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Toronto, Canada: Young Practitioners Express Their Gratitude for Falun Dafa (Part 2)

May 26, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Toronto

(Minghui.org) As practitioners around the world celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on May 13 and Falun Dafa Month in May, the Minghui website published many reports on these activities. After reading the reports, greetings and the series of articles Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day, young practitioners in Toronto said they were impressed with the stories from China.

Because of the ongoing persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), practitioners in China cannot hold public events as do practitioners in other countries around the world. Nonetheless, they wrote down their stories which describe how the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance changed them for the better.

(Continued from Part 1)

Improving the Environment with Kindness

Yu Liya is 25 years old, and she began practicing Falun Dafa with her mother when she was a child. She was happy to read the article, “Ontario, Canada: Flag-Raising Ceremonies to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day Held in Four Cities.” When she studied journalism in college, she checked the overseas coverage on Falun Dafa after the persecution began in 1999, and nearly every news media carried the CCP’s propaganda, such as the staged Self-Immolation Incident at Tiananmen Square in 2001. Fortunately, the situation has changed in the past 25 years. During the flag-raising ceremonies mentioned in the report for example, elected officials in Canada agreed with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and they recognized how Falun Dafa has improved people’s physical health and moral values.

Another article Yu read is “[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] A Financial Disaster Inspired Me to Practice Falun Dafa.” The author was illegally arrested and detained for practicing Dafa. In the detention center, his kindness not only won the trust of other detainees, but also changed guards and officers working there. “I am grateful to Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, for teaching me to be a better person, more than just a good person,” the author wrote.

The author is a new practitioner, but Yu said she’s practiced for many years. For example, when calling relatives in China, she often talked about Falun Dafa. But the relatives did not believe her and repeated the CCP’s propaganda. When the relatives raised their voices, Yu also argued with them, saying they were too stubborn. In contrast, the article author was able to remain positive despite the poor environment in the detention center.

Yu said she simply expected her relatives to agree with her. When she later called them, she always reminded herself to let go of her struggle mentality. “It’s surprising that when I’m able to remain compassionate, many people agreed to quit the CCP organizations right after I explained things to them,” she added.

No Resentment

Wu Yihua was born in the 1990s, and she began practicing Dafa in 2015. She recently read an article, “[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Falun Dafa Freed Me from Resentment.” In the article, the author said he often complained, and even trivial matters made him slam the door or pound on the table. He later realized the importance of following Falun Dafa’s principles, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. That is, a practitioner should not just vent his resentment or anger without considering how his behavior impacts others.

After Wu began practicing Falun Dafa, she avoided arguing with others. But she still felt unbalanced in her mind, and thought her own ideas were better. She often had resentment, but suppressed it by reminding herself of Falun Dafa’s teachings.

As time passed, and Wu studied Dafa teachings further, she could sometimes avoid having resentment in the first place. “I learned that forcing myself to forbear and suppressing my resentment was not enough. I needed to do better with no complaints or anger,” she explained. “When I was able to do things with no human notions, I found a much better scenario in my heart.”

Returning to Traditional Values

Huang Shan, a young practitioner living in Toronto, was born in Beijing, and she began to practice in 2013. She was very touched when she read the article, “Young Falun Dafa Practitioners Cherish Dafa and Are Grateful for Master’s Salvation.”

In the article, a practitioner from Zhucheng City in Shandong Province wrote, “I was introduced to Dafa by my mother when I was 9. I distributed materials and put up banners with her. Although my mother was arrested and detained several times, my faith in Dafa never changed.”

This reminded Huang that when she was a student, her mother was also arrested and sent to a labor camp. “After coming out of China, I often told people my story, including that difficult period of time in my life. From that they learned how brutal the persecution is and why the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are so important for us,” she explained.

Another young practitioner said that Falun Dafa taught her the purpose of life and helped her understand our responsibilities. Huang agreed. Because she grew up under the CCP’s doctrines, Huang used to be selfish. She only thought about herself and caused many problems for her parents.

The practice of Falun Dafa helped Huang understand what traditional values are, and she learned to apply Falun Dafa’s teachings in her daily life. “My mother is old and it’s understandable she would consider many details when handling certain issues. My attitude was not good enough and I sometimes hurt others,” she added. “I’m grateful that Master Li (founder of Falun Dafa) has shown me a better way to handle this.”

(To be continued)