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My Heart Pain Disappeared After I Let Go of Unrighteous Thoughts

Oct. 5, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I felt like I had heart problems recently, because I had difficulty breathing and experienced chest pain. I couldn’t practice the exercises or send forth righteous thoughts properly. 

I must have had omissions that the old forces had taken advantage of. I looked within and found many attachments, such as an attachment to seeking comfort, an attachment to my grandchildren, jealousy, resentment, competitiveness, to name a few. I had a load of attachments. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate them, but I still couldn’t find the exact attachment that had caused the problem. My heart problem intensified. I had never felt so uncomfortable. 

The same symptoms came up a few nights later. I became afraid. I was in my seventies and lived alone. What if something happened to me? Should I go to the hospital? I became vigilant instantly. How could I have such negative thoughts? A cultivator must have righteous thoughts. 

I rectified my thoughts. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. This was not an illness. Master purified my body at the beginning of my cultivation and I was illness free. As I cultivated, high energy matter was being stored in the cells of my body. After so many years of cultivation, my body had turned into a cultivator’s body, full of high energy, which was different from an everyday person’s body. Illnesses can only enter an everyday person’s body. Viruses and bacteria can’t reach my body. How could I have an illness? These symptoms were certainly from dissolving karma. 

We are in the last leg of Fa-rectification and don’t have many opportunities to pay off our karma. Could I move forward on the cultivation path that Master has arranged for me while carrying such a big bag of karma? Master chose me, gave me the opportunity to cultivate, arranged the whole cultivation process for me, and has protected me at all times. 

Fa-guardian divine beings also protect me. The good fortune I have is unprecedented. It is a great honor that I was born in an era in which the cosmos’ Great Way is spreading. What an honor to become a Falun Dafa practitioner! How come I still had impure thoughts? Though I am by myself, Master is with me all the time. What was I afraid of?

I felt that I had become stronger. I felt fortunate and proud. Tears filled my eyes. I shouted in my heart, “Master, I don’t have illness! Not at all. I will leave everything for Master to arrange.”

Looking back at this incident, I realized that my standpoint was incorrect and I had used a human mentality. I had felt uncomfortable. It was not me but karma. The karma was resisting and struggling, because it was being eliminated. I had regarded the karma as myself. I had acknowledged it and acknowledged that I had an illness. 

As a genuine Falun Dafa practitioner, when my thoughts became righteous and my xinxing improved, my karma was eliminated, my body became light, and everything went back to normal. 

The following day when I paid respects to Master, I said, “Master, I have encountered a sickness karma illusion and haven’t passed the test yet. I must have big omissions. I have looked within but haven’t found the specific problems that caused the issue. Master, please enlighten me so that I can find them. Thank you, Master for taking care of me!”

I started to study the Fa, look within, and send forth righteous thoughts. 

Several days later, on my way to the Fa-study group, a thought came into my mind, “An unrighteous mind caused the issue.” This startled me. Then what were my unrighteous thoughts?

For a long time, I had a thought that I would be persecuted if I didn’t clarify the truth to people well. I admired practitioners who stepped out to clarify the truth to people in person. I felt guilty that I couldn’t do it. Though I had been doing the three things, I didn’t do them as well as I wished. I felt uneasy in my heart, and the thought of being persecuted if I didn’t clarify the truth to people well arose from time to time. This is not how Master wants us to be. My unrighteous thoughts had been taken advantage of by the old forces. This also exposed that my starting point for saving sentient beings was impure. I was afraid of being persecuted and was selfish. I was not doing things for sentient beings. 

After I came home from Fa-study, I sent forth righteous thoughts for half an hour to eliminate the unrighteous thoughts. I am Falun Dafa practitioner. Even though I had omissions in my cultivation, I couldn’t allow the old forces to persecute me, because they are unworthy of persecuting me. I wouldn’t acknowledge it. I am taken care of by Falun Dafa and Master. I won’t acknowledge any other arrangements. I sent righteous thoughts for another half an hour. 

My heart problems disappeared that night. Master saved me. I witnessed the extraordinary and miraculous nature of Falun Dafa once again. 

I will continue studying the Fa well, keep rectifying myself, clarify the truth to people with a pure heart, save more sentient beings, complete the whole journey that Master has arranged for me, and follow Master to return to my original, true home.