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A Young Practitioner’s Reflections After a Painful Break-Up

May 19, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I'm in my mid-20s. Six months ago, I was callously dumped by my girlfriend of four years.

She broke up with me over the phone, and it hit me so hard that I was curled up on the ground crying. I kept asking her, “Why are you abandoning me?” She said coldly, “I don’t like you anymore.” Her last words to me were, “I don’t care about you,” and then she disappeared from my life.

I did not expect things to end like that. During our relationship, we made promises to each other, and we had reached the stage of making marriage plans. I didn’t do anything that would hurt her. The sudden change was difficult to accept, but it was reality.

The aftermath of the breakup was hard to endure, and I often fell into bouts of depression and was in emotional pain. I talked to a therapist who said, “It’s all about love; it is hard to get through, but you have to.”

I suddenly understood that maybe Master Li was using other people to help me understand why this happened. How could such a colossal tribulation be accidental? 

Master told us:

“Human beings acquire many notions in this world and are, as a consequence, driven by them to pursue what they yearn for. But when a person comes to this world, it is karmic arrangements that determine his course of life and what will be gained and lost in it. How could a person’s notions determine each stage of his life? So those “beautiful dreams and wishes” become pursuits that can never be realized, despite being painful attachments.” (“Towards Consummation,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

Cultivating in delusion, I could not see the karmic relationship behind this event, so I could only move forward by relying on my faith in Master Li. I told myself that after a certain period of cultivation, there would be a test of whether I could distinguish true from false. I realized I must firmly believe in Master and never waver.

During this period, reading Master’s two new articles also helped to clear my thinking. Some things are destined to be fruitless from the beginning. Consummation is the goal, and to that end, cultivation is the only crucial thing in my life.

After some calm reflection, I realized that love is like a fleeting illusion. Looking back on our years together, I had no idea I was so deeply involved. I even said to myself that if I lost her, I would never marry anyone else. I even thought that after we reached enlightenment in the future, we would visit each other’s worlds often.

Now I see that it's all just a matter of not letting go of sentimentality. I realized that at this critical moment I was using “human attachments, human notions, and human emotions” to measure problems, which is is not in line with a cultivator’s standard. (Stay Far Away From Peril)

She said she was super into me when we first met. When we finally broke up, it ended with, “I don’t like you anymore.”

Sentimentality is an unreliable thing, and there are so many things that are not worth a cultivator's effort to pursue. Only by cultivating to consummation can one attain real and true eternal happiness, which was also my intention when I first started the practice.

I don’t even know who my family members this life were in their past lives or who they will be in the future. An old saying goes, “Nothing can be taken away; only karma remains with you.” Even relatives are passersby, like a few people sharing a house and going their separate ways at dawn. So what is there that can’t be let go?

Master has left a part of our human heart to us so that we can live and cultivate among humans and save others, and never for us to magnify it or even get caught up in it. At critical moments, we must handle things with righteousness, not with “human attachments, human notions, and human emotions.” Only then can we be true cultivators; can we let Master worry about us less; can we assist Master in rectifying the Fa.

Dafa cultivation is the most serious thing there is. I am basically over the hurdle now. In the future, I may have a girlfriend or get married, but now, I am taking this situation lightly and will not let it affect my cultivation anymore.