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Cultivating After Seeing Others' Attachments

Feb. 7, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I recently participated in a project with two other practitioners. We installed computers for practitioners in our area. One day the three of us met at a practitioner’s place and worked from 8:30 a.m. until evening.

After sending forth righteous thoughts at 6 p.m., I suggested that we study the Fa, as practitioners should not just do work without studying the Fa. However, the two fellow practitioners did not focus on studying the Fa. One studied a few pages and went back to working on the computers. The other practitioner went back and forth between working and reading the Fa when it was her turn. I became concerned about their behavior, so I reminded them to pay more attention to studying the Fa. I said that they would regret not learning from what happened to a fellow technical practitioner, who passed away when he was persecuted.

After returning home, I felt very distressed, thinking about how dangerous it is for them to just work without cultivating. I worried that they might be persecuted and it could affect me. I considered leaving the project, or even the area. We have another house in another city, so I discussed it with my husband the idea of leaving our hometown and moving into the other house. The more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I felt depressed and low spirited, and I wanted to move immediately.

When I woke up the next morning, I recalled the depressed and frightened mindset that I had last night. I knew something was wrong, so I looked inward and found my attachment to fear. I associated paying little attention to studying the Fa with being persecuted. However, I cannot achieve good results if I study the Fa to prevent persecution, instead of improving through cultivation. I became very worried last night because my fellow practitioners did not make an effort to study the Fa. However, their behavior showed me that it was as if I was looking in a mirror.

I further realized that I should look within myself to cultivate, and not worry or be afraid. Master is watching over all practitioners. I should not be tormented by fear and complaints, nor should we become listless and have less energy to do the three things. Actually, we are asked to study the Fa, send righteous thoughts, and clarify the truth to others. Although my fear contributed to the illusion of a threat, the practitioners’ issues should not affect me.

When I have concerns for fellow practitioners, I should remind them, instead of being overly worried, because all practitioners are under Master’s care. If I pay too much attention to their issues, I’ll become attached to their attachments. The situation should not make a fool of me. Once I thought through the concerns, I felt energized and no longer depressed and afraid. The thought of moving away no longer lingered in my mind.

I believe that behaving according to Truthfulness is following the path arranged by Master. True cultivators should listen to Master. Only then can we return to our true nature. We must do it; not merely talk about it. The power of Dafa is magnificent. Master has taught us the Fa, and we have everything we require on our cultivation path. When we handle issues with righteous thoughts, our space field, our world, and our sentient beings shine with light and cheer for joy. This phenomenon then manifests itself in people’s calm and peaceful minds in the human world.