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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] My Customers and My Family Members Learn the Facts About Falun Dafa

May 22, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. After the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published in 2004, I put a lot of effort into telling people the facts about Dafa while negating the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) slandering propaganda. The following describes some of the experiences of the people I talked with. 

My Retail Store

Initially, I was a cook at my husband’s workplace. I did not interact with many people at the time, only some employees and clients of the company. Thinking that it was important to reach more people and tell them facts about Dafa, I had the idea to open a convenience store. I had some small savings at the time but also owed debts. So, I borrowed some money from my brother. My adult children also supported my decision. This way, I opened a store that sold ice cream, snacks, and bottled water, and had a public phone. 

Many vendors often came to promote their products to me, such as cigarettes, drinks, toothpaste, and towels. These sales representatives were young people, and there were many of them. I always took the opportunity to tell them the facts about Falun Dafa and then recommended that they quit the CCP organizations one by one. Later on, those who learned the truth also helped me by telling other people about Dafa. Some of them said they had good health after renouncing the CCP; some said their sales performance improved after following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance to be a good person. 

Many of the customers were workers in nearby factories. Most were young people who dropped out of school and started a job. I explained to them what Falun Dafa is and the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. “You are working hard here, and life must be very tough for you. Please keep in mind that Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good. By reciting the phrases, you will have good health, so your parents won’t have to worry about you.” 

The circumstances of a lot of the workers improved dramatically after reciting the phrases, and they looked great. They said they were more energetic even when working overtime and no longer felt dizzy. I told them to share the information with their parents, and some followed my suggestion. They said their family members also benefited from this and asked me to explain more about why. I said, “Falun Dafa is righteous, and anyone who believes in or supports Dafa will be blessed.”

Those workers liked me a lot, and my business flourished. Some workers said they only bought things from my store and no other place. I knew this was encouragement from Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa. 

One day, I saw a pork vendor named Ying who looked very upset. I asked what was wrong. She told me her grandson was severely ill. The medical bills for the intensive care unit (ICU) were high, but nobody could say whether he would be cured by the treatment. I chatted with her and explained how a family member of mine recovered from a fatal illness after believing in Dafa. She was very interested in what I said. 

I asked Ying to call her son and his wife and ask them to recite the phrases “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good” while next to the boy. She called them, and the boy’s parents followed her advice. Ying also recited the phrases herself and asked Master Li for help. After a few days, she saw me and said, “My grandson has recovered, and it’s like a miracle. I really want to thank Master Li.” Because of this, her entire family recognized that Falun Dafa is a righteous Faand quit the CCP organizations. When I told others about Dafa near her vendor table, she often added, “Yes, Falun Dafa is indeed great.”

Over the years, I opened a tofu shop, a restaurant, and a convenience store. I have met all kinds of people and tried different ways of talking about Falun Dafa. The customers include workers, farmers, street vendors, teachers, students, business owners, sales representatives, and garbage collectors. I know they will have a better future after hearing the facts about Dafa. 

I will now share how my family members have benefited from Falun Dafa.

My Husband

Once, the area near me was rezoned, and some manufacturers moved elsewhere. Thus, I had fewer customers, so I switched to selling steamed buns. One morning, my husband accidentally got his hand trapped in the dough mixer. Upon hearing him scream, I immediately turned off the electricity. 

He could not pull his hand out of the machine, and he was terrified. I assured him he would be okay because Master Li was protecting him. After the machine was dissembled, I wrapped his hand in a towel, and we went to a major hospital that specialized in injury treatment. After examination, the doctor said the bones were fine, but the tendons in the hand were severed. It took the doctor four hours to finish the surgery.

After staying at the hospital for three days, my husband said he was very uncomfortable. Since he knew Dafa was good and had witnessed how I recovered from a uterine tumor without treatment, I recommended that he come home and practice Dafa with me; otherwise, his hand would not function well even after he recovered, according to the doctor. 

My husband had learned the Falun Dafa exercises in the past, and he sometimes helped me tell others about Dafa. He decided that he would go home, study the Dafa teachings with me, and do the exercises. When we returned to the hospital several days later to have the stitches removed, the doctor said it would be very painful. Upon unwrapping the bandage, however, to her surprise, the nurse found that the stitches were gone and my husband felt no pain at all. 

I was teary when taking a bus on the way home because I knew this was another example of Master’s compassion. My husband also told me some details. On the morning he had the surgery, his systolic blood pressure reached almost 200 mmHg. Because it was so high, the doctor could not perform the surgery. My husband told the doctor to wait for a minute. He began reciting “Falun Dafa is good” as well as “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good” in his mind. After a few minutes, the doctor measured the blood pressure again and found it was normal. Hence, he proceeded with the surgery. 

About a month after my husband returned home and had been studying the Dafa teachings and doing the exercises, his hand fully recovered. Because of this experience, my husband felt very grateful to Master Li and Falun Dafa. In 2015, he joined other practitioners and filed a criminal complaint against former CCP leader Jiang Zemin for persecuting Falun Dafa. 

My Mother

One winter, when my mother was 84, she wore very thick, padded cotton pants. One day, she broke her arm when she tugged on the pants really hard. She didn’t tell us about it, but when I delivered dinner to her, I saw a finger-sized bone sticking out of her arm, and the area had become purplish.

I called my sister and brother about it. They both came and we took mother to a hospital. After checking the X-rays, the doctor said the bone was very fragile due to mother’s age and some parts were prone to breaking like an eggshell. However, the doctor did not recommend admitting her, saying all he could do was give her glucose injections and keep her under observation due to her age. 

So, we returned home, and I reminded my mother to recite the phrases every day. She did so and said she no longer felt any pain. I explained that Master Li had helped bear the pain for her and she said she was very thankful. 

On another day, my mother accidentally knocked her head hard on the sewing machine, which caused a half-inch-long gash. Because it was summer, we just applied some medicine and did not wrap it up. The injury was miraculously healed in three or four days. My brother was surprised since his wife previously had a similar injury and it took three months to heal. I said the healing was rapid because mother had been reciting the two phrases. Again, my mother was very grateful to Falun Dafa and later filed a criminal complaint against Jiang in 2015 for persecuting Falun Dafa. 

My Brother-in-Law

Jian is my sister’s husband, and he was diagnosed with liver cancer in late 2014. His son-in-law took the CT scans to three major hospitals in the provincial capital city, and every doctor said that Jian would only live for three more months. The physicians did not admit him because there wasn’t much they could do to help her. 

Both my sister and Jian were worried. Their adult son returned home and even made plans for a funeral. I told them my miraculous experiences with Falun Dafa and my husband told them how my lemon-sized uterine tumor disappeared without treatment. But they were still hesitant to accept what we said about the power of Falun Dafa. 

Later on, when Jian had surgery in a major hospital I gave him audio recordings of Master Li’s lectures to listen to. He also recited the phrases “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good.” He recovered quickly. I told him what Dafa is and recommended that he quit the CCP organizations, but he hesitated. When a major earthquake broke out in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province, in 2008, my sister talked with him about this again and Jian finally agreed to quit membership in the CCP organizations.

After some time, Jian thanked me for introducing him to Dafa and said he regretted that he had not started to practice earlier. He also suggested that his daughter should practice Dafa like me. Today, he continues to recite the powerful phrases.

My Sister-in-Law

Fen is my brother’s wife. When pregnant with a second child, she was forced to have an abortion due to the CCP’s single-child policy. Because the baby was almost nine months old, it weighed more than 5 pounds. Fen was traumatized by this experience and suffered a mild mental disorder. 

Fen is a Christian and goes to church every week. I suggested that she quit the CCP organizations, but she said no. I told her to recite the phrases, and she refused, saying the government prohibited this. So, I recommended that she read the verses that precede the Falun Dafa exercises. She did that and said she felt much better. When I asked her again about severing ties with the CCP, she agreed to do so. 

One day in early 2015, Fen fell on the floor at home because of a cerebral hemorrhage. The doctor planned to do surgery and warned Fen that the surgery had the risk of leaving her in a vegetative state. When my brother was asked to sign a consent form, he was stressed and very worried about the surgery. I suggested that he recite “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good,” and he did. 

After Fen had the surgery, she was in the ICU for 15 days before being transferred to a regular hospital room. I gave her husband an MP3 player and some headphones so she could listen to Master’s audio lectures. After about ten days, she opened her eyes and regained consciousness. When I first asked her to recite the two phrases mentioned above, she shook her head. Then I opened a booklet for filing a criminal complaint against Jiang Zemin for persecuting Falun Dafa; she nodded in agreement. When I mentioned reciting the phrases again, she agreed to do it this time. 

After that, Fen recovered quickly. When I told her more facts about Falun Dafa, she accepted what I said. She once said that everyone in the entire world needs the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Seeing her dramatic improvement, my brother was very pleased. When we ate together during the Chinese New Year celebration, he toasted me and said, “Falun Dafa saved my wife. I want to thank Master Li.”

My Mother-in-Law

My mother-in-law was diagnosed with gallstones in 2016. The pain was excruciating, and surgery was scheduled. I visited her and recalled how my husband miraculously survived after he accidentally got his hand caught in the dough machine. She agreed to recite “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good” before and after the surgery. 

The surgery went very well. When I visited her two days later, she said she had no pain. But a much younger patient next to her had so much pain that she was sweating heavily. She asked why my mother-in-law didn’t have any pain after the surgery, and I explained to her the effects of the two phrases. 

My mother-in-law was hospitalized again in 2021. She was diagnosed with cancer in the bile duct. The doctor said the illness was incurable and discharged her, saying she probably could live for another one or two months. 

Upon returning home, my mother-in-law had no appetite. I visited her and took good care of her. My efforts moved her a lot. But when I suggested that she practice Falun Dafa, she did not want to do it. I explained that many highly educated intellectuals chose to practice Falun Dafa because the practice is indeed extraordinary. I told her that my brother-in-law Jian had recovered from liver cancer because of Dafa. She was very touched and agreed to give it a try.

When I revisited my mother-in-law, she recovered and said that she cherished the audio player very much. When a young man she knew was diagnosed with cancer, my mother-in-law shared her story with the man’s family, hoping the young man would be healed too.

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)