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Michigan, USA: State Senator Issues a Special Tribute to Commemorate World Falun Dafa Day

May 11, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Michigan

(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024, is the 25th World Falun Dafa Day and the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public. Mark E. Huizenga, State Senator, issued a special tribute to commemorate World Falun Dafa Day.

Special Tribute from State Senator Mark E. Huizenga

The Special Tribute reads, in part:

“LET IT BE KNOWN, that it is a pleasure and a privilege to honor the 32nd World Falun Dafa Day on May 13, 2024. This day marks a significant milestone in recognizing the immeasurable contributions Falun Dafa has made to individuals worldwide, including here in Michigan.”

“On this occasion, we commend the dedication of Falun Dafa practitioners across Michigan, who tirelessly organize free mediation classes and participate in community events, enriching the lives of those around them. Their efforts towards a peaceful resolution to the persecution faced by Falun Gong practitioners in China are commendable and worthy of recognition.

“IN SPECIAL TRIBUTE, therefore, this document is signed and dedicated to commemorate the 25th World Falun Dafa Day. We extend our deepest appreciation for the positive impact Falun Dafa has made in Michigan and beyond, and we stand in solidarity with practitioners worldwide in upholding fundamental human rights and freedoms. May this day serve as a reminder of the enduring spirit of truth, compassion, and tolerance that Faun Dafa embodies.”