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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Every Life is Precious

May 26, 2024 |   Dictated by a Falun Dafa practitioner in China and organized by another practitioner

(Minghui.org) My elderly neighbors, who are in their seventies, were sent to a nursing home in the summer of 2022 by their family because no one could take care of them. The lady had a stroke and her daughter brought her home. The lady had a stomach tube inserted in her and her eyes no longer moved. The doctor said she would only live for ten days at most and told her family to prepare her funeral.

I visited her and saw that she was dying. I said next to her ear, “Recite ‘Falun Dafa is good’ in in your heart and you will live!” I went there every day and recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” to her. I also brought her food. At the time her family members had to inject liquid food into her stomach.

About a week later, her daughter excitedly told me that her mother could move her eyes. I went to the elderly lady and said, “If you know who I am, please move your eyes.” And she did. Her daughter was so excited. I asked her daughter to recite “Falun Dafa is good” to her mother. I thought this would also increase her confidence. One day her daughter asked me if it would be okay to remove the feeding tube, I said, “There should be no problem as long as you believe Falun Dafa is good.” In about two weeks, the lady was able to swallow food.

I had to go to my child’s home, which was in another town. While I was gone the elderly lady’s daughter sent her mother to a rehabilitation center. After spending 5,000 yuan in twenty days, her health did not improve. She was unable to take care of herself, so her daughter had to send her to the nursing home again. Her husband had already been sent to the nursing home because he previously suffered a stroke. Facing the challenging situation, their daughter called me almost every day, hoping I could take care of her mother. The elderly lady also placed all her hope in me, and kept whispering my name to the nursing home staff.

My Life as a Nanny

After I closed the small business I ran, I went to visit my child in another town. I was hoping I could meet some practitioners, and I planned to move there. Apparently that was not Master’s arrangement for me. So I returned to my hometown after 25 days. As soon as I got home, the elderly lady’s daughter came and asked me again to take care of her mother. I agreed.

I had a strong character and wanted to do well in whatever I did. I knew that as a cultivator, my mission was to save sentient beings.

I first thoroughly cleaned their home. It was very dirty, with thick layers of dust in the corners, since it had not been cleaned well for a long time. I cleaned the house as carefully and thoroughly as I could, as if it were my home. I also asked her family members to get rid of the animal-possessed tablets that were there. It took more than ten days. In the end, it was completely clean. When they got home, they couldn’t believe it was the same house!

I was initially hired to take care of the elderly lady. Her daughter discussed with me getting her father back from the nursing home as well. I agreed. So the two elderly people lived in two rooms and I took care of both of them around the clock. Both were bedridden, and their lives were irregular. I prepared their meals and cleaned them.

I have practiced Falun Dafa for 28 years, so I did not consider my nanny role as my primary job there. I knew that every life came for the Fa and every life is precious. I wanted them to know the beauty of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and know the truth about Falun Dafa.

The elderly man used to be a soldier and joined the CCP while he was in the army. Under the influence of atheism, he felt that living in the misery of his current physical condition was meaningless, so he had little desire to live and did not eat well. When I clarified the truth to him, he repeated the lies that were instilled in him by the CCP. He sometimes argued with me. I didn’t mind and was still very considerate of him. I knew that understanding the truth could be a slow process.

I cleaned the house every day and took care their personal hygiene, including washing their bodies. When I prepared meals for them, I ground the rice and vegetables separately so they tasted better. It took more than an hour to feed each of them. I followed Dafa’s requirements and was always kind to them. When the elderly man didn’t want to eat, I patiently encouraged him. When he saw me crying in frustration, he tried his best to eat.

I often explained to him the principles of Dafa, telling him how valuable life is, how lucky he was to hear about Dafa, and that enduring hardship and suffering was a good thing, as it would reduce one’s karmic debt. I also told him the terrible things the CCP did in history, and taught him to recite “Falun Dafa is good.” Although his speech was slurred, I could tell from his expression that he was reciting sincerely. Little by little, he became able to sit for a while and was even able to sit in a wheelchair. One day, he asked me to help him withdraw from the CCP.

He passed away eleven months later, at the age of 73. He did not suffer and even drank milk that noon. His family all knew that Dafa extended his life.

One day the elderly lady told me that when the police came looking for me, she said, “Did she commit any crime? She has a young child to care for. Why don’t you do some good deeds?”

I knew she was predestined with Dafa. After she returned from the nursing home, in addition to caring for her attentively, I played the recordings of Master’s lectures, as well as some broadcasts about the persecution.

Her bed was a special adjustable hospital bed, but at first, as soon as it was raised to about a thirty-degree angle, she vomited. I taught her to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” After about a week, she was able to sit up and eat, and she could use a special toilet chair. She gradually overcame the difficulties of eating, drinking, and relieving herself, and began to return to normal.

She listened to Master’s lectures every day. She had righteous thoughts and wanted to follow Master to her true home. She was gradually able to stand up and move her legs with my help, while reciting “Falun Dafa is good.” Later, she was able to walk from one room to another with my help.

She had a good enlightenment quality and was able to resist negative thoughts, and gradually overcame notions like aversion to bathing and concerns about food being too hot or cold. She once had a negative attitude and did not want to eat. After listening a Dafa practitioner’s sharing articles, she decided to eat.

The elderly lady had suffered from diabetes before and used to inject insulin. With her consent, I did not give her any more insulin. She still took the other medicines the doctor prescribed. Six months passed and I noticed that she still could not hold a spoon stably when eating. I checked the instructions on those medicines and discovered they were all for treating mental illness. I asked her daughter, who said it was for her mother’s sleeping problem. I explained the pros and cons to the daughter. Since she saw her mother was getting much better, she agreed to stop all the medicines, and the elderly lady also agreed.

She now has a rosy complexion and speaks clearly. She can use the toilet, button her clothes, undress, and eat on her own. Every day, she walks three laps around the room, holding onto the handrails installed by her daughter, all the while reciting “Falun Dafa is good.” When I give her a bath she cooperates with my instructions, and either sits or stands as I ask. It’s hard to imagine that just a year ago she was a patient suffering from diabetes and a stroke!

Twice when I was away, they hired another caretaker to look after the elderly couple. Within ten days, both elders stopped eating. Their family quickly called me. On another occasion, two relatives were taking care of them, but somehow the elderly people ended up soiling their padded pants and beds with feces and urine. The relatives were frustrated and anxious, and unable to manage the situation. As soon as I returned, everything went back to normal, running smoothly and orderly.

What they did not know - it was not that I had a special ability, it was all Dafa’s mighty power! When they listened to Dafa’s principles, they were blessed by Dafa! Just as Master said:

“It was Dafa—the Great Way of the universe—that created the cosmic body, the universe, life, and all of creation. Any life that turns away from Dafa is truly corrupt. Any person who can align with Dafa is truly a good person, and will be rewarded and blessed with health and happiness. And any cultivator who is able to become one with Dafa is an enlightened one—divine.” (“On Dafa,” Zhuan Falun)

Elderly Man’s Brother Begins Practicing Falun Dafa

The elderly man’s younger brother is in his seventies and we all call him “old uncle.” He lived in a rural area and suffered from back strain, and his daughter drove him to the city for acupuncture. Every time the old uncle came, I prepared some delicious treats for him. When he came back from acupuncture, I cooked extra food. This continued for more than 20 days, and the old uncle was very touched.

He spent thousands of yuan, but his health did not improve. After he stopped having the acupuncture, he continued coming to his brother’s house every day. He told me about his difficulties. Looking at his sad face, I told him the “secret recipe” – to sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He saw the changes in his brother and sister-in-law. He saw that the burial shroud was already prepared for his sister-in-law and knew that before I came, she was waiting to die.

I also told him about my own physical and mental health improvement after practicing Dafa, and I clarified the truth in depth. His sister-in-law, the elderly lady, also said that Dafa is good and advised him to practice. I prepared a disc player with Master’s lectures for him, and he decided to practice.

His back strain soon disappeared. He said that his arm, leg, and other problems were all gone. He also said that he saw that the poster with information about Falun Dafa that was on his wall was glowing. When he finished reading the information about Falun Dafa, he passed it on to others. He told his family members, relatives, and neighbors that Dafa is good, and told them not to say anything bad about Dafa. One of his relatives used to have a negative opinion about Dafa. After the old uncle told him the facts, the relative believed Dafa was good and quit the CCP.

The old uncle often visits me, and we talk about how to follow Dafa’s requirements when facing problems.

Elderly Woman’s Son-in-law Quit the CCP

Working as a nanny, I pay great attention to what I say and do. I regarded the elderly couple’s home as my own. If their home needed a quilt, I brought a new quilt from my home. Whatever their home needed, if I had it at my home, I brought it over. I treated their family members as my own.

Their daughter had a strong personality and had her own opinions on everything, and did not easily agree with others. Over the past year, she witnessed the changes in her parents and their home. She sincerely agreed that Falun Dafa is good. Not only did she quit the CCP herself, she also persuaded others to withdraw from it. Her husband was a police officer and a division-level officer. “I feel that my mother is safe with you,” he sincerely told me. “I will listen to whatever you say.” He quit the CCP as well.

They held a celebration on 2024 New Year’s Day. More than ten people from four families had a dinner at old uncle’s house. Everyone was very happy. At the start of the dinner, the elderly couple’s daughter raised her drink and said, “Falun Dafa is good!” Her husband continued, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I was moved by their sincerity. That showed the gratitude to Dafa from the people who were saved!


In the past, the elderly lady was self-centered, selfish, and demanding, and everything had to revolve around her, otherwise she lost her temper. She and her daughter did not get along, and in fact she hardly got along with anyone. In the past year, not only did she benefit physically and mentally, but also enjoyed harmony with her family. Moreover, more than ten of her family members and relatives quit the CCP, and believed that Dafa is good. Even her neighbors witnessed Dafa’s power.

A friend of mine recently said that he told my story as a nanny to a business owner. The business owner said if I agreed, he would hire me no matter how much money I asked. Some people offered 6,000 yuan per month to hire me as a caregiver, which was a very high price in my area. When I jokingly mentioned this to the elderly lady’s daughter, she said she would not let me go, and if I went somewhere else, she would bring her mother and follow me.

I am a Dafa disciple. Everything of mine was given by Dafa. Over the years, during my cultivation, Master has always been with me, helping and protecting me. I can never repay Master! I will follow Master and save more precious sentient beings!

Thank you Master! Thank you fellow practitioners!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)