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Practitioners from 57 Countries and Regions Wish Master Li a Happy Chinese New Year

Feb. 11, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent

(Minghui.org) With its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and five exercises, Falun Dafa has benefited people all over the world. Under the guidance of Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, its practitioners are striving to be better people as they tell others about Dafa so that they, too, can have a better future. 

At the 2024 Chinese New Year, practitioners from around the world have sent in greetings to the Minghui website thanking Master Li for his compassion and wishing him a happy Chinese New Year!

Greeting have come from: the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Spain, Austria, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, Belarus, Romania, Russia, Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, Serbia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, the Philippines, Croatia, Vietnam, Brazil, Thailand, Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Hungary, India, Malaysia, Iran, Israel, Afghanistan, Denmark, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Ukraine, Mongolia, Ecuador, Palau, and Crimea.

Practitioners from the Netherlands wish Master Li a Happy New Year.

Greetings from the Tian Guo Marching Band in New York

Practitioners in France thank Master Li for his compassion and contributed a poem:

With great compassion Master turns Falun, saving sentient beings and bringing the world a new spring;Heaven and earth are renewed through cleansing, we are grateful to Master Li for his salvation and protection.

Greetings from Dafa practitioners in Romania

Practitioners from Montreal, Canada, sent their sincere greetings. 

Practitioners in Spain wish Master Li a happy Chinese New Year!

Greetings from New Jersey in the United States

Practitioners in Cyprus submitted their greetings. 

Practitioners from the United Arab Emirates said they would study the Dafa teachings well and help save more people. 

Sincere greetings were received from practitioners in Serbia.

Greetings from practitioners in Spain

Russian practitioners wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Greetings were received from Belarus.

Practitioners from Austria thank Master Li for his compassion. 

Greetings from Hamilton Gardens, New Zealand

Singapore practitioners said they have benefited from Falun Dafa tremendously. 

Practitioners in Philippines thank Master Li for his compassionate salvation. 

Practitioners in Finland wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Greetings from practitioners in Indonesia 

Greetings from Suwon, South Korea

Practitioners in Frankfurt sent their greetings.

Practitioners in Poland wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Greetings from practitioners in Brazil

Sincere greetings from Croatia 

Practitioners from Vietnam said they would do better in their cultivation and remain diligent.

Greetings from Greece

Practitioners in Italy wish Master a happy New Year!

Practitioners in Thailand said many people in their country have learned the facts about Falun Dafa and are interested in learning the practice. 

Greetings from practitioners in Turkey

Greetings from practitioners in Bulgaria

Practitioners in Ireland wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Practitioners in Norway sent their greetings.

Practitioners in Sweden wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Practitioners in Switzerland are thankful for Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. 

Greetings from practitioners in Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Greetings from Melbourne, Australia

Greetings from Newcastle, England

Practitioners in Hong Kong wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Greetings from practitioners in Macau

Greetings from North Macedonia

Practitioners in Hungary sent their greetings.

Practitioners in India submitted their greetings.

Practitioners in Malaysia wish Master Li a happy New Year.

Greetings were received from practitioners in Iran.

Practitioners from Israel submitted their greetings.

Greetings from practitioners in Afghanistan

Practitioners in Denmark wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Greetings were received from practitioners in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Practitioners in Belgium sent their greetings.

Practitioners from Czech Republic and Slovakia wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Greetings from practitioners in Slovakia

Greetings from practitioners in Kazakhstan

Practitioners from Portugal wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Greetings were received from Ukraine.

Sincere greetings from practitioners in Mongolia

Greetings were received from practitioners in Ecuador.

Japanese practitioners wish Master Li a happy New Year!

Practitioners from Palau submitted their greetings.

Practitioners in Crimea wish Master Li a happy Chinese New Year!