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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] A Smooth Experience Clarifying the Facts to a Shop Owner and Her Customer

May 20, 2024 |   By Qinglian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) A few days before the 2024 Chinese New Year, I went to a general store to buy some goods. The owner was chatting with a customer. After I bought a few things, I asked if they had heard about the movement to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations, and I told them that it would bring them blessings. The customer laughed and I could see from his facial expression that he didn’t agree with me.

He said, “What do you want me to believe? Tragedy still happened after I read your flyer and recited the auspicious phrases.” He went into detail and said that while he and his younger brother were working at a construction site, a practitioner clarified the truth to them. They read the flyer and recited the phrases. But later an accident happened. His brother was killed and he lost a leg.

As he told us the story, he was buried in grief, and I sympathized with him. I told him that everyone’s situation is different because everyone has different amount of karma. I then told some stories in history about how good was rewarded and evil punished. He agreed that many things have gone wrong in modern society. The owner joined the conversation, saying how moral values are rapidly declining and lead to many social problems.

We broke the ice and had a good conversation. I knew it was time to help them quit the CCP. They were hesitant, so I told them it was utterly important for people to position themselves in the right place in history. Suddenly Master’s teaching came to mind, and I read it out to them:

“When people show the appropriate respect and reverence toward Dafa as it manifests here in this world, they, their race, or their nation will enjoy blessings or honor.” (“On Dafa,” Zhuan Falun)

They looked stunned, as if they suddenly realized something important. I said to them, “When you recite the auspicious phrases, follow the principles, and become a good person with good health, isn’t this good fortune? Your children treat you well, isn’t this good fortune? You live a happy life, isn’t this good fortune?” At that moment I felt that my wisdom was emerging. Master was encouraging me and strengthening me.

I also explained to them how the CCP staged the Tiananmen self-immolation incident to incite hatred against Falun Dafa. Once they understood the evilness of the CCP, they readily quit, and thanked me. I said that they should thank Master Li.

That day was the best moment of my clarifying the truth, and I was surprised how smooth it went. This experience made me realize that studying the Fa well was very important, as Master repeatedly tells us. The Fa can convince people and wake up their knowing sides. People with predestined relationships with Dafa are still waiting for Master’s salvation, and we need to find them.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)