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Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Western United States Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year

Feb. 13, 2024

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from the following places in the Western United States sent in their Chinese New Year greetings to Master Li: Seattle; Los Angeles; San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose; Portland; Silicon Valley; Colorado; and Las Vegas.

Practitioners expressed their gratitude towards Master Li and vowed to do better in the three things. They will be more diligent in cultivation, save more sentient beings, and fulfill their historic mission to follow Master back home.

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Seattle, Washington

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in San Francisco

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in California

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Los Angeles

New Year greetings to Master from a truth-clarification site in San Diego, California

New Year greetings to Master from The Epoch Times in San Francisco

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in San Jose, California

New Year greetings to Master from a family of four generations in the Silicon Valley

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Colorado

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Las Vegas, Nevada

New Year greetings to Master from group Fa study site in Las Vegas, Nevada