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Life and Death Tribulation Resolved in One Month

Oct. 5, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My family was repeatedly blessed during the more than 20 years I’ve practiced Falun Dafa. I truly feel that Master is always by my side, guiding me on the path of cultivation. I’d like to tell you about my amazing experience while overcoming an episode of sickness karma.

One morning in July 2021, I got up around 3 a.m. to do the Falun Dafa exercises, and my stomach suddenly hurt. After I did the first exercise I collapsed on the bed and couldn’t move. I sent righteous thoughts and thought I’d be able to get up. However, by dawn the pain hadn’t subsided.

I tried to maintain righteous thoughts and study the Fa, but I couldn’t move. I also couldn’t eat or drink and I lay in bed all day. I couldn’t get up the following day. On the third day I thought about why this happened. With Master’s help I was able to do all five exercises, and the pain subsided a little. But it soon returned—it felt like there was a thousand-pound rock in my stomach, and I had no energy.

This went on for more than ten days. I was in too much pain and felt I couldn’t take it. I realized that nothing happens to a cultivator by accident, and I began looking within. I found many attachments, such as to doing things, sentimentality, resentment, and jealousy. I also felt that because I’m a practitioner and I wouldn’t get sick. I didn’t realize that this wasn’t a righteous thought. My sick feeling lasted for more than ten days, and I could only eat a little porridge. My stomach hurt and felt like it weighed a ton. I also lost a lot of weight.

I have a big family. With seven siblings and all the other relatives, there are more than 60 people. They were all worried after they heard about my condition. My oldest brother said, “Whatever you are doing isn’t working; you have to go to the hospital.” I never thought of it as an illness, but to help them feel at ease, I agreed to go for a checkup.

After the checkup, I went to my oldest brother’s home to wait for the lab results. His wife, Xia, also practices Falun Dafa. She made lunch for me and sent forth righteous thoughts. She prepared two bowls of steaming hot noodles, they smelled great and looked very appetizing, so I picked up my chopsticks and ate a big bowl! After ten minutes, I looked at the other bowl of noodles, and I ate that, too. It was incredible! I ate two bowls of noodles after hardly eating anything for ten days!

The lab results indicated that I might have a small bowel obstruction, and I was hospitalized. They did a CT scan which showed I was in the last stage of ovarian cancer. The doctor gave me two options: first, chemo and then surgery; the second option was to transfer to Shanghai’s prestigious hospital for treatment. My husband was frightened and wept.

When my son heard the news he wanted to come to the hospital. I told him to wait: “You’re busy with your work. I’m fine, and I’m going home.” He wept and begged me to follow the doctor’s advice. My husband calmed down after I reminded him I have Master’s protection and I’ve gone through many tribulations in the past without harm.

My sister-in-law Xia told me, “We need to believe in Master and Dafa 100%. We can use this as an opportunity to show others how wonderful Falun Dafa is.” With her encouragement, my righteous thoughts became stronger. I felt confident that I could overcome this tribulation.

A patient in her 90s was brought to my hospital room with her daughter Hua. They had to come hospital quickly and didn’t have time to pack any necessary items, so I gave them whatever they needed. The daughter was touched and chatted with me. I took this opportunity to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to her.

Hua told me, “I have a niece who also practices Falun Dafa, but she does not do any exercises or anything at home, she only goes out to talk with people daily.”

I replied, “She might not do certain things well, but that doesn’t mean Falun Dafa is not good. You may only see one side of the story. Everyone’s situation is different, but they are all trying to improve.”

She said, “You’re right. From your words and actions I see Falun Dafa is good.”

I often use headphones and listen to the Fa. When Hua asked what I was listening to, I let her listen. She said, “This is so good and I understand everything quite well!” I gave her a device so she could listen to Master’s Fa lectures. She was deeply moved and thanked me.

After I took a nap the next afternoon, I felt my stomach was light; the pain subsided as if the ton of rock was removed. My husband told me that he had a vivid dream that a monster the size of a bull was under my bed. He asked Master to eliminate it, and it disappeared. I believe Master indeed helped me. The doctor showed me the results of the lab tests and said there was no cancer, only a cyst. My husband was so relieved that he wept.

Hua saw my lab results and said, “It’s amazing. Falun Dafa is extraordinary! I’ll listen to the recordings of Master’s Fa lectures you gave me.”

The doctors examined me for several days and I used this opportunity to tell the patients and nurses about Dafa. Since they could not find any abnormality, the doctor discharged me. The doctors, nurses, other patients, and my entire family all witnessed how amazing Falun Dafa is. My older brother and my husband have also begun practicing Falun Dafa since then.