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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Glowing Words on a Falun Dafa Poster and Book

May 10, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I had only read Zhuan Falun once when the persecution began in July 1999. For fear of being persecuted, I didn’t continue practicing.

In June 2003, as I walked along passing a street, I saw a small poster on the wall with glowing words that said “Falun Dafa is a righteous practice.” I was very surprised, as I had never seen words that could emit strong light. I took the poster down from the wall and took it home. I wanted to cherish it forever.

But then I thought, the poster was put there by another practitioner for the general public to see. I shouldn’t keep it in my personal possession. I put the poster back where it was and decided to put up more posters myself.

I found the copy of Zhuan Falun I still had at home. I was surprised to see that the characters in the line I was reading stood out and emitted bright light! This happened with every line I read until I finished reading the book a few days later.

I never experienced anything so miraculous when I was growing up. It happened when I was in a very clear state of mind. I know it’s real and not a dream. I was amazed by the supernatural power of Dafa. I also knew that I’ve obtained the Fa and that Master is taking care of me. I should genuinely practice Dafa and follow Master back to my true home.

I contacted a practitioner I knew. She told me the facts about the Tiananmen self-immolation hoax. Only then did I realize that it was staged by the communist regime to incite hatred against Dafa and justify the persecution.

I was appalled and it made me more determined to speak up for Dafa. I hope that people can learn the facts and stop believing the lies of the communist regime. My heart is full of gratitude to Master Li.

(Selected from submissions for World Falun Dafa Day celebration on Minghui.org)