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Early Retiree in Poor Health Enjoys Renewed Life After Practicing Falun Dafa

Sept. 8, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jiangxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) Due to the many ailments I suffered from, I took early retirement in 1992 at the age of 47. As a result of working too hard in my younger years, I struggled with a severe stomach ulcer. I was pale and emaciated, and I felt like I was dying. Every day was a struggle for me, not knowing if I could survive another day.

Three years later, in early May 1995, I went to Beijing to visit a relative. I saw a large banner hanging from a tree in the park that read, “Introduction to Falun Dafa.” I took a look and immediately became interested upon learning that Falun Dafa is for people to improve their health. It was a spiritual cultivation school that didn't require one to become a monk or a nun.

As soon as I made this decision to practice Falun Dafa, my body began to change. I ate a fresh cucumber and did not have a stomach ache. Since then, my stomach ulcer disappeared and I could eat whatever I wanted with no discomfort.

But Falun Dafa cultivation isn’t only limited to that. From that day on, my life was completely renewed and I embarked on a unprecedented journey of returning to my original, true self.

After I returned home, I went to look for a Falun Dafa practice site in a park. A practitioner gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. While reading the book, I began to cry. I understood the karmic reason behind my suffering. I affirmed in my mind that I would practice Falun Dafa!

Three days after I did the exercises, I had a dream that a large colorful Falun rotated above my head. On the fourth day, I dreamt that a 卍 symbol was on my forehead. And on the fifth day, I saw in my dream a golden, shining Falun rotating in my abdomen, in another dimension.

I became a completely new person after only two months of practicing Falun Dafa. My face became radiant and my weight increased by 33 pounds.

I used to be a competitive person with a strong personality. Now I live by Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and am able to maintain a peaceful mind, and no longer pick fights with my husband.

I set up a practice site in our neighborhood at the end of 1995, and dozens of people came to learn Falun Dafa. One couple excitedly told others, “She benefited so much from the practice, everyone should learn it!”

Broken Rib Recovered in Ten Days

The Chinese Communist Party was ordered to persecute Falun Dafa in July 1999. I went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa in June 2000 and was arrested. I held a hunger strike to protest and was force-fed. A female detention center guard kicked me wearing boots with studs on the outsole. Even after one of my ribs was broken, they didn’t stop beating me. I almost suffocated because of the pain.

When they attempted to force-feed me the next day, I was so weak that they couldn’t insert the feeding tube. Luckily for me, I met a guard and an inmate who sympathized with me and allowed me to do the Falun Dafa exercises in the cell. 

After ten days, my rib was healed and the bruises on my body were gone. The inmates in the cell were amazed. They said, “Falun Dafa is wonderful! We will also practice it after we are released.”

Family Also Blessed

My husband is an engineer. He used to have gout and lumbar spondylitis, but after I started to practice Dafa, his health also improved. Now at the age of 81, my husband is energetic and sometimes travels out of town as a technical consultant.

When my oldest son was 13, he was infected with lymphadenitis. To make things worse, the hospital overdosed him with streptomycin and he lost almost all of his red blood cells. I spent a whole year taking him for treatment. When he finally recovered, my own health collapsed.

Upon witnessing my changes from practicing Dafa, my son fully supports me. Whenever I was arrested, he always tried his best to rescue me. He told the police how my ailments disappeared after I started practicing Falun Dafa, and this has been very effective in alleviating the persecution against me.

When I was held at a labor camp in 2000 following my arrest in Beijing, my son’s workplace was doing a background check on him, in preparation for a promotion. He didn’t shy away from the fact that I practice Falun Dafa and he also shared my story with his supervisor. Throughout the process, my son kept in mind the Dafa principles I’d told him: “Take vested interest lightly; if something is yours, you won’t lose it, but if it’s not yours, you won’t get it even if you fight for it.”

Without bribing his supervisor, my son was successfully promoted. Now 24 years have passed, he has worked his way up to be a provincial-level official. My daughter-in-law also supports me. She is now a mid-level manager.

My youngest son read Zhuan Falun when he was young. He identifies with the principles taught in the book. When I was detained in 2000, he went to the police station to seek my release. Despite that he was also arrested and beaten by the officers, he didn’t stop supporting me.

I was given another labor camp term in 2007. When my youngest son visited me, he saw the bruises on my body and condemned the guards for torturing me. He later used his connections to have me transferred to a different ward, where I didn’t suffer as much torture.

In recent years, my youngest son rented a home for me, where fellow practitioners come for group Fa study. If I need to travel out of town to meet with practitioners, he offers to give me a ride.

Although my youngest son didn’t go to college, he became the deputy manager of his company’s marketing department soon after he began to work there. He later quit his job and opened his own company selling daily necessities. His company’s products can be bought in most supermarkets in the city.