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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] “Thank Heavens, We Have Falun Dafa in China!”

May 12, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Sichuan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997, and I’m 55 this year. I would like to share a few stories about Chinese people expressing their support for Dafa.

My Encounter with a University Profession

At a community farmers’ market, I saw an elderly man picking discarded vegetable leaves, filling several bags. I asked him, “Why are you picking so many vegetable leaves?”

“I’m taking them back to feed the chickens, ducks, and rabbits.” He told me with a smile.

“How do you manage to carry so many bags?” I asked again, “It’s nothing. I can easily carry a few more bags.” He said, and I gave him a big thumbs up.

Then I said to him, “The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t over yet, and there are natural disasters one after another these days.” He nodded. I continued, “Let me tell you a secret to stay away from the misfortune. Please remember ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ These auspicious phrases can bring you good luck and help you avoid disasters.”

“So, you are a Falun Dafa practitioner?” He looked at me in surprise.

“Yes, I practice Falun Dafa. Are you familiar with Falun Dafa?” I asked him.

“Yes, I am. I received your information a few years ago.” He told me. “Who would believe that propaganda [smearing Falun Gong] on TV?! Only the brainless do.”

He straightened up his back and said to me, “When will you Falun Dafa people defeat the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)? If needed, I will be in the front with a gun to take down the CCP!”

I laughed and said, “We have no interest in politics. We just want to stop the persecution and we want to tell people how to avoid dangers and stay safe. Over 80 million Chinese people have died in the CCP’s various political movements. The divine will put this evil Party to an end eventually. Those who are associated with it would perish with it. If you have joined the CCP before, I can help you quit it and you will be safe when it’s gone.”

“I have joined the CCP and its affiliated organizations,” he said, “I’m actually a college professor, and I probably joined the CCP before you were born. I no longer want to have anything to do with it. It’s a real shame to be part of it.”

“You’re a very sensible gentleman.” I said to him, “I will certainly help you quit the CCP. At the same time, please keep in mind the phrases ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’”

“Very good,” he said happily.

“Would you also like to read more of our materials? After you read them, you may also pass them to your relatives and friends. This would bring you immeasurable merit too.”

He wiped his hands on his clothes and took the materials with both hands with a smile on his face, putting them in his backpack, “I will read them carefully. These things do not come easily.”

As I was leaving, he asked me if I had any DVDs about Falun Dafa. I happened to have given out all the DVDs I had. So I offered to give him the materials after the New Year. He asked if he could have it earlier, so that he could watch it before the Chinese New Year and then share it with his friends when they met during the holiday.

I felt bad about myself that he was more eager than me. We agreed to meet again at the next market day. On that day, he came very early to wait for me. He took the materials and kept thanking me.

“Thank Heavens, We Have Falun Dafa in China!”

On another market day, while I was buying some vegetables, a woman asked me, “Does this vegetable taste good?”

“Yes, it’s very delicious.” I said. I told her how to prepare it. She was very happy and we started chatting as we walked together.

“Do you know anything about Falun Dafa?” I asked her.

“I’ve known Falun Dafa for a long time. Years ago, Falun Dafa practitioners were everywhere in our area and there were many of them doing meditation in the big park next to my home. The scene was quite spectacular,” she said.

She then said something that surprised me, “We are very grateful to Falun Dafa! Thank heavens we have Falun Dafa in China and there are so many people practicing it, otherwise this country would have fallen long ago. Thanks to Falun Dafa, we can still manage amal life.”

She continued, “Jiang Zemin was evil, very bad. Some people say that Falun Dafa is not good, but I would say it is very good. If it hadn’t been for Falun Dafa, we would not even be here today. Falun Dafa is very righteous. Only bad people are fearful of it because they have a guilty conscience and evil intentions.”

“You are really clear-headed!” I said. “You will be blessed for what you have just said.”

I asked her if she had joined the CCP in the past, and if she had, she’d better withdraw from it.

She told me she had joined the Young Pioneers and the Youth League when she was young.

“I can help you quit those organizations with a pseudonym.” She agreed. I also gave her more materials. She was really happy to receive them.

Incapacitated Man Able to Move His Arm after Reciting Falun Dafa Phrases

One day, I saw a tall man walking in front of me, with awkward limbs. I asked him what was wrong with his limbs.

“I had a stroke five years ago. Now I still can’t control my hands and feet. I’ve seen many doctors, but they couldn’t help much. Look, I still can’t bend or straighten this arm.” He said, showing much frustration.

“Don’t worry. I can help you,” I said.

“You are kidding. Even doctors could not help me. What can you do?!”

“Well, if you recite ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ sincerely, you will be able to bend your arm again.”

I looked at his eyes and encouraged him, “Come on, recite the phrases with me.” I also showed him how to move his arm with me while reciting the phrases.

He seemed convinced and started reciting the phrases with me. After reciting them ten times, he was able to move his arm. He was so happy and amazed.

I also urged him to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. And he agreed. He was also very happy when I offered him informational materials. about Falun Gong and copies of Master’s new articles ‘How Humankind Came To Be' and ‘Why Save Sentient Beings’

Seeing just how eagerly people are waiting to be saved, I said to myself: I must do better in clarifying the truth and save more people so that I would be worthy of Master’s compassionate salvation!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)