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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Compassion Can Melt Ice

May 17, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) [Editor’s note: Nowadays, people think that being a good person is stupid, but in fact it is not. People may appear to get away with deception, robbery, prostitution, and theft for a short time, but in the long run, retribution will follow. Only by being a good person can one reap long-term rewards. Especially during natural disasters, people with high morals are the ones God is willing to protect.]

Greetings Compassionate Master!Greetings fellow practitioners,

I am 72 years old and started cultivating Falun Dafa in 1998. Before I practiced, I had been plagued by illnesses with no hope of recovering my health. In the midst of my suffering, I was fortunate to encounter Falun Dafa. I was able to continue to live in this world. I am grateful to Master for saving me and giving me the opportunity to cultivate.

Obtaining Dafa in Despair, My Life Became Bright

Before I obtained the Fa, I suffered from bronchitis, asthma, sinus tachycardia, lumbar disc herniation, arthritis, nephritis, atrophic gastritis, and insufficient blood supply to the brain. I would often go into shock. I sought medical advice everywhere, but my condition did not improve at all. I was then diagnosed with uterine fibroids, which then developed on my ovaries sometime after having surgery and became cancerous.

The most painful thing was the bronchitis asthma. The violent coughing kept me out of breath. Especially at night, I couldn’t lie down. As soon as I lay down, I would cough violently and had to immediately sit up. One night, I looked up at the night sky and cried out in my heart: “God, why is my life so hard?” I spent countless sleepless nights like this in pain. I felt desperate in this endless suffering from illnesses.

Just when I was desperate and on the verge of death, a colleague came to see me, and told me, “I practiced Falun Gong and my illness was cured.” I finally had a glimmer of hope to live. The next day, she took me to a Fa-study site to watch a video of Master’s teachings. Master’s great compassion embraced me. I had never felt so comfortable, so happy. I listened to Master’s lecture with tears in my eyes.

I slept soundly that night. When I woke up in the morning, my heart was blooming with the rising sun, and my painful and depressed moods disappeared. A long-lost smile returned to my face. I cried out from the bottom of my heart, “I have a Master! I’m saved!” I looked up at the portrait of Master, and I couldn’t help crying: “Master! I have struggled with this suffering for most of my life. Today I’ve found you! I want to cultivate with you to the end.”

Persevering in Cultivation During the Persecution

After less than half a year of cultivating, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa. In order to speak fairly for Dafa and to restore Master’s reputation, I went to Beijing with several fellow practitioners. We called out “Falun Dafa is good” from our hearts. We were arrested by police and illegally detained. I went on a hunger strike to protest and was force-fed. Later, because my life was in danger, I was released and returned home.

In 2002, I was arrested for posting truth-clarification information and illegally sentenced to three years in prison. I was persecuted in the Provincial Women’s Prison. My division was the most vicious one in the women’s prison. Because I refused to be “transformed,” I endured all kinds of torture. I was watched by two prisoners every day. My movements were restricted, and I was often beaten by the two prisoners who were assigned to watch me. 

At first, I had a grudge against them, but I later got rid of it. Prisoner Amei was a team leader so I told her the truth. I said, “Dafa practitioners eat and live with you every day, do any of us have bad behavior? Don’t be a gun for others, you beat and curse us, will the Communist Party bear this karma for you? Good and evil are rewarded, you will have to bear it yourself.” Because I often told her the truth compassionately and treated her nicely from the bottom of my heart, her evil deeds were reined in and she stopped beating me.

Prisoner Beihua was in charge of watching me. She was very vicious. I’m the age of her mother, but she didn’t show any mercy when she beat me. Once for her birthday, I used the money my son had saved for me to buy her a roast chicken and a bottle of canned food at the prison supermarket. I said to her, “No matter what fate we have here, we know each other after all. Today is your birthday, so I bought you something. I wish you a happy birthday!” She said, “Oh my goodness. I beat you like this, why are you still buying me the delicious food?!” I said, “Dafa practitioners don’t hold grudges. We had no grievances in the past, no hatred. If you beat me, aren’t you being used? You don’t understand the truth. If you understood the truth, you wouldn’t beat me. You were deceived, and they are taking advantage of you.” She was so impressed by my sincerity that she stopped beating me after that.

Prison officer Cai was the most evil guard in the prison. Because I refused to be “transformed,” she beat me badly. But no matter how much I was beaten, I would not give in. I told her later, “I practiced Falun Gong because I was sick. If I didn’t practice Falun Gong, my life would have been over long ago.” When she had tried all her tricks, but saw that I remained determined, she left me alone.

During the three years of prison persecution, I put aside life and death to defend Dafa and did not succumb to the evil. Under the protection of Master, I got out of the black den with dignity.

Cultivating Myself and Inspiring My Family

The CCP persecuted Dafa and poisoned sentient beings with lies, causing the world to hate Dafa practitioners. I was sentenced for practicing Falun Gong. After I was persecuted, my friends ignored me and disappeared, and my relatives alienated me.

My husband was a soldier. I didn’t know much about him until after we got married. I found him to be a very selfish and irresponsible person. He had lost his parents when he was a child, and he had a lot of bad habits. After the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong began, he stood on the side of the Party. He destroyed Dafa books and Master’s portraits, and he beat me.

When I couldn’t maintain my xinxing, I also fought with him. I complained to him: “I have suffered countless hardships and sins with you all my life. You have not taken care of me. I’m now practicing Falun Gong, which has cured all my diseases, yet you’re coming to beat me.” 

During the three years I was wrongfully imprisoned, my husband didn’t visit me once. When I came home from prison, I saw a woman’s hair ornament in my husband’s bedroom. I knew he had been having an affair. I couldn’t stop crying.

My son got married while I was being persecuted in prison. My granddaughter was born shortly after I returned. We lived together at that time. I had to do all the housework and cook for the whole family. My daughter-in-law was very resistant to be near me because I practice Falun Gong. She didn’t do anything at home, and I washed her clothes. I had to cook according to her tastes. She didn’t even talk to me.

Because I had too much housework and too little time to study the Fa and practice, I felt a strong sense of resentment. I resented my husband for having an affair. I resented my daughter-in-law. I felt that my cultivation was very hard and tiring. I was communicating with a fellow practitioner once, and she said, “You haven’t let go of your feelings. He had an affair. No matter how bad he is, will it have an impact on your cultivation? Not only does it not affect it, but it is helping you eliminate karma, get rid of your attachments, and help you improve.” 

She reminded me to remember what Master said: 

“Whatever you experience during your cultivation—whether good or bad—is good, for it comes about only because you are cultivating.” (“To the Chicago Fa Conference,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

I made more effort to study the Fa. I tried to be kind to my husband from the bottom of my heart and take care of him. I cooked meals for him. I had cooked for him before, but at that time I did it with all kinds of strong resentment. Now I tried to treat him well from the bottom of my heart. He felt it, and he gradually changed. In his spare time, he took the initiative to chat with me and say something from his heart.

My daughter-in-law had never understood my Dafa cultivation, nor did she agree with Dafa. One day, with tears in her eyes, she said, “Mom, the doctor told me I have cervical cancer. I’m so scared. I’m still young, my children are still young, what can I do?” I comforted her and said, “Don’t be afraid, there is a way, you see that I have been practicing Falun Gong for more than 20 years, and I have never been sick. I have never taken medicine. You know all this. Even if you don’t cultivate, as long as you sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’, you will be able to turn evil into good fortune. Dafa is omnipotent.” 

Hearing this, she asked, “Will it work, if I recite it?” I replied, “It depends on whether you are sincere or not. Sincerity is spiritual.” At this time, there was a glimmer of hope on her face. She turned around and went to my room, folded her hands, stood in front of the Master’s portrait, and begged Master to save her. She told me that a week later she would go to the provincial cancer hospital for pathology tests and further diagnosis. I told her, “Don’t think about anything, just recite the phrases with all your heart. Everything will be okay.” She had faith in Dafa in her heart and kept reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

A week later, I received a call from my daughter-in-law from the provincial capital. She happily told me, “The pathology results are in, and everything is normal.” When she came back in the evening, she told me that as soon as she left home in the morning, she began to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ and she also asked her teenage daughter to help her recite the phrases with her. She told her daughter, “Your grandmother said that I should sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ and I will definitely be fine. This is my last straw. Help your mother and recite the phrases!” She recited on the way to the hospital. Now my daughter-in-law is in very good health. She is infinitely grateful to Master for saving her life.

Tornado Does Not Destroy His House

I grew up in the countryside, and many of my relatives are in the countryside. Because I was persecuted for practicing Falun Gong, they all alienated me. They said bad things about me behind my back. In their eyes, I was an anomaly, an undesirable person.

My uncle and aunt had no children. When I visited them in the countryside a few years ago, I told them the truth about Dafa and told them that Falun Gong teaches people to be good and that practitioners were innocent and persecuted by the Party. At that time, it was the most serious period of the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong. Some relatives got together to talk about my Falun Gong practice. Because they were poisoned by the lies of the Party, they made negative comments about Dafa and me. Whenever this happened, my aunt and uncle would stop them and say, “Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t know the situation. Falun Gong must be good. If it is not good, she [referring to me] is not stupid, why would she practice it?” The two elders have always had righteous thoughts about Dafa.

Once their village was hit by a tornado. People panicked and ran into their houses. Some people closed their windows, and some people couldn’t close them before the tornado reached them. They heard the wind howling outside, and a deafening sound of “click, crackle” everywhere. After the wind blew through, people walked outside and saw a horrific scene. Trees were uprooted, roofs had been lifted onto the ground, and twisted iron sheets from roofs were everywhere. Some of the timber from the houses blew into the neighboring villages. Some people were sucked out of their windows by the tornado and broke their ribs. Some suffered other types of injuries.

My uncle’s home was the first one located at the west end of the village. His home was made up of two dilapidated thatched houses. The tornado came from the west. The miraculous thing was that the tornado blew toward his house and then suddenly turned. It avoided his house and ran over the whole village. The tornado blew other people’s reinforced concrete and brick houses into tatters and made a mess. Only the thatched huts at my uncle’s house remained intact. He believed that Dafa had protected the good people.

Many of my relatives had a very bad attitude toward Dafa. I told myself that I had to save them. I often visited them in the countryside. When relatives came to the city to see a doctor or be hospitalized, I went to help them and gave them money and things when they were short of money. I cooked and delivered food to them in the hospital. I also told them the truth about Dafa. Every time I went to the countryside, I brought them truth-clarification materials. 

One of my cousins had been the head of the village, and everyone in the family listened to him, so I worked on him. I gave him both a DVD player and the truth-clarification USB flash drive and asked him to take a good look. I told him that he would understand everything after reading it. He really took a good look at it. After reading it, he understood it all. When I went to visit him again, he asked me for more information.

He has three sons. As soon as his children returned, he gave each of them a Dafa booklet and told them, “This was given by your aunt. At all times, you need to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’” When the CCP virus (COVID-19) pandemic came, he made a round of phone calls and told his children: “Hurry up and read the phrases.” His children were blessed.

My brother and sister-in-law refused to listen to me a few years ago. They also created obstacles to others’ salvation. Three years ago, my sister-in-law fell off a ladder and fractured her spine. Since there was no one to accompany her, my brother called me to take care of her.

When I went to the hospital, my sister-in-law’s eyes were swollen from crying, so I asked, “What’s wrong?” My sister-in-law cried and said, “Sister, I broke my spine.” She told me what had happened, and then said, “I can’t stand the pain anymore, I can’t stand it anymore.” I said, “It’s fine.” She said, “What should I do?” I said, “If you believe what I tell you, you can recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ and you will soon be healthy.” She said, “Is that possible?” I said, “Yes. Look at me, I haven’t been sick for more than 20 years through the practice. You know what I used to be like. Your minor problem will pass. You should start to recite the phrases now.” She agreed. 

In the evening, I told her, “Call me when you need to go to the bathroom, I’ll help you. Don’t fall.” As a result, she went to the bathroom three times in the evening by herself and didn’t ask me for help. Later, she said, “The pain is gone, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” The next day, my sister-in-law had no pain at all.

The whole community knew that she had broken her back. Many people came to visit her. An old lady, who also had an injury like my sister-in-law, said she had pain all the time. The old lady asked my sister-in-law, “Do you hurt?” My sister-in-law said no. The old lady asked, “Why don’t you hurt after only two days?” My sister-in-law said, “My eldest sister-in-law told me to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,’ and I recovered. You should recite the phrases too!” The old lady followed her suggestion and recovered in a few days. Through this incident, my brother’s attitude also changed. He no longer hates Dafa and no longer treats me the way he used to.

One of my cousins had disagreed with Dafa for many years. She didn’t talk to me, just like an enemy. Last year, her children came to the city for school. She came to accompany them. They rented a house but didn’t have any furniture or houseware, so I helped her. I took care of her in every way. Later, she said to me, “Oh, big sister! In the past, because you practiced Falun Gong, I always hated you. But these days, I find you’re so good! You care about me as much as my mother.” She was impressed by the kindness and morality of Dafa practitioners, and she wholeheartedly agreed that Dafa was good.

Now, these relatives of mine have understood the truth of Dafa. They have been saved by feeling the kindness of Dafa practitioners through my constant truth-clarification and nice actions. Kindness can melt ice, and goodness can change everything.

Everything I have today is given by Dafa. I am willing to become like real gold, assimilate to the light of the Fa, and illuminate others. Thank you again, Revered Master! Thank you Falun Dafa!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa on Minghui.org)