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Additional Persecution News from China – April 28, 2024 (12 Reports)

May 10, 2024

(Minghui.org) Today’s news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 11 cities or counties in 7 provinces, where at least 29 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Luo Guolong Arrested
2. [Xupu County, Hunan Province] Several Practitioners Arrested
3. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhou Yuelian Arrested
4. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Jin Baochun Arrested
5. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Sun Jian Taken to a Detention Center
6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Ding Dongmei Subpoenaed
7. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Duan Harassed
8. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Several Practitioners Harassed
9. [Bazhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Meng Xiangfeng and Zhang Harassed
10. [Gao’an City, Jiangxi Province] Mr. Chen Hongmao’s Home Ransacked
11. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Fengwei Held in a Detention Center
12. [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

1. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Luo Guolong Arrested

Mr. Luo Guolong from Ciyu Village, Yinjia Township, Shenbei New Area, was preparing to plant corn with his family on April 24, 2024, when three men in civilian clothes arrived in a car. They said they were from the Shenbei New Area Police Department. They rummaged around and finally found Falun Gong books in a suitcase, took pictures, and took the books. They arrested Mr. Luo.

Mr. Luo was taken to Shenbei New Area Detention Center.

2. [Xupu County, Hunan Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

Xupu County 610 Office director Zheng Zhongbing and Domestic Security Division head Xia Haofeng personally directed officers from the county police department and police stations around 10 a.m. on April 24, 2024, to arrest practitioners Yang Lanying, Mao Yanping, Wang Juying, Shu Qiuju, Zhang Yugui, Gao Xingqing, and Zhang Yuancui.

Zhang Yugui, Gao Xingqing, and Zhang Yuancui were released that day. Yang Lanying, Mao Yanping, Wang Juying and Shu Qiuju were held in the county detention center. On April 25, Yang Lanying, Mao Yanping, and Wang Juying were taken to the Huaihua City Detention Center. The authorities have been pressuring the practitioners and their families to sign guarantee statements.

3. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhou Yuelian Arrested

Ms. Zhou Yuelian from Xigu District was arrested at home by officers from the Anning District Domestic Security Division on April 19 or 20, 2024.

4. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Jin Baochun Arrested

Mr. Jin Baochun from the Wanghua District was arrested while talking to people about Falun Gong in the Nan’gou area on April 24, 2024. He returned home by 10:30 p.m. on April 25.

5. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Sun Jian Taken to a Detention Center

Mr. Sun Jian from Dongguo Town was arrested at his rented home in Jinzhou City, where he was doing odd jobs. He is being held in the Nanshan Detention Center in Jinzhou City.

6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Ding Dongmei Subpoenaed

Officers from the Zhoushuizi Police Station knocked on Ms. Ding Dongmei’s door around 7 p.m. on April 25, 2024. They came to knock on the door again around 8 a.m. the following morning. Ms. Ding’s family did not open the door.

Around 2 p.m. on April 26, three officers went to her husband’s store and showed him the surveillance video footage dated March 23 of someone distributing Falun Gong materials. They claimed that the person in the video was Ms. Ding. They took Ms. Ding’s husband to the couple’s home and ransacked the place, but did not find what they were looking for.

At 3:30 p.m. the officers obtained a summons and took Ms. Ding and her husband to the Zhoushuizi Police Station for interrogation. They took pictures of and fingerprints from the couple. They were released that night and returned home around 10 p.m. The officers also threatened Ms. Ding’s husband and told him to go to the police station on April 27 to sign a guarantee that his wife would not go out to distribute Falun Gong materials.

7. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Duan Harassed

Liu Jun, a management staff member of South Jincheng Community in Wanli Sub-district, Jinpu New Area, and others went to Ms. Duan’s home on April 23, 2024. They pressured her to sign a guarantee statement not to practice Falun Gong. They also wanted to take photos with their cell phones. Her son stopped them.

The next day, people from Jincheng Community called and harassed Ms. Duan’s son, asking him to sign on behalf of his mother. He firmly refused their demand.

8. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Several Practitioners Harassed

Officer Zhao from a police station in Dongcheng District in Bairin Left Banner drove a police car to find practitioners’ homes, asked for their whereabouts, harassed them, broke into their homes, and forcibly took pictures.

Practitioners known to have been harassed were Zheng Guizhi, Ma Honghui, Wang Xiaoyan, Li Yumei, Li Shengjun, and Li Yulan.

9. [Bazhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Meng Xiangfeng and Zhang Harassed

Six people from the 610 Office, Domestic Security Division, and police department went to Ms. Meng Xiangfeng’s home on the morning of April 15, 2024, to search the place. Ms. Meng was not at home at the time. They confiscated a set of Falun Gong books and a laptop. Around 7 p.m. on April 21, they went to Ms. Meng’s home again to see if she was there. Ms. Meng has since left home.

On April 17, the six people went to practitioner Zhang’s house. Zhang saw via the surveillance camera that they were knocking on the door but he or she did not open it. They hung around for half an hour before leaving.

10. [Gao’an City, Jiangxi Province] Mr. Chen Hongmao’s Home Ransacked

Mr. Chen Hongmao was followed for three days after he distributed Falun Gong materials and was later reported to the police. On the morning of March 3, 2023, Zhou Rui, deputy director of the Chengbei Police Station, led eight or nine officers and auxiliary officers to force their way into Mr. Chen’s home. They brought handcuffs. They did not present identification cards or paperwork. They ransacked the place. They confiscated Falun Gong books, photos of the founder of Falun Gong, a Falun diagram, CDs of Master’s lectures given in Dalian, Guangzhou, and Australia, Nine Commentaries, a laptop, audio players, MP3s, etc.

They took Mr. Chen to the police station for interrogation, taking pictures, and collecting various biometric information. It was not until 5 p.m. that Mr. Chen’s work unit was notified, which sent someone to take him home. During this period, Mr. Chen’s wife was also summoned and questioned, and she left for home promptly.

11. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Fengwei Held in a Detention Center

Ms. Li Fengwei, 56, from Longtaifuyuan Residential Community in Nanguan District was arrested at home by officers from the Yuanda Avenue Police Station in Erdao District on the morning of April 19, 2024. The officers confiscated a large number of personal belongings. Ms. Li was taken to Changchun City Fourth Detention Center that night.

12. [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

The director of the Daguanting Township Police Station and others in Cang County went to Ms. Ma Fengrong’s home in Guyue’an Village at 7 a.m. on April 17, 2024. They ransacked the place and confiscated a printer and a computer. They also wanted to rummage through the kitchen cabinets, but Ms. Ma and her son stopped them. Ms. Ma was taken to the police station and returned home on April 18.

At 7 a.m. on April 17, officer Ma Xin of the criminal team from Chenwei Village, Daguanting Township, Cang County, went to Ms. Li Wenjun’s home in Lusi Village, Daguanting Township. They saw that the gate of Ms. Li’s home was locked and left. Around 2 p.m. four people went to Ms. Li’s home. Even though the gate was locked, they carried a ladder and climbed over the wall to enter her home.

On April 17, Mr. Zhang Bingfeng and his wife in Daduozhuang Village, Cuierzhuang Town, Cang County, were digging trees in the field. Four people from the police station came and took Mr. Zhang away with them. When they arrived at Mr. Zhang’s home, they showed a search warrant and ransacked the place. Mr. Zhang’s daughter held books to her chest and refused to let go. The police station director grabbed her head, and two other people snatched the books from her. The officers then took Mr. Zhang to the police station. His family went there to ask for his release. He was not released until it turned dark.

Around 7 a.m. on April 17, Li Yongsheng and others, from Cang County Domestic Security Division and the police department, arrived at Ms. Jin Yue’s home in plain clothes. They broke in and looked for her. At that time, Ms. Jin’s three children had no yet got up. Then, several other people came in, started rummaging around, and took all the printers and boxes of print paper to the car. The officers wanted to take Ms. Jin away by force, but her mother-in-law stepped in front of her to protect her. An officer held Ms. Jin’s mother-in-law down with both hands. Several other officers rushed forward and took Ms. Jin out of her home. Her three children cried loudly. Ms. Jin returned home safely on April 25.