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Finland: Celebrating May 13 World Falun Dafa Day in Helsinki

May 13, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Finland

(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024 is the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public and the 25th anniversary of World Falun Dafa Day. Dafa practitioners in Finland celebrated World Falun Dafa Day in the city center of Finland’s capital, Helsinki.

It was a sunny day and the streets were filled with people. Practitioners hung colorful balloons and put up banners with information about Falun Dafa. The banners really stood out under the bright sunshine. They also displayed photos that showed how Falun Dafa spread from China to the world. Anna Kokkonen, a Finnish singer, came to the event and sang and played a song she composed. A Chinese practitioner played music on a traditional gourd flute. Some practitioners sang songs, including “Falun Dafa Is Good” in chorus.

After the performances, practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises accompanied by melodious music. Several children stopped and began to follow along with the practitioners in doing the exercises. Many passersby stopped and watched. They read the brochures and learned the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution happening in China. Some signed the petition to support practitioners’ effort in calling to end the persecution. When they were told about Falun Dafa’s universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, one person said, “I think the same way.” Another affirmed, “These are very precious values.”

Anna Kokkonen performs during the World Falun Dafa Day celebration in Helsinki.

A practitioner plays the gourd flute.

Practitioners sing “Falun Dafa Is Good” in chorus.

Practitioners demonstrated the five Falun Dafa exercises.

People sign a petition calling for an end to the persecution in China

A group of tourists from Sweden were very curious about the event. They came to the booth and watched the performances. They were shocked by how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) severely violates human rights. A woman said that when she heard how practitioners are killed for their organs, she realized that, “China is building a bank of organs. I cannot believe what they’ve done.” She said that she would “forever support righteous endeavors in support of human rights.”

One Swedish man said he was especially interested in Chinese ancient history, in particular Taoism and traditional Chinese beliefs. He was very sympathetic when he heard how practitioners in China suffer in prison, and he immediately signed the petition. Before he left, he thanked practitioners for giving him a beautiful paper lotus flower, and said that he enjoyed talking with practitioners.

Tourists from Sweden sign the petition that calls for the persecution to end

A family from Serbia stopped and watched practitioners as they did the exercises. They took the brochures and talked with practitioners. After listening to a practitioner describe the persecution of Falun Dafa in China, the man told them how Serbia is influenced by the CCP. They told practitioners that they saw many Chinese people in Serbia informing people about the CCP’s crimes of violating human rights, during an event similar to today’s event. The entire family agreed very much that people who do bad things will eventually be punished. They thanked practitioners multiple times for telling them about the persecution. As they left the father said that what practitioners explained deeply touched him and brought tears to his eyes. He encouraged practitioners to persevere.

A family from Serbia signs the petition to support calling for an end to the persecution.

Anna-Lea and her friend noticed the event and talked to practitioners. “Everyone should have freedom of speech,” Anna-Lea said. She thought what the CCP does is unlawful and violates human rights. “Organ harvesting is scary and sounds terrible,” she said. She continued, “It’s not surprising that the Chinese government harvests organs. The information is blocked in China. Organ harvesting is simply the undermining of human rights at a deeper level.” Her friend agreed, “This is really sad! The CCP controls the media, and controls everything.” When leaving, one of the women said, “We hope you succeed. We hope that you get a lot of signatures and affect more Chinese people.”

Helsinki resident Liisa is a researcher. While signing the petition she said, “The Chinese Communist Party is not China. I hope China becomes strong and Chinese people have freedom of speech.”

Practitioners also shared their appreciation for Master Li, Falun Dafa’s founder. One practitioner said, “Before I began practicing I thought I was a very good person. I thank Falun Dafa for helping me realize my shortcomings and dark side, and I do my best to eliminate them.” Another practitioner said, “Falun Dafa helped me become a better person. I have become more peaceful in interacting with people, and more brave and optimistic while facing challenges in life.”