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India: Falun Dafa Introduced to Students at Certified Government Boys’ Hostel

May 26, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in India

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in India held a Falun Dafa workshop for teachers and students on May 11, 2024, at the invitation of the Government Certified School for Boys (Junior) in Nagpur. They played an introductory video which described the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong). The video included practitioners talking about their cultivation experiences. The students were interested and impressed.

Government Certified School for Boys (Junior) is a children’s home—a government-funded institution that offers financial aid and housing to underprivileged children and orphans. This workshop was a part of the Summer Camp 2024 initiative. During an hour-long workshop, more than 40 students learned about Falun Dafa, and had the opportunity to learn the five exercises.

A poster advertising the Summer Camp 2024 at the Government Certified School for Boys in Nagpur.

Students keenly watch the introductory video about Falun Dafa.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises.

Following the opening video, a practitioner named Harsha demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises and played an instructional video. The students were then given a chance to try the exercises while the practitioner supervised. They learned the first, second, and fifth exercises that day.

Students do the first exercise along with the practitioner.

Students doing the second Falun Dafa exercise, the Falun Standing Stance

Students do the sitting meditation.

Rejuvenating Effect

Many students who participated in the workshop felt that the exercises had rejuvenating qualities. A student had his third eye opened and saw a rotating Falun. A first-year student, 18-year-old Akash, just returned from college.“I was feeling stressed, worn out, and completely drained before I did the exercises, as I had just returned from college. I felt energized and lively after doing the Falun Dafa exercises,” he said.

He said that when he did the exercises, he felt transported to a peaceful locale where he could truly calm down. “I felt as though I was performing the exercises in a serene, pleasant park as the music relieved my stress. Please do come again and show us the remaining exercises so that we can practice them every day.”

An eighth standard student, Rohit, saw Falun whirling in brilliant and gorgeous hues when he did the fifth exercise. “I was genuinely impressed and incredibly amazed when I noticed Falun whirling in vibrant and stunning colors,” he said.

After completing the activities, a ninth-grade student named Tanmay said that the exercises helped quiet his emotions. “I was upset in the morning, but everything changed after the exercises, with a very different, thrilling, and enjoyable feeling today,” he said.

Like Akash, Tanmay also felt that the exercises transported him to somewhere peaceful. “I felt like I was in the mountains, far away from this auditorium, a very serene environment soothing my mind,” he said.

Appreciation From Students and Staff

The students and staff expressed their willingness to learn all of the Falun Dafa exercises in addition to the three they were taught. They asked the practitioner and her family to return and conduct another session so they could learn all five exercises. One of the coordinators invited the practitioner to host Falun Dafa sessions every Saturday to bring about positive changes in the children.

Sadhna Hatwar, a sub-coordinator from the Child Welfare Department of Nagpur, even gave Harsha a certificate of appreciation for her efforts.

Sadhna Hatwar, (left) sub-coordinator of the Child Welfare Department, gives the certificate of appreciation to Harsha (right).

Summer Camp 2024 coordinators Jason Joshua (first left), Shimon Sonkar (second left), and Sadhna Hatwar (second right), sub-coordinator of the Child Welfare Department, with Harsha and her family