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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] The Healing Power of Falun Dafa

May 10, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am an acupuncturist in a rural hospital. One day in October 1996, I was riding my bicycle to work when I collided with a motorcycle. My head hit the ground hard, causing an extracranial hematoma and a mild concussion. Later, I began to experience intermittent, irregular heartbeats and sometimes felt my heart swinging like a pendulum inside my chest.

A friend came to visit me and told me that many people had improved their health by practicing Falun Dafa. One of her children had a fever that would not go down with medicine, but he recovered by listening to Falun Dafa lectures. 

I was skeptical, but I still asked her to bring me a Falun Dafa book anyway. One week after reading the book, I stopped taking the medicine and went to a practice site.

Gradually, all my diseases disappeared, including rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, sinusitis, and heart disease. I was so happy.

Dafa also gave me wisdom. When patients described their symptoms, I naturally knew what to do, and the results were very good. My sincerity, kindness, and medical skills are highly regarded and trusted by my patients. They refer me to their family members and friends, and many people come from neighboring cities and counties to see me.

Because of their trust, I have successfully clarified the truth and persuaded them to leave the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its related organizations over the years. 

I keep some Dafa informational materials in my office. My patients can read them while they are being treated. Some have also taken the materials home to share with more people. Sometimes, I suddenly remembered someone I hadn’t seen in years and wanted to talk to that person, and then he or she came within a week, which was amazing. 

Below are some inspiring stories from my patients.

Recovered from Leg Paralysis

Winter in the Northeast is cold. The roads are often icy and very slippery. An elderly woman in her 70s fell and sat on the ground. Her leg pain worsened and she had difficulty walking. The MRI showed that her lumbar spine was severely misaligned and compressing the nerves. She went to a provincial hospital with better equipment. But after the bumpy ride home, she became completely paralyzed in her lower body. 

Her daughter-in-law was my patient and she told me about her situation. The elderly woman has four daughters and a son; after discussing it among themselves, they decided to forgo the surgery because of the high risk and take turns taking care of their mother. 

I visited the woman in the hospital. I touched her legs, but she couldn’t feel or move them. I told her about Falun Dafa and urged her to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I also shared many examples of people recovering from various illnesses by reciting the auspicious phrases. The elderly woman kept saying, “I believe it, I believe you. I enjoy listening to you.” I gave her daughters some informational material and asked them to read it to their mother. I also helped all of them quit the CCP and related organizations. 

Three months later, I learned that the woman was able to walk! She could do some light gardening work and shop for groceries herself in the spring. Her family was deeply grateful to Falun Dafa and Master!

Liver Tumor Disappeared

My neighbor, another woman in her 70s, knocked on my door one day and told me that she was having pain in her liver. She had fatty liver before and was concerned about her condition. I suggested that she come to my hospital for a liver ultrasound.

The ultrasound result showed that she had a tumor about six centimeters (nearly 2.4 inches) in diameter; I asked her son to take her to a big hospital with better equipment for consultation. Her son took her the next day, and she was diagnosed with liver cancer. 

I comforted her: “Do not be afraid. I have a way to help you. If you sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ you will be fine.” She agreed. She also asked me to help her quit the youth league she joined.

Whenever I met her in the neighborhood, I greeted her and encouraged her to continue reciting the auspicious phrases. When she had another ultrasound 7 months later, the result showed that her tumor was shrinking. And 11 months later, it was gone! Her joy was beyond words, and she kept thanking me. I told her, “You should thank Falun Dafa!” 

Recovered from End-Stage Breast Cancer

Wang was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002. She had surgery to remove her left breast, pectoral muscle, and surrounding lymph nodes.

In 2011, bead-like lymphoid masses the size of a quail’s egg appeared on both sides of her neck, above her collarbone bone, and under both armpits. 

When I met her, she was thin and had no appetite. Her face was dark. The doctor at the cancer hospital said that her cancer had metastasized into lymphoma and suggested comfort care. She was 78 that year. 

I told her how people recover from terminal illnesses by reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She started reciting the auspicious phrases every day. Gradually, her appetite returned, her facial complexion turned rosy, her tumor disappeared, and she recovered completely! She was deeply grateful for Dafa’s saving grace. 

Healed of Advanced Cervical Cancer

A hospital worker Wen was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Her life was hard; her husband had bilateral hip necrosis and was disabled. Her mother-in-law was mentally ill. She was the sole breadwinner for the family. 

I also learned that she was inoperable due to the cancer’s advanced stage. I wanted to help her. Three days later, I saw her coming out of another office and asked her to come to my office.

I expressed my concern for her illness and told her the facts about Dafa and the stories of how others overcame terminal illnesses by reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I also told her more about the persecution and helped her quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. She thanked me for my kindness and said she would follow my suggestion. 

Shortly after that I retired and went out of town for a year. When I returned home, I met Wen’s relative and asked her about her situation. She told me that Wen had fully recovered and had just gone to Beijing to take care of her grandchild. 

My gratitude to Master and Dafa is beyond words. I will continue to cultivate diligently to repay Master’s compassionate salvation. May more people be blessed by Dafa!

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)