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Irvine, California: Falun Dafa Supported at Global Village Festival

Oct. 13, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Los Angeles

(Minghui.org) When the 23rd Irvine Global Village Festival took place at Great Park on October 5, 2024, about 30,000 people from over 50 ethnic groups and regions attended the event, and shared their culture, art, and food. On the lawn at the entrance of the festival, Falun Dafa practitioners once again set up the Art of Zhen Shan Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance) International Exhibition. They demonstrated the exercises and introduced the practice to the festival attendees.

Envoys from more than ten countries joined the festival, including from Azerbaijan, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea. Mike Carroll, the Irvine council member and chairman of the Great Park, said he was happy to see people from various backgrounds and belief systems celebrating together. Despite speaking different languages and offering all kinds of food, they were able to celebrate together with respect.

Exercise demonstration by Falun Dafa practitioners at the 23rd Irvine Global Village Festival on October 5, 2024

Many people stopped at the Art of Zhen Shan Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance) International Exhibition to look at the artworks.

Local resident Michael Belansky was glad to hear about Falun Dafa and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He said it was wrong for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to persecute Falun Dafa because people have freedom of belief. He said this is why he likes this country, which he came to more than 30 years ago.

One father and son stayed for a long time in front of “Fulfilling Vows,” an artwork depicting how divine beings came to this human world. The father noticed there were beings both of the oriental culture and Western culture. He knew a bit about the Chinese civilization and had just read Journey to the West to his son.

Many people signed the petition for the Falun Gong Protection Act. Eighteen representatives cosponsored the legislation, H.R. 4132, and it was successfully passed in the House of Representatives in June this year. Four Senators introduced the Senate version S.R. 4914, which urged to sanction those involved in forced organ harvesting. They include visa restrictions, barring entry, and freezing assets in the U.S.

Raef Ghattas said he heard that people can obtain inexpensive organs, such as a livers, in China. He thought that they were from death penalty prisoners or donors. When signing a petition, he said this was a crime against humanity, and people should do whatever is needed to end it. Otherwise, we are no different than being accomplices to those initiating the atrocities.

Jacob and his girlfriend also signed the petition. They had not heard about this atrocity because people already enjoy freedom in the U.S.

Sidat, a law school student, said that he knew the CCP had been violating human rights and tortures people. That is why he signed the petition, to help the victims. He said that freedom of belief is part of a basic human right. He supported Falun Dafa practitioners because people can choose how to be safe and healthy.

Practitioner Christine said that the exercises are easy to learn, and the practice had improved both her mind and body. In particular, she could constantly look within and become a good and better person instead of seeking external happiness.