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Only Humbleness Can Help Save People, Not Arrogance or Ego

May 26, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Germany

(Minghui.org) Recently, I read two articles on Minghui.org about respecting others and remaining humble. The authors listed the shortcomings of some practitioners, including arrogance, ego, and looking down on others. When I thought about these issues, I realized that I have such problems.

On several occasions, when talking with my husband or other practitioners, I found even a good intention could lead to a conflict. I thought I had made a point and explained things clearly, but the other side was not convinced. Looking back, I knew I had a strong ego and was trying to force my opinion on others. This is something I needed to eliminate in cultivation practice.

Recently, I encountered an incident with an immigrant from India who rents a parking space from me. Several years ago, he rented the space for less than the market value. Because of the current inflation, my husband asked the gentleman to pay a higher price that would equal the market price. When the renter refused, my husband decided to end the contract. However, the renter disagreed and hasn’t paid rent for the past six months, but continues to use the space.

My husband complained about the situation, and I said we probably owed that person a debt in a previous life. I suggested that it was best to just let it go. Upon hearing this, my husband suddenly became angry and said he did not need a lecture from me. I was puzzled by his reaction. Thinking about it later, I realized I had hidden an attachment of arrogance, assuming I had a better understanding than my husband.

A similar incident happened when I pointed out to an elderly practitioner that her understanding was inconsistent with Dafa’s teachings, and she became upset. Later, I realized my ego caused this since I should not have thought that way.

Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, has talked about traditional values many times in his books of poetry: Hong Yin IV, Hong Yin V,and Hong Yin VI. I also read some stories about traditional values and noticed that people in ancient times were generous and humble. People in our modern society, especially those who grew up in communist China, tend to be arrogant and think they can do anything. For example, I thought I was smart because I went to a good university, found a good job, and became very accomplished.

The Minghui Editorial Board has published several notices recently on certain individuals who have deviated from the Fa. They were of a similar age as me and felt good about themselves. After learning something from Dafa about the world and the universe, they became arrogant and ruined themselves in the end. Looking back on my 16 years of cultivation, I also had moments of feeling good about myself. Fortunately, I was able to stop such thoughts and realized they were childish. Falun Dafa is very profound, and no matter how much I think I know, it is nothing compared to Dafa. The Buddha Fa is boundless.

I also noticed this problem when telling people the facts about Dafa. Once, I chatted with someone and clarified the truth about the defamatory propaganda spread by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Although agreeing to quit the CCP organizations, he said to me in the end, “Thank you for your lecture.” This reminded me that I was arrogant and thought myself better than others. On several occasions, I also met people who followed other faith systems, and they did not listen to me at all. Looking inward, I noticed my ego surfaced when talking with them, too.

There have been many lessons about people in history, such as Satan, Shen Gongbao, and one of Shakyamuni’s disciples who descended to hell. All of them were arrogant and had a strong ego. Eventually, they went to the dark side. My understanding is that if one has arrogance, he or she will be unable to be assimilated into Dafa, unable to notice others’ strengths, and unable to remain diligent in cultivation. As this continues, one may become enlightened on an evil path. Cultivators need to pay attention to every single thought, word, and action.

Sometimes, people with other faith systems slander Dafa on the internet. When some practitioners refuted their remarks, they occasionally appeared arrogant to outsiders. That means we need to do better so that people will feel our compassion.

During a question and answer session, a student asked:

“Even now I still find that it’s hard to handle and balance well having compassion for all beings and safeguarding Dafa’s dignity. Master, would you please help and guide me on this?”

Master Li replied:

“Your intention to safeguard Dafa’s dignity is correct, but how do you safeguard it? Do you shut their mouths? Do you debate with them? I’m telling you, just treat all beings with compassion, and just clarify the facts to people with compassion, and you will be safeguarding Dafa’s dignity, and you’ll be able to safeguard Dafa’s dignity.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume III)

My understanding is that we need kindness to safeguard Dafa. This includes using an appropriate tone and words that contain compassion.

Master also said,

“...in the past there was this saying in Buddhism, “The Buddha-light illuminates everywhere and harmonizes everything.”” (Lecture Three, Zhuan Falun)

We should all do better.

The above is my current understanding. Please point out anything inconsistent with the Falun Dafa teachings.