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Falun Dafa Practitioner Couple Make Breakthroughs Together

Jan. 16, 2024 |   Dictated by a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China, and edited by another practitioner.

(Minghui.org) My husband and I are veteran practitioners who stepped into Falun Dafa cultivation in 1996. Both of us are in our 70s. For over 20 years, with compassionate Master’s protection, we have come this far. Only by cultivating diligently, can we repay Master's compassion.

Cerebral Infarction Illusion Dismantled in One Week

My eyes and mouth suddenly became crooked, and my tongue became stiff in November 2021. I wasn’t able to control my hands or feet, and I lost mobility on my right side. I couldn’t sit down, eat, or go to the bathroom by myself. I wept constantly. I had cultivated for more than 20 years, and I felt I had let Master down. When my negative thoughts flared up, I lay down in bed, cried, and then fell asleep. When I woke up, I cried again.

When my daughter saw me like that, she asked me, “Mom, don’t you know how to practice Dafa?” “Yes, I do,” I answered.”

Then she asked me, “Do you know how to do the exercises?” “Sure I do,” I responded.

Then she asked me, “Do you know how to send forth righteous thoughts?” “Yes I do,” I said.

“You’ve asked ordinary people to recite ‘Falun Dafa is wonderful! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful!’ But did you recite it? You have such a large amount of karma, yet you don’t want to endure even a little bit. Are you worthy of Master? If you weren’t a practitioner, you would have been like this when you were 50 years old. I’m sure of it!” She said.

I understood that it was Master who used my daughter to give me a hint. The next morning, I started to do the Dafa exercises. I could manage to do the sitting meditation, but it was rather difficult for me to do the standing exercises, as I couldn’t lift up my arms.

Luckily, I had my husband, also a practitioner, to help me. When I was holding the wheel, he held up my arms. When I was about to fall down, he supported me with his body. On the third day, I fell down once. After that, I could stand up steadily the entire time. The next day, when I was holding the wheel, I didn’t need as much support from him. Only when my hands dropped, did he come over to help lift them up again. But doing the exercises was still rather difficult for me. When I sweat, it was rather sticky. Master purified my body. He endured a great deal for me, and helped eliminate a lot of my karma.

When I sent forth righteous thoughts, I stuck out my left hand and erected my palm. Then I thought that this was not right. Since my right hand wasn’t disabled, I should use my right hand. When I stuck it out, it hurt a lot. I then asked Master to help me. I wanted to be a true practitioner, and eliminate all my bad thoughts. Whenever I discovered an attachment, I eliminated it.

When my daughter wanted to buy a cane, install a hand rail in the washroom, or buy a special shower head for me, I refused. I said firmly, “I have Master, I’ll be fine. If you treat me like a patient, that may cause me harm.”

My husband also helped me a lot. His attitude was: It’s for cultivating her, and myself as well. This was done by the old forces, and we shouldn’t acknowledge it. We are husband and wife, moreover, we are both practitioners.

We eliminated sentimentality and our compassion came forth. We increased our Fa-study. When I lay down, my husband forced me to sit up. He kept saying to me: This isn’t you. It was forced upon you by the old forces. I cried and begged him not to treat me like that. He also realized that he couldn’t just force me to do too much. So he let me take a nap, while sending forth righteous thoughts by my side. He then called me to get up and continue with Fa-study. My righteous thoughts became stronger and stronger. The more difficult it was, the more we had to persevere. This was our critical moment.

I improved every day. My sweat became refreshing. It took one week before I was back to normal. Thus, I didn’t miss the weekly group Fa-study. I shared with practitioners about my experience, so that they too witnessed the power and extraordinary nature of Dafa.

Why did such a big illness karma tribulation happen to me? It mainly came down to resentment. In the beginning, when I first started cultivation, Master improved my xinxing. Thus, I forgot all about what had happened to me in the past. But later, it all came back. Master was helping me eliminate resentment, but I didn’t enlighten to it immediately.

I’m a city girl, but married to a man who is from the countryside. My mother-in-law didn’t like me. She felt that I couldn’t take on the hardship and didn’t know how to work in the field. A farmer’s wife is usually very competent, whereas I am from the city, and didn’t know anything about field work? I didn’t like the countryside. My father-in-law didn’t like me either.

I used to feel like I had no family members near me, because my husband’s family didn’t treat me well. If my husband were to mess with me a little bit, I’d complain. My daughter asked me, “How come you always recall that? Can’t you forget about what happened in the past?” I realized that it was Master using her to hint and help me change. Everything came down to karmic relationships. Whether someone treats me well or not, doesn’t it come down to one’s karma from previous lifetimes? Why would I resent others? When I saw this issue, I tried my very best to suppress it. I kept eliminating this attachment, although I didn’t manage to eliminate it completely and still have some work to do.

Opposing the Persecution and Saving Sentient Beings

My husband and I went out to hand out Dafa informational materials at a market in October 2014. We met some young people and I gave them an application for breaking through the Internet blockade. My husband gave them a brochure. Then they asked if they were related to Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa). I said to them that you’ll know when you read it. He asked us to stay there. Then he called the police to say that he had arrested two Falun Gong practitioners. I said, “Why do you want to arrest us? What did we do?”

He changed his mind, then said, “I won’t say arresting. There are two Falun Gong practitioners.”

Soon enough, a police car came and took us away. We began to send forth righteous thoughts. A police officer asked if we knew each other. We didn’t answer him.

When we got out at the police station, my husband said, “We’ll leave ourselves in Master’s hands.” At that time, I had Master’s poem in mind:

“Great enlightened beings fear no hardshipTheir will is cast of diamondLife or death, they have no attachmentForthright and broad-minded on the road of Fa-rectification” (“Righteous Thought, Righteous Action,” Hong Yin II)

We were each taken to a different room. When the police officers asked where the informational materials came from, I didn’t answer. An officer asked a few other questions. I said, “Please save your breath, I won’t answer you.” Another police officer tried to grab my purse away from me, so I shouted, “Why would you take my purse from me? That’s my purse.” I wanted my husband to hear me. When my husband heard me, he let go of one thought: Let the knowing side of the police officers understand that they are not allowed to take anything from us at will. I also had a thought: This purse is my Fa weapon, and nobody can take it away. I sent my righteous thoughts towards my home as well, as there were many Dafa related things there.

The police officer who grabbed my purse said, “You are so young. You are also well dressed, why did you do such a thing?”

I replied, “Did I do something wrong?”

A few police officers came in at different times. They were all surprised at how young I looked. They said, “How come you look so young? You don’t look like you’re in your 60's, you only look like you’re in your 40's.” I knew Master was giving me a hint. In my day-to-day life, I never looked that young.

I asked them not to participate in the persecution, because it isn’t good for them. One of them said, “I am not in charge of this. I’ll be retired after the Chinese New Year.” They then pointed at the female police officer, “Why don’t you Falun Gong people talk to her, as she often fights with her husband.” I told her that practitioners don’t fight among each other, because we try to understand each other. If you can understand each other, when something happens, then you won’t get into a fight. They said that practitioners are truly kind.

At that point, they found the public transit pass in my husband’s bag. From there, they found out our information. A police officer said to me, “Alright, you are a married couple. Your home is a 'dark den'.' Because of that, we’ll have to sentence you to between three and five years.” I thought that what he said didn’t count, only what my Master says counts. They recorded what I said. They also scribbled two pages to show me. I ripped them up and threw them onto the floor, then said, “What you do is of no use to me.”

In the afternoon, my daughter came because six police officers had ransacked my home. I went out and told my daughter, “Tell your aunties, we are fine, don’t worry about us.” I don’t have relatives. I said that to pass on the message to fellow practitioners and alert them. Then a police officer came out to take me back. Later they took us to the hospital, where they did a check-up and a blood test.

After that, we were taken to the detention center. The police officer whom I gave the application for breaking through Internet blockade also went. I said, “Look at what you did, aren’t you afraid of receiving retribution? You reported us to get some money—was it worth it?” He said immediately, “Yes, I’ve done wrong. I’ll correct myself and won’t do it again.” I said, “If you admit that you have done wrong, why won’t you release us? Why do you keep us here?” At that point, he had already asked my daughter for money. After our living expenses were deducted, there was still 700 yuan left, which he returned to me. He kept saying, “I did wrong, I did wrong. This is what’s left.”

During the 15 days I was held in the detention center, we kept sending forth righteous thoughts and reciting the Fa, to dismantle the evil in the detention center from other dimensions. People who were around us were all people with predestined relationships with us. We shouldn’t forget about a practitioner’s responsibilities wherever we are. There were always different people held at the detention center. Some were drug addicts, and some were arrested for fighting with others. I didn’t miss any of them, and clarified the facts and helped them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations.

For the 15 days that we were illegally held, we helped 41 people learn the facts and quit the CCP.

During those 15 days, Master safeguarded us. There were also practitioners strengthening us with their righteous thoughts. A couple of practitioners came to the detention center to visit me. One of them was only recently released from police custody, and the other was experiencing a serious illness karma tribulation. Even so, they brought me a long, warm jacket. I was moved to tears. This also strengthened my righteous thoughts.

Always Keeping a Practitioner’s Mission in Mind

The day prior to the Chinese New Year in 2015, we were cleaning up our house. Suddenly, a group of police officers broke in. As soon as they came in, they began to ransack our home, one room after another. I said, “How many are there in this police station? How come you all came here? What do you want?” They said, “We have 40 plus people, and only some of them came.” I said, “Oh, why didn’t they all come? What are you doing here?” They said, “Follow me to the police station. We’ll come back right after we shoot a video.”

I said I wouldn’t go, as our Master said that in whatever environment, we shouldn’t cooperate with you. They didn’t stop searching, and found two laptops. I asked them not to touch those, as they belonged to my daughter. So they didn’t. Then I thought I should take the initiative to stop them. I then said, “I’ll go with you. Can you please go outside? I need to get changed and use the restroom.” They stopped and some of them went out.

When we arrived at the police station, a police officer said, “Sit there.” I said, “Isn’t this the place where prisoners sit? Are you bringing me to trial? I won’t sit here.” He said, “Why don’t you sit on the couch?” After that, whatever he asked me, I didn’t answer. Even so, he put together a full page and gave it to me to sign. I said, “None of that was said by me. I won’t sign.” He then said, “Your daughter doesn’t allow you to practice, and you shouldn’t practice.” “If I didn’t practice, I would have been terribly sick. When I was ill, I had to be hospitalized, wouldn’t she have had to take care of me? If I didn’t practice, then I would have never been cured. If I didn’t practice, I might have been dead. Can you say that she doesn’t allow me to practice? If it were your family member, would you allow them to practice?”

He seemed to be touched by my words and became dumbfounded for a moment. I then said, “As long as I’m alive, I’ll practice.” He looked very helpless after hearing that. When it was dinner time, he asked me to eat. I declined. I said I’d go home to eat. After dinner, two young people came to watch me. I had the thought that Dafa practitioners play the main role, so I should chat with them. I said to them, “It isn’t easy for you. But please don’t get involved in this too deeply.”

I then talked to them about my experience, about how sick I was, how I obtained the Fa, how I lived by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. One of them became teary-eyed. She said, “Auntie, nobody can do as well as you.” I said, “Our Master can have us do well. Have you joined the Party and its youth organizations? The heavens will eliminate it, as it has committed too many sins. Let me give you a pseudonym to quit it.” She said, “Sure. I’m clear, I know what to do.” The other person was also touched. She came to me, and whispered, “Auntie, at your age, if you just pretend that you are muddle-headed, then they’d have to release you.” Even though I didn’t use that approach, I was still happy that she knows the truth and is kind to practitioners. It was just a pity that I didn’t help her quit the CCP.

In the afternoon, a police officer asked me to sign, but I didn’t. They had no other choice and said, “We’ll let you go this time.” I said, “Please don’t come looking for me any more. What do you need me for? I don’t hinder you.” When I asked them how I’d get home, they seemed to be at a loss. Right at that time, a police officer shouted, “Her husband came to get her.” So I just left with my husband.

Thank you Master! Thank you fellow practitioners!