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France: My Response to Someone from My Hometown Who Advised Me to Give Up Falun Gong

April 30, 2024 |   By Tang Hanlong in Paris, France

(Minghui.org) Mr. Tang Hanlong, president of the Falun Dafa Association of France, received a phone call from his hometown through a friend when he was busy with activities to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the peaceful appeal by Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) practitioners on April 25.

The caller said she wanted to guide him back to the “right” track and told him to leave Falun Gong. Mr. Tang wrote the woman a reply, referencing his own experience and explained how people in France started practicing Falun Gong. He urged her not to get involved in the persecution of Falun Gong, so that she would not inadvertently harm herself and her family.

Mr. Tang wrote,

“You called me long-distance yesterday, saying you wanted to reform me and told me to leave Falun Gong.

“We don’t know each other, but I regard your having called me as an affinity. You might have called me because your job required you to, and I guess you are a kind person, but you don’t really understand Falun Gong and why I would never give it up.

“The fact that you called me shows that you don’t know the truth about Falun Gong, and that is most likely that you are influenced by the perspective of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). So, I would like to clarify the truth to you so that a good person will not create bad karma unwittingly. Creating karma is not something superstitious or idealistic but a result of the universal law of cause and effect. It has to do with bringing microscopic bad substances, invisible to the human eye, into your dimensional field. If you accumulate a lot of such microscopic bad substances, you will increase your misfortune, or ‘difficulties,’ as people say.

“Actually, like all Falun Gong practitioners both back in China and abroad, I love my mother country very much. However, when we point out the evil conduct of the CCP in our truth-clarification efforts, some Chinese label us as being ‘unpatriotic.’ The fact is that people in free countries all over the world know that the CCP does not represent China. It is only a political Party, and precisely because the CCP is the only Party in China, it uses all of its resources to brainwash the Chinese people to make them believe that the CCP is a legitimate government that represents China. In the process, the Chinese people have been completely deprived of their right to vote freely.

“I lived in China until I was 14 and was very fortunate to be able to go abroad in 1979. I am a kindhearted person and have never been fond of strenuous exercises or fighting with others since childhood. I enjoyed studying martial arts of various qigong practices, thinking that there must be some extraordinary masters with real abilities in qigong, in Buddhist or Taoist schools.

“I had lived in France for 16 years by March 1995 when I heard that the Cultural Department of the Chinese Embassy in Paris had invited Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, to give a Falun Gong lecture. By the time I arrived, it was already 1:30 p.m., and the then Chinese Ambassador Cai Fangbai had just finished lunch with Mr. Li, and accompanied him to the Cultural Department in an embassy car. When Ambassador Cai was about to leave, he asked Mr. Li to cleanse his body because he had already learned that Mr. Li was the most famous qigong master in China.

“About 350 people, mostly staff of the embassy, attended the Falun Gong lecture. Everyone was happy to listen to Master Li talk about Falun Gong and its exercises. He also talked about secrets unknown to the general public or to those who had engaged in various qigong practices for a long time.

“People used to think that ‘abilities’ and powerful energy were obtained by doing various exercises on a daily basis. But Master Li said that they were actually the result of cultivating one’s mind and character. We were all very surprised to hear that. Perhaps this is why this high-virtue cultivation practice was able to attract so many people around the world later on.

“In fact, every genuine practitioner will experience a rapid increase of powerful energy in their body. Put simply, as long as people conduct themselves in line with the universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and practice the Falun Gong exercises, they will experience rapid improvement in their health. This is the truth and the reason why more and more people want to practice Falun Gong.

“To make a long story short, I would like to tell you that, since Falun Gong is the true, highly virtuous practice in the Buddha School, it is a great thing that it has spread all over the world, available for anyone who wants to practice it—even though it might be difficult to understand for those who don’t want to practice and don’t understand the meaning of cultivation. In Buddhist terms, Buddha saves everyone who wants to practice cultivation. In a way, people who practice Falun Gong are the smartest, because people cannot take anything with them when they die, while the high-energy substances generated in one’s body by practicing Falun Gong will stay with him/her forever.

“These high-energy substances are invisible to the naked eye. Isn't it said even in high-energy physics that the more microscopic the substance, the greater the power or energy? Such high-energy substances are in every cell of a practitioner’s body. It is something of great significance. I hope you understand.

“This is why everyone who practices Falun Gong says it is good. We keep telling people the facts about Falun Gong and advise them not to get involved in the CCP’s persecution of the practice, because those who do will create bad karma for themselves and not only lose their own eternal life but also harm their future generations. It is a traditional Chinese belief that people have souls and a main consciousness and that they will suffer serious consequences if these are lost. Please believe my kind words and my personal experience. Don’t create bad karma unintentionally and lose your life and future.

“I would like to tell you one other thing. Ambassador Cai was blessed for respecting Master Li, who personally cleansed his body with supernormal energy. Wu Jianmin, another ambassador to France later on, actively followed Jiang Zemin in the persecution of Falun Gong and thereby incurred retribution, dying in an unusual car accident on June 18, 2016.”

At the end of the letter, Mr. Tang wrote to the lady who claimed to be from his hometown, “Please do not follow the CCP in its persecution of Falun Gong. This is not your purpose in this life! Please take control of your own destiny.”