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Falun Dafa Practitioners and Supporters Across China Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year (22 Greetings)

Feb. 13, 2024

(Minghui.org) To celebrate the 2024 Chinese New Year, Falun Dafa practitioners in China sent in their heart-felt greetings to wish the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li Hongzhi, a happy Chinese New Year.

They express their sincere gratitude to Master Li for saving them and vow to be more diligent in their daily cultivation in the upcoming new year.

In addition to greetings from practitioners, supporters from across China also sent in greetings. These non-practitioners usually have family members, colleagues, friends, or neighbors that practice Falun Dafa. They have come to understand that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is wrong to persecute the peaceful self-cultivation practice that has transformed so many lives.

A supporter wrote, “We highly support my wife practicing Falun Dafa, making sure she has enough time to do three things well. My whole family has been blessed because of believing in Falun Dafa and Master Li. My son and daughter-in-law have good jobs and high incomes, my granddaughters do well at the academy, and I survived a live-threatening situation. I couldn’t appreciate Master Li more, and would like to devote my life to practicing Falun Dafa for the rest of my life.”

Six supporters from Deyang City, Sichuan Province wrote, “Master’s great compassion helps us see through the CCP’s lies and be aware of how wonderful Falun Dafa is. We wish Master a Happy New Year!”

Other well-wishers came from:

Hunan ProvinceHarbin City, Jiamusi City and Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang ProvinceWeihai City and Yantai City, Shandong ProvinceChangchun City, Jilin ProvinceShenyang City, Liaoning ProvinceWuxi City, Jiangsu ProvinceNanchong City and Deyang City, Sichuan ProvinceShijiazhuang City and Cangzhou City, Hebei ProvinceChongqingTianjinCountries in Africa