day

May 27, 2024 |   By Gao Si-yu, Minghui correspondent in Zurich, Switzerland

(Minghui.org) “Zurich is famous for its twelve hundred fountains, and pure water is the source of our life. But the prosperity of human society requires not only pure water, but also a pure mentality and spiritual state,” a Falun Dafa practitioner said during his opening speech at an event celebrating World Falun Dafa Day at Werdmühleplatz, Zurich on May 18, 2024.

Practitioners celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the 32nd anniversary of Dafa’s introduction at Werdmühleplatz near Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich on May 18, 2024.

Practitioners gave speeches about Falun Dafa and Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

Guests dining in restaurants and passers-by around the square were able to hear about Falun Dafa and Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

Falun Dafa exercise demonstration

Two people read Falun Dafa fliers. 

People talk with practitioners to learn more about Falun Dafa.

People sign a petition to end the persecution of Falun Dafa in China.

Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance Are Important Values

Brigitta Reich, a physiotherapist, saw the celebration on her way to the train station and signed a petition to end the persecution. She said that Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are important values in today’s world. “Everything should not be just for money and power. People can also practice these values. For example ‘truthfulness,’ is very important,” she said.

Vlada Kaplun, who works in IT, and Daria Vetsch, a preschool teacher, were visiting Zurich from Graubünden. After receiving the truth-clarification fliers, they immediately began to read them and asked practitioners for more information.

Vlada Kaplun and Daria Vetsch

Ms. Vetsch said that Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are also important for children. She added, “through these principles, they can better determine the direction and embark on the right path.”

Ms. Kaplun said that she would help spread the message so that more people would be aware of the persecution and support Falun Dafa.

Two young girls in grade nine also said that they want to tell more people what they learned that day. They believe that good behavior should be known to more people so they will pay attention and show support.

Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance Can Benefit Us

Isabel Ellenberger, who works in real estate, said that she fully supported the three principles [Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance]. “They are worth following. We Westerners can also benefit from them. If we often think of them and sincerely follow them, we can also contribute to society and make this society more selfless and less self-centered, so that we can be happier and show more potential,” she said.

Isabel Ellenberger and Philip Rist 

Physiotherapist Philip Rist, who was traveling with Isabel, said he felt that practitioners are very humble and friendly. He believes that Dafa’s principles are a basic of human existence, and transcend religion and nationality. “What surprises me is that this has become a problem for the [Chinese Communist] regime,” he said.

Signing a Petition to End the Persecution

A signature collection table was also set up during the day’s event, inviting passersby to support a petition asking the Swiss government to lend a helping hand to jointly stop the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Dafa and organ harvesting from living prisoners of conscience.

Both Ms. Ellenberger and Mr. Rist signed the petition. Mr. Rist said he was excited to do something by signing his name and he hoped the world pays attention to what’s going on in China.

Ms. Ellenberger added that she hopes the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs strengthens its efforts to safeguard human rights.

Lara Jäggi and her friend

University student Lara Jäggi, who is majoring in psychology, passed by Wildmüllerplatz with a friend. Ms. Jäggi was very interested in learning Falun Dafa. “I’d also like to learn how to practice,” she said, explaining, “because people are a whole and can improve themselves and heal themselves. I think it has something to do with inner enrichment.”

She added with a smile, “If people could be like Falun Dafa practitioners, life would be wonderful; there would be no persecution or war. The world would be peaceful. I hope society can be this way.”

Very Positive Event

Tamas Czotter from Hungary signed the petition and said, “I hope that by signing, the world can improve. So that you [practitioners] can get more attention and support, including from the government.” 

He told a practitioner that it was very positive that practitioners were holding such an event in Zurich. “It opens people’s eyes and makes them pay attention,” he said. “I support you. I hope you can persevere and I wish you success!”