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When I Thought My Life Was Over, Falun Dafa Rescued Me

May 17, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner Xiaoying

(Minghui.org)  Whenever I recall the circumstances that allowed me to obtain Dafa, gratitude rises from my heart. I can not help but thank Master and Dafa over and over!

At the age of forty, I began to experience difficulty urinating; sometimes, I couldn't urinate for six or seven hours. One day I woke up early, and my head and face were swollen, my eyes were so swollen you could only see a slit, and when I pressed on my calves and feet it left impressions. I was terrified and rushed to the hospital, I was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome.

Four days before the New Year, most patients were discharged home. I was the only one left there. I had an IV from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m. Because I couldn't urinate, I had to be catheterized regularly. After more than an hour, my lower abdomen gradually swelled up again, and I had to be catheterized again. It went on and on. I felt so helpless.

I was hospitalized for twenty days, but nothing changed; the lab results looked the same. If the situation continued, it would develop into uremia, and then I would need dialysis. Looking at the dialysis room at the end of the corridor, a group of patients entered listlessly. After four or five hours of dialysis, they became energetic, but only for a day or two. They had to go in again on the third day. Severe patients had to undergo dialysis three times a week, to sustain life. Watching them coming in and out, I knew clearly that this was my future.

At that time, my aunt, who practices Falun Dafa, said to me: Only Falun Dafa’s Master can save your life! She taught me to sincerely recite, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good," and she also gave me Master's lecture audios to listen to. 

Master's voice was kind and nourished my heart, and tears flowed down my face. I had a dream one night after that, and I saw a beam of red light shining directly in my face from above the door. When I woke up, I was able to urinate.

Since then, I have been healthy, and I have never had any symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, and it has been over 13 years now. I am healthy and full of energy! I am so grateful to Master for giving me a second life!

Having witnessed the miracle that happened to me, my husband and mother also began practicing Falun Dafa.