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After Wrongfully Convicting a Falun Gong Practitioner, Same Court Sentences Her Son for Seeking Justice for Her

Jan. 19, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 58-year-old resident of Dongying City, Shandong Province was sentenced to four years and fined 5,000 yuan on June 28, 2023, for her faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999. Months later, her son, who does not practice Falun Gong, was given one year and three months for seeking justice for her.

Ms. Wang Ying was arrested on September 27, 2022, for writing to her friends in Yucheng City (also in Shandong Province) about how Falun Gong freed her from the torment of numerous diseases, including severe skin peeling, eye degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, digestive problems, and low blood pressure. She appeared in the Yucheng City Court on May 30, 2023, and was wrongfully convicted on June 28, 2023. See the first related report at the end of the article for details of her arrest, trial, and sentencing.

The same trial court tried Ms. Wang’s son on November 8, 2023, and convicted him at an unknown date.

Ms. Wang was transferred from the Dezhou City Detention Center to the Shandong Province Women’s Prison on December 1, 2023. It is unclear whether her son is still held at the Dezhou City Detention Center or has been admitted to prison.

Son’s Arrest

Ms. Wang’s son, Mr. Li Long, picked up a lot of bad habits, including fighting, smoking, and drinking, when she was serving a one-year-and-nine-month forced labor term from 2009 to 2011 for practicing Falun Gong. After she was released, she used Falun Gong’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to guide her son. He soon stopped hanging out with bad guys and quit smoking and drinking.

Having lost his father when he was little, Mr. Li was deeply grateful to his mother for bringing him up and teaching him to be a good person. Even though he does not practice Falun Gong, he has always been supportive of his mother’s practice.

Following Ms. Wang’s previous arrest on July 15, 2021, after being suspected by the police of putting up a Falun Gong banner two months earlier, Mr. Li was also detained. Although the mother and son were released soon after, the police arrested Mr. Li two more times on August 27 and November 6, 2021. They beat him and forced him to do a comprehensive physical examination after his November 2021 arrest. His cell phone was broken as a result.

Mr. Li returned home on September 27, 2022, to see his mother and daughter missing. It took him a lot of effort to eventually find out that his mother had been arrested again and taken to the Dezhou City Detention Center. He soon filed a criminal complaint against his mother’s perpetrators, a request to have her released on bail, and another request to return the confiscated items. All these documents were submitted to the procuratorates, the inspection committees, and the People’s Congress in Dezhou City and Yucheng City.

Upon learning of his mother’s trial on May 30, 2023, Mr. Li rushed to the Yucheng City Court to support her. He was arrested outside the courthouse and taken to the Dezhou City Detention Center.

Fan Xuefeng, captain of the Yucheng City Domestic Security Office, said that they arrested Mr. Li because he filed the aforementioned complaint and requests, which also talked about how his mother regained health through practicing Falun Gong.

Mr. Li stood trial at the Yucheng City Court on November 8, 2023. His lawyer entered a not guilty plea for him and he also testified in his own defense. The prosecutor recommended a prison sentence of one year and three months. The judge convicted him at an unknown date.

Related Reports:

Shandong Woman Sentenced to Four Years for Writing to Friends about Falun Gong

Grandmother Faces Prosecution for Mailing a Letter to a Friend about Falun Gong

Young Man Who Refused to Frame Falun Gong Practitioners Harassed and Beaten by Police

Mother Arrested for Displaying a Banner, Son Detained for Supporting Her