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Widowed in the Persecution of Falun Gong, Woman in Her 70s Convicted for Upholding Her Faith

May 10, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Sichuan Province, China

(Minghui.org) An elderly woman in Suining City, Sichuan Province, whose husband was beaten to death in 2001 has been sentenced herself for their shared faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Ms. Deng Zhongqin, in her 70s, was arrested on July 20, 2022, at her daughter’s store. Officers of the Chuanshan District Domestic Security Division and Zhenjiangsi Police Station were responsible for her arrest. 

Yang Shuai, the director of Chuanshan District Domestic Security Division, his subordinate Wang Huan, and a few more officers raided Ms. Deng and her daughter’s homes. Ms. Deng’s Falun Gong books, printer, some office supplies, memory cards, and calendars were confiscated. It’s not clear whether her daughter practices Falun Gong. Ms. Deng was released on bail in the afternoon.

The Chuanshan District Court held a hearing of Ms. Deng’s case in December 2023. The court staffers forced her to pay a 4,000 yuan fine on April 26, 2024, and announced to sentence her to one year with two years probation on April 29.

Husband Dies from Savage Beating Two Decades Ago

Mr. Xia Wei

Ms. Deng and her husband Mr. Xia Wei, then 56, were arrested on July 19, 2000, by officers of the Nanqiang Police Station. They were both taken to the Longping Brainwashing Center. 

Police officer Deng Xiaolin went to the brainwashing center around 7 p.m. and beat Mr. Xia. Even though Mr. Xia’s face was covered with blood and he collapsed on the ground, Deng still kicked him. They then pushed him and Ms. Deng into the police car and took them to the Laochi Township government building. Deng and community director Lu Guiying verbally abused him on the way. 

When Mr. Xia remained unconscious upon arrival at the Laochi Township government building, Deng shouted at him and accused him of pretending. 

Not wanting Mr. Xia to die in custody, the police released the couple the next day after extorting their daughter 2,000 yuan.

Upon returning home, Mr. Xia often vomited blood and felt dizzy and tight in his chest. His health kept declining, yet the police and government officials never stopped harassing him. During one harassment episode, as Mr. Xia and Ms. Deng weren’t home, the police arrested their daughter and son-in-law, beat them and questioned them about the whereabouts of the older couple. 

Mr. Xia passed away on November 12, 2001. He vomited a large amount of blood before his passing.

Ms. Deng’s Previous 2.5-Year Labor Camp Term

Ms. Deng was arrested again on the evening of April 28, 2002, while spraying messages about Falun Gong on utility poles. When the police was ransacking her home, her daughter and son-in-law, who lived with her, condemned them for persecuting their parents. In retaliation, the police handcuffed the younger couple and held them at the police station for three days. 

After over 70 days of detention at two facilities, Ms. Deng was given 2.5 years at the Nanmusi Women’s Forced Labor Camp. 

The labor camp guards relentlessly tortured the practitioners in order to force them to renounce their faith, including forcing them to stand, sit or squat for long hours. The practitioners were also deprived of sleep, shocked with electric batons, hung up, and handcuffed in excruciating positions. Other torture included force-feeding, drug administration, exposure to baking sun or low temperatures, sexual abuse, and denied restroom use.

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