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Australia: Vietnamese Falun Dafa Practitioners Grateful to Master for Introducing Dafa to the World

Jan. 1, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondents in Australia

(Minghui.org) On the eve of the New Year, Vietnamese Falun Dafa practitioners in Australia wish to express their gratitude and New Year greetings to compassionate and great Master!

Vietnamese Falun Dafa practitioners in Melbourne, Australia respectfully wish Master a Happy New Year.

Vietnamese Falun Dafa Practitioner in Western Australia: Grateful to Master

Ann, an international student from Perth, said she became happy and confident after practicing Dafa.

Ann, a Vietnamese international student from Perth, started practicing Falun Dafa this June. She had practiced Buddhism with her grandmother since she was a child, and a roommate told her about Falun Dafa. “I knew I had found the true Way.”

After she began practicing, Ann realized the importance of searching inward, and reminding herself to be a good person, rather than imposing this requirement on others. “Dafa taught me many precious truths, changed my world view, attitude, and behavior for the better. Dafa taught me about karmic retribution, so now whenever I encounter conflicts in my family, I put aside my human notions and wait. Only when my parents are ready to hear my opinions will I sincerely put forward my suggestions.”

Besides obtaining the ability to deal with family conflicts calmly, Ann also gained the confidence to interact with her colleagues. “After practicing Dafa, the negative emotions I used to feel at my workplace completely disappeared. Now, I just focus on doing my job well without worrying about competing with my colleagues. I’ve learned to let nature take its course, and I prioritize working well with everyone. Because of this, I have developed a close relationship with all my colleagues.

“I wish to thank Master for introducing Falun Dafa to the world, allowing fellow practitioners and myself to awaken and improve ourselves. I resolve to be more diligent and maintain my righteous thoughts this new year. I wish Master a Happy New Year!”

From Bad Tempered and Stubborn to a Compassionate Person

Jenny Le, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hobart.

Jenny Le, from Hobart, Australia, is a preschool educator. Before she began practicing Falun Dafa in 2013, she searched for an upright spiritual practice. “Fortunately, a good friend introduced me to Falun Dafa.

“Since childhood, my bad temper and stubborn character conflicted with those around me. I refused to admit any wrongdoing and kept picking fights with others. This stubborn character of mine caused me to experience more sorrow than happiness in my youth.”

Due to her eccentric personality, Ms. Le lived alone and even suffered from severe depression. “During off-work hours, even if things were fine, I would sit alone and cry. A spiritual expert told me that my depression and demonic nature stemmed from the karma of those I killed in my previous life. He advised me to take up spiritual practice.

“The first time I read the book Zhuan Falun, it was as if a bright light illuminated my world. I realized the true meaning of life and my destiny to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I also discovered how karmic relationships affect our lives in this world.”

After she began practicing Falun Dafa, Ms. Le worked hard to improve her character and apply compassion in all aspects of her life. Whenever bad emotions arise, she does her best to eliminate them. “Over time, my stubbornness gradually decreased, and I became gentler towards others. My severe depression completely disappeared, and being immersed each day in the grace of Dafa has brought me much happiness.

“Because they misunderstood Falun Dafa, my father and close relatives opposed my decision to practice. For six years, my father refused to talk to me. Yet two months ago, during my visit back home, my father and relatives saw for themselves my improved personality and health. Convinced that Falun Dafa was truly good, my father started talking to me again. He also voiced his support for my practice. My uncle and aunt also decided to practice Falun Dafa. Now, our family keeps the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance close to our hearts.

“I would like to wish Master a Happy New Year! I am grateful to Master for spreading Dafa to mankind. Thank you for bestowing this golden light that illuminated the darkness of my life!”

PhD Student: Dafa Eliminated My Resentment

Le Huu Tuan Anh, a Vietnamese student studying for his PhD in Melbourne.

A year ago, while studying for his PhD in Melbourne, Le Huu Tuan Anh heard about Falun Dafa through a friend. “The many problems I faced at that time left me feeling pressured. Moreover, jealousy, a competitive spirit, and the desire to achieve success left me physically and mentally exhausted.”

His friend kept telling Tuan Anh about his positive experiences after he began practicing Falun Dafa. This inspired him to pick up the practice and see if it could resolve his predicament.

“As part of my PhD studies, I was assigned to work with two supervisors. Yet neither had the ability to guide me, as they lacked experience in my research field. Just before my second round of thesis defense, my main supervisor suddenly quit, and I had to forge on alone. This worsened the difficulties I faced in my research.”

Initially resentful of his supervisor, Tuan Anh changed his mind after reading Zhuan Falun and sharing his difficulties with fellow practitioners. “Although that was a hard year, I learned a lot. I also realized the concept of karmic relationships between people.” After letting go of his resentment and desire to seek success, Tuan Anh found his research progressing more smoothly.

In the past, Tuan Anh easily became exhausted, and suffered from back pain. As he studied the Fa and practiced the exercises, these problems disappeared.

“On the eve of 2024, I would like to wish Master Li a Happy New Year! I am grateful to Master for his mercy and salvation!”

Vietnamese Practitioner: Abandoning Fame and Fortune to Find True Happiness

Ann Bui from Sydney began practicing one year ago.

An old friend told Ann Bui from Sydney about Falun Dafa a year ago. Even though she lived a luxurious life surrounded by material wealth, deep down Ann harbored feelings of abandonment. Her cold indifference even alienated her own children from her.

At first, external interference hindered Ann’s attempts to practice Falun Dafa. Her children began having nightmares. Her daughter’s persistent fear of sleep was particularly worrisome.

After consulting with other Falun Dafa practitioners, Ann started playing the Falun Dafa music “Pudu” before her children’s bedtime. She also begged Master for help and protection. This proved effective, as her daughter was able to fall asleep instantly and her children stopped having nightmares.

Ann began studying the Fa diligently, and soon saw positive changes in herself and her relationship with her family. The various external interference disappeared, and her children began talking and sharing more often with her. Now, her children frequently tell her, “I love you” and kiss her goodnight every day—her home is now filled with happiness.

Continuous improvement of her character also reduced her desire for luxury goods, power, and influence. Through cultivation, Ann learned that she cannot control or change the fate of others. Besides eliminating her obsession for worldly possessions, cultivation has also allowed Ann to develop greater compassion towards those around her.

Ann would like to wish Master a Happy New Year and thank Master for his compassionate salvation, and for giving her the opportunity to practice cultivation and the chance to return to her true self. “I will do my best to cultivate to the end and guide more sentient beings on the path to salvation.”