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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Searching for Falun Dafa

May 15, 2024 |   By Xiang Guangming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I worked for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) before I retired. Due to the stress of work and the uncertainty in the political environment, I became seriously ill and had a gastrectomy.

After the surgery, I developed ulcers in my mouth; it was excruciating to try to eat. I had to drink paste made from lotus root powder. It wasn’t easy to urinate or move my bowels. My vision was also blurry. All my adult children lived elsewhere, and my wife had passed away. My life was a daily struggle.

To ease my pain, I often went out for a walk. One day in 2010, I saw a message on a light pole. I went closer and saw, written in chalk all around the pole, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa!” The handwriting was beautiful, and I read the words several times. “Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa!” I kept thinking about that. Did that mean it was cultivation? I thought, “I should cultivate the righteous Fa, but where would I find it?”

Our generation has lived through all the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) political campaigns. I know how can it change overnight and turn anyone into an enemy of the state. Deception, corruption, and cover-ups are rampant in the system. I had lost hope long ago and couldn’t see a way out. I actually considered becoming a monk and wondered which temple should I go to.

A few days later, someone put a flier in my bicycle basket. It was a real eye-opener: there was a detailed description of Falun Dafa and examples of people who’d recovered from diseases by sincerely reciting “Falun Dafa is good Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I was so happy that I didn’t think it was a coincidence. I began reciting the auspicious phrases right away.

I recited them whenever I could. One week later, a miracle happened: I suddenly started having regular bowel movements and was able to eat! I was convinced that I was really well, and I believed that this was the power of reciting the auspicious phrases!

I was eager to learn more about Falun Dafa and thought there should be books for me to read. I asked around but couldn’t find any. I thought, “Maybe my heart isn’t pure and sincere enough; if it was, maybe the books would find me.”

Several days later, another miracle happened! I was walking in the park when a bicycle suddenly stopped in front of me. It was my manager, and his wife was sitting in the back seat.

“What a coincidence!” I said. “What brings you two here?”

“We were looking for you. We don’t have your address but figured you lived nearby.”

His wife said she’d heard I was looking for information about Falun Dafa and she believed it was Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, who arranged our encounter. “I was seriously ill,” she said, “and the doctor told me that I only had three months to live. But since practicing Falun Dafa. I have become healthy without any problems. We want to let you know the good news. I can’t believe we met you here in the park!”

I went to their home and finally got a copy of the long-anticipated book Zhuan Falun. They also helped me quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

As soon as I returned home, I started to read it. But there was a significant problem: my vision was blurry. I refused to give up and used a magnifying glass to read. It took me ten days to finish reading Lecture One. By the time I reached Lecture Four, my vision had recovered and was normal.

I was eager to read the book and immersed myself in the boundless teachings of Dafa. Nothing else matters much to me; only Master Li can save me from my suffering. I use headphones to listen to the teachings wherever I go.

One day, I had two different visions. In one eye, I saw a foggy and gloomy world. In the other eye, it was a clear and bright dimension. I realized that Master had eliminated my enormous karma, and now I was given the opportunity to practice true cultivation! My gratitude was beyond words, and tears ran down my face.

It was such an incredible experience to be illness-free again. I did not take any medication or injections, and my illnesses were gone!

Hoping to help more people to benefit from Dafa, I went out like other practitioners to distribute materials, put up stickers, and distribute copies of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to friends, relatives, and former colleagues. Those who had lived through the CCP’s bloody political movements all said, “This Nine Commentaries is so well written; it’s wonderful!”

The first time I went to a public square to put up stickers, a warm current came down from the top of my head and poured all over my body. It was very comfortable. I knew Master was by my side to protect me. When I put up posters or handed out materials, I sometimes ran into people I knew, but I was very open about it and didn’t shy away.

Not long ago, I rode my bike several miles to the beach nearby. I didn’t feel tired, and when I went uphill, it felt as if I was being pushed. For a 75-year-old man like me, it was really amazing!

Dafa granted me a second life. There is no way I can repay Master for his saving grace. I will study the Fa well, cultivate solidly, and not let the Master down.

Thank you, Master!

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)