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Additional Persecution News from China – December 27, 2023 (3 Reports)

Jan. 9, 2024

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 3 cities or counties in 2 provinces, where at least 10 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Beijing] Ms. Lang Dongyue Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison
2. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Wu Meilian and Mr. Liu Tangqiu Sentenced to Prison
3. [Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province] Pang Shanxi’s Case Turned Over to Procuratorate

1. [Beijing] Ms. Lang Dongyue Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison

Ms. Lang Dongyue from Yanqing District, Beijing, was displaced for several years. She was arrested in Huailai County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province on December 14, 2021. She has remained in custody, and was put on trial on March 8, 2023. Due to insufficient evidence, the trial could not proceed. It was reported in July 2023 that Ms. Lang had been sentenced to nine years and fined 15,000 yuan by the Xuanhua District Court in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. Ms. Lang appealed to the Zhangjiakou City Intermediate Court. The court ignored the facts she presented and upheld the verdict.

2. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Wu Meilian and Mr. Liu Tangqiu Sentenced to Prison

It was recently reported that several Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested in Ruichang City were sentenced. Among them, Ms. Wu Meilian was sentenced to seven years in prison, and Mr. Liu Tangqiu was sentenced to one and a half years. Ms. Cao Li, Ms. Dai Yumei, Li Pingli, and elderly Ms. Hu were sentenced to serve their terms outside of prison, and each was fined 500 yuan. Ms. Lei Caixiu and Pan Aiqun were sentenced to serve their terms outside of prison.

Ms. Wu and Mr. Liu are still being held in the Jiujiang City Detention Center.

3. [Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province] The Case Against Pang Shanxi Turned Over to the Procuratorate

Pang Shanxi, 77, in Wudalianchi City, wrote a letter about Falun Gong which was addressed to staff and officers at the Longzhen Farm Police Station in Wudalianchi City in April 2023. The police from that station collaborated with the Wudalianchi City Police Department to ransack Pang’s home and confiscated Falun Gong books and other personal belongings.

Wudalianchi City Police Department pieced together compiled materials and handed them over to the Wudalianchi City Procuratorate. The procuratorate sent the case to the Nenjiang City Procuratorate for processing. It will soon be sent to the court.

People from Wudalianchi City Domestic Security Division, the procuratorate, and Nenjiang City Procuratorate came to Pang’s home several times. Pang and his or her family were under a lot of pressure and were worried.