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Believe in Master and Dafa, and Evil Will Be Defeated

Jan. 9, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Sichuan province, China

(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. I was working on drought-resistant plants during the dog days of 2017, as the sun blazed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. To keep hydrated, I drank water that flowed out from a corroded pipe. Ten days later, I didn’t feel well and had a stomachache and bloating. It got worse, day by day, to the point that I couldn’t eat or drink. I vomited if I did eat, and it was unbearable if I didn’t eat. I became emaciated but could still work. I insisted on working, because I had to direct the whole effort.

Because of the pain, I rolled on the floor, the sofa, or in bed. I couldn’t read Dafa books, do the exercises, or sleep. I used an MP3 audio player to listen to Master Li’s lectures and placed it on my stomach. I occasionally felt a bit better and fell asleep, only to wake up from the pain. I then continued listening to the Fa.

As I struggled with this, a fellow practitioner told me that I should bear my own hardships and repay my own debts. I also thought, “Master is tired, and it’s hard enough taking care of so many lives. I need to be considerate of him.” In fact, this is not true enlightenment. It is humanizing Master, and a display of human attachments.

Fortunately, no one urged me to go to the hospital. My son came from the provincial capital to see me and said, “Dad, you must believe in Master and Dafa.” My daughter also came to see me and told me that my righteous thoughts need to be strong. She often left the house crying.

I held on like this for over two months, and then I couldn’t bear it any longer. That day I lay on the ground and shouted to the sky, “Master, I can’t bear it anymore. Will you save me?” As soon as I said these words, the pain stopped. The swelling stopped a while later. I drank a bowl of porridge for my meal, and tears of gratitude flew down my face like beads. Master was right next to me! This is the miraculous nature of Dafa, and the greatness of Master!

As long as we believe in Master and Dafa:

“The Fa can break all attachments; the Fa can destroy all evil; the Fa can shatter all lies; and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.” (“Drive Out Interference,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

Evil Will Collapse if One Has Dafa in His Heart

The lead manager at work called one night in July 2022. He wanted me to go to work early the next morning, since someone would be there to see me. I asked, “Is it business or personal?” He said business.

I went to the company at about eight in the morning, and the manager was waiting at the door. We went to his office, and I saw two women and a man sitting there. The manager said, “They are from the Provincial Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC), and it has something to do with you.” He left after the introduction.

I sat down, and one of the ladies introduced herself. Her surname was Zhou, and she was from the Provincial PLAC. The other woman said her surname was He, and she was from the Municipal Law Committee. The man said his surname was Huang, and he was from the County PLAC.

They started with some words of praise, saying that people in the company said I had good interpersonal relationships, etc. Ms. Zhou asked a few questions, and I took the opportunity to clarify the truth about Dafa to them. I told them about the great changes I experienced after practicing, including that I became physically stronger, my character improved, I worked hard without complaining, and I no longer cared about rewards, etc. In the past 11 years, I had never argued about my salary. At age 73, I did the work of three people, and I was responsible for administrative duties, technical guidance, and procurement. I did three tasks, but my salary was less than other coworkers. In addition, I was rated as a superior performer every year.

I talked a lot without their saying much. A man named Mr. Wang came in the afternoon. He exclaimed, “We talked with Mr. Zhang and Mr. Gao and both have signed the pledge not to practice Falun Dafa.”

I realized that the others did not speak much in the morning because they were waiting for their leader to speak. I made up my mind that I wouldn’t speak, wouldn’t listen to anything, nor would I sign any documents. I would just see what they had to say.

At close to five o’clock, they called in the vice president of the company, hoping he would make me sign to renounce my belief. The vice president came and sat at my right side and said, “He is recognized as a good person in our company. He is responsible and capable. As for his cultivation practice, it is a matter of faith. I will not say much.” He then announced, “I’m sorry, I have something to do,” and left.

Right away, the others lost their fighting spirit, but still pestered me to sign. I just said, “I only have the Fa in my heart. I will listen to nothing else and do nothing else. It is past our work time, and the others have already left.” The officials from the governmental agencies then walked out with their heads hanging down, while I followed and rode my electric bicycle home.

The next day, the vice president told me that a large group of people came yesterday, including police and governmental personnel from the finance office, administration department, and legal department. They heard that I refused to sign anything, so they left at five o’clock.

It’s indeed true that:

“Should you have fear,it will seize upon youIf thoughts are righteous,evil will collapseThe cultivator’s mindis loaded with FaSend righteous thoughts,and rotten demons explodeGods walk the earth,validating the Fa”(“What's to Fear?Hong Yin II)