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Seattle, U.S.A.: Falun Dafa Welcomed in Salmon Days Festival Parade

Oct. 14, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in the greater Seattle area participated in the Salmon Days Festival parade in Issaquah on October 5, 2024. People responded enthusiastically to the practitioners’ contingent and many said they were happy to see practitioners. The parade organizers praised the practitioners’ performances and contributions to the community, and said they hope they participate again next year.

Issaquah, 17 miles from Seattle, is a community close to major high-tech companies in the Seattle area, has convenient transportation, and is surrounded by natural beauty. Every September and October, Issaquah welcomes a large number of salmon that make the long journey back to the nearby stream. The city holds an annual Salmon Festival, during which people celebrate the event.

The Salmon Days Festival started in 1970, making this the 55th year for the popular event. It attracts about 150,000 to 200,000 visitors every year and is one of the largest festivals in the Greater Seattle area. The festival includes parades, live music, art booths, food, and entertainment.

Falun Dafa practitioners participate in the Salmon Days Festival Parade in Issaquah on October 5, 2024.

Nearly 60 groups participated in this year’s Salmon Days Festival Parade. Practitioners brought a decorated float to share the beauty of Falun Dafa and a waist drum team to showcase traditional Chinese culture.

Many people waved to practitioners as they demonstrated the five sets of exercises on the float and applauded and cheered the waist drum performances.

Practitioners also distributed fliers along the parade route to introduce Falun Dafa, and many people were happy to accept them.

Jeff, who runs a dance studio in Issaquah, brought several of his students to participate in the parade. He told practitioners that he was happy to learn about Falun Dafa.

One couple told a practitioner who was distributing fliers, “We understand Falun Dafa and we support you!”

There are many Chinese residents in Issaquah. They were pleasantly surprised to see Falun Dafa practitioners in the parade. A Chinese family of five took fliers and joyfully exclaimed, “Falun Dafa!”