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Memorizing the Fa Eliminates Thought Karma and Opens My Wisdom

May 21, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners Zijian in Laoning Province, China

(Minghi.org) I was forced out of the military in 1999 for practicing Falun Dafa and sentenced to prison twice. The first time I was held for seven years and lost my job as a result. The second time I was held for six years and lost my family.

Over a decade of prison life left me depressed. When I was released from prison in 2020, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) blocked my path in society, leaving me with no prospects for a productive life and family. However, compassionate Master led me back to practicing Dafa. Without hesitation, I embarked on my path of cultivation during the Fa-rectification period.

The Fa Helps Me Eliminate Thought Karma

After I was released from prison, I thought, “I can now cultivate. I can calm down and study the Fa, do the exercises, and send righteous thoughts without being interrupted. Because there was no freedom in prison, it was very difficult to study the Fa. I was once sprayed with hot pepper liquid for studying the Fa and shocked with electric batons for hand-copying the Fa. To protect the handwritten Dafa scriptures, I went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution and was held in solitary confinement. I thought that after getting out, I must memorize Zhuan Falun, the main text of Dafa.

Although my conditions improved after I was released from prison, I couldn’t focus. My thought karma was extremely strong, and I found it difficult to eliminate it. Different kinds of ordinary thoughts wandered through my mind when I read the Fa. I felt helpless and distressed.

Fellow practitioners suggested that I study Master’s scripture “Buddha Nature(Zhuan Falun Volume II) and read experience sharing articles on the Minghui website about other practitioners memorizing Zhuan Falun. These greatly inspired me. I realized the main reason I couldn’t absorb the Fa was that my main consciousness was paralyzed by acquired notions, various temptations, as well as attachments I accumulated from society.

These acquired notions blocked my true thoughts, making it difficult for me to calm down to memorize and study the Fa, as well as do the exercises. Only by memorizing the Fa could I eliminate those notions and eliminate my thought karma.

I started memorizing Zhuan Falun on January 15, 2021. At first, the resistance was strong. My brain felt rusty—I forgot the next sentence after memorizing the previous section or I forgot the previous sentence after memorizing the next one. After I finally memorized a paragraph, I forgot it by the next day.

Eventually, I started memorizing one sentence at a time, then one paragraph at a time. It often took several days to memorize a section of the Fa. But I didn’t give up, the more difficult it seemed, the more determined I was to memorize ZhuanFalun.

Every morning, after I did the exercises and sent righteous thoughts, I recited the Fa for an hour. I sometimes recited more, sometimes less, but I kept doing it every day. After almost a year-and-a-half, I finished memorizing the entire book. By memorizing the Fa, copying the Fa, studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending righteous thoughts, I gained confidence. I have now memorized Zhuan Falun four times, and it goes more smoothly each time.

I usually get up at 3:15 a.m. every morning to practice the exercises, and I persist in sending righteous thoughts every four hours, as well as clarifying the truth about Dafa to help people quit the CCP. Doing the three things while memorizing the Fa has greatly elevated my xinxing. As I continuously memorize the Fa, Dafa’s principles are revealed. Some of my attachments were eliminated, and I can feel Master helping me by removing many bad substances from my body. Also, when doing the exercises, my mind can now calm down.

Dafa Opens My Wisdom

After being released from prison, my mind was blank, and my reactions were slow. I completely forgot a lot of knowledge related to work and daily life. However, Dafa opened up my wisdom. My confidence grew as I continued to memorize the Fa. I purchased used laptops to access the Minghui website, downloaded files, audio and video materials, and familiarized myself with various computer operations. I began installing computer systems and practiced using the toolbox to install Windows 10. Once I was good at it, I helped other practitioners by replacing the old hard drives on their computers and solving technical problems.

I learned and resolved various issues, such as Internet connectivity, replacing missing driver programs, fixing malfunctioning keyboards, as well as hard drive detection problems after installing solid-state drives. I usually send righteous thoughts, and other practitioners reminded me to look inward, I analyze the problem using the principles of Dafa, and find the root cause in my xinxing. Master gives me the wisdom to systematically troubleshoot the issues. If it was a software-related problem, after clearing away interference with righteous thoughts, I usually achieved good results.

Saving People

Local practitioners have been going from towns to rural areas for 20 years. Truth-clarification materials have been spread across every corner of every urban and rural area.

I thought about going to the provincial capital city to clarify the truth about Dafa. Although there were practitioners around, a big city naturally has a higher population density. Once, after I finished handing out materials in a residential area, I heard an elderly person pointing to one of our posters on the electric meter box in the corridor, saying: “Falun Dafa has returned! Look how eye-catching it is!”

On another occasion, as I posted “Falun Dafa is Good” stickers on the second floor of a building, there was a loud “clang” sound, and a flash shot out from the window. Instantly, all the lights in the entire building lit up from the first to the eighth floor. I realized that this was the energy field of Dafa destroying evil elements. As I left the area, I looked back and saw that the name of the community was “Heavenly Lit Community.”

Last July, I went to the city to clarify the truth and encountered a heavy rainstorm. There was no one on the streets, and the sky was dark. Despite the pouring rain, I went from one unit to another, posting Dafa materials. I left my umbrella on the window sill of each unit, affixed posters, and inserted Dafa brochures behind the couplets on each door. I distributed materials from the first floor to the eighth floor. I was in a joyful mood, feeling light as a swallow. After more than 2 hours, I finished distributing 400 pieces of informational materials, brochures, and 80 posters.

On the way back in a shared taxi, there were two students sitting with me, a boy and a girl. I said, “You two are not ordinary people.” They were puzzled, and I continued, “You are the heavenly boy and girl who descended to the mortal world.”

They laughed. I proceeded to tell them the truth about Dafa, starting from traditional culture, emphasizing filial piety at home and honesty in society. I talked about the law of cause and effect, the consequences of good and evil deeds, and then discussed government corruption and social chaos. I explained the tyranny of the CCP, including the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square massacre, the persecution of Falun Dafa, the Tiananmen Square self-immolation hoax, and the significance of quitting the CCP.

They listened and expressed their astonishment. As we were about to leave, I said, “To be saved and stay safe, remember ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ and quit the CCP.” The girl said, “I’m a Youth League member, my last name is Li.” The boy said, “I’m also a Youth League member, my last name is Tong.” They used their real names to quit the youth league.

I thank Master for paving the way for us to return to heaven. In this critical moment in eternity, I will firmly grasp Master’s hand, assist in rectifying the Fa, fulfill my vows, and return home with Him.