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Spain: Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Barcelona

Oct. 7, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Spain

(Minghui.org) Practitioners held a Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Barcelona on September 22, 2024. Practitioners from all parts of Spain attended the conference, and fifteen Chinese and Western practitioners spoke of how they improved their cultivation and participated in truth clarification projects.

Falun Dafa practitioners held a conference in Barcelona on September 22, 2024.

There was a noble, calm atmosphere at the conference. Attendees listened to fellow practitioners read their papers on cultivation experiences, reflected on their own cultivation state and were inspired to cultivate solidly.

Practitioners spoke of their cultivation experiences.

Life Renewed Through Practicing Dafa

Sheila, a young Western practitioner, talked about the changes practicing cultivation for two and a half years brought her. Before she began to practice, a thought suddenly came to her mind one day: “There is a diamond in China.” She didn’t know what that meant, but a few days later, she met Falun Dafa practitioners raising awareness about the persecution in China. Although she was shocked by the extent of the brutality, she was curious about this cultivation practice from China.

Before she began practicing she was depressed and even had thoughts of ending her own life. She searched everywhere for psychological resources to reduce her suffering. However, after practicing Dafa, she stopped searching because practicing Falun Dafa ended her suffering.

It was tough when she first began studying the Fa, but the teachings provided answers to many questions that she had about the purpose of life. After following the principles for a period of time, she discovered that she was no longer depressed and she understood the meaning of life.

Her health improved as well. The menstrual pain that affected her disappeared. Her attitude towards things also changed. She realized that in the past, when she argued and lost her temper when things did not go her way, she was being interfered with. Now, she is able to face everything calmly, look inside for attachments or desires, and see the problem from the perspective of Falun Dafa’s principles, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

Her friends and family were surprised by her transformation. Her mother said that Sheila became peaceful and healthy after practicing Dafa. Her best friend told her that she hopes she too can be positive like Sheila.

Letting Go of Sentiment Towards Her Husband

Ms. Wei longed for a happy marriage, but she felt her husband didn’t love her. He spoke to her coldly or ignored her. This went on for many years.

As she improved her character through cultivation, she realized that there’s a karmic relationship between husband and wife. She has to repay what she owes others. As a practitioner, she should treat everyone with compassion and not ask for anything in return. When her mindset changed, her husband’s cold words no longer hurt her. She also stopped getting angry with him. Instead, she focused on his good points and the sacrifices he made for the family.

She discovered that she expected to be treated well in return for being good to her husband. When this didn’t happen, she became resentful. When she truly let go of her emotions, her husband’s attitude changed. He was no longer cold and they had normal conversations and cared for each other. Now, her husband’s words and actions no longer affect her emotions. She learned to judge right and wrong using Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

Ms. Wei experienced the joy that comes with compassion. She let go of an everyday person’s pursuit of a happy marriage. She’s no longer troubled by sentimentality and found inner peace.

She felt herself assimilating to Dafa during group Fa study. Her main consciousness is clearer and she now understands that everything has a karmic relationship. One’s suffering is caused by karma, which is why practitioners encounter hardships.

Learning to Balance Cultivation and Family Life

Pasco began practicing Falun Dafa 14 years ago. At first he was zealous and failed to balance cultivation and family relations. His wife didn’t understand why he practiced Falun Dafa and asked for a divorce three times, demanding that he choose between her and Dafa. They even went so far as discussing the custody of their children, distribution of their assets and so on.

Pasco asked Master for help because he didn’t want a divorce but would not give up cultivation. Through hints given by Master, he opened his heart and shared with his wife his thoughts on the importance of family, the sanctity of marriage and his determination to keep the family together. They wept and hugged and their resentment disappeared.

His marriage stabilized and his wife changed. They cared for each other, and their children became obedient and kind and were brought up with traditional values. His family who are not practitioners began following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Whenever he slacked off in cultivation, his wife helped him by pointing out his shortcomings. As he progressed in cultivation, his entire family benefits from his practice. His friends often say that they envy the relaxed and peaceful atmosphere in his family.

Pasco also spoke of how he formed one body with practitioners while working backstage during Shen Yun performances. One task required many practitioners to work together. He heard the instruction incorrectly and didn’t complete the task according to requirements. He was upset. However, he had to do the same thing again in the next few minutes. He calmed down and discovered that he was not focused when receiving instructions, so he made a mistake. Fellow practitioners’ encouragement made him feel that he was part of the whole body.

Putting the Principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Into Practice at Work

Ms. Montse talked about how she improved her character at work, performing clinical analysis in a laboratory. She wanted to change to working the night shift to make ends meet. However, her supervisor said it wasn’t possible to switch. She could have insisted on having her way according to labor laws, but she remembered Master’s teachings and chose not to fight with others—instead she decided to let things evolve naturally. Subsequently, due to staff changes, she was asked to work the night shift. She realized that cultivation tests will appear in all kinds of ways. As long as we have the Fa in our hearts, we’ll be able to make the right decision and pass the test.

When the hospital was implementing a new technology, a coworker often monopolized the assignment and even snatched the materials from her hand. Ms. Montse reflected on why this upset her. She realized it was her fear of being looked down upon by coworkers. Therefore, every time she had the opportunity to work on the the new technology, she first asked her coworker if she wanted to work on it. Gradually, her fear of being looked down upon disappeared.

There is an unwritten rule at her workplace: veteran employees get to choose their assignments, and the other assignments are left to newcomers. However, as a practitioner, Montse realized that she should have consideration for others. She let go of her feelings of superiority and guided young people who recently joined the company, teaching them the work experience that she had gained over 35 years.

She knew that as a practitioner, she should put the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance into practice at work, and let go of human notions and her fear of loss. Her coworkers told her to do less and suggested that she finish work 15 minutes earlier. However, as a practitioner, Montse knew this was a test of her righteous thoughts. She insisted on doing the right thing and kept working until the end of her shift.

The conference concluded at 4 p.m. Attendees said they benefited from listening to fellow practitioners’ experiences. They also thanked Master for his compassionate salvation and cherished the opportunity to practice cultivation. They hope to keep making progress in cultivation and fulfill their mission of assisting Master in Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings.