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Displaced for Over 20 Years, Yet Under Master’s Merciful Protection

Sept. 8, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in late 1998. Before I really had a chance to understand what cultivation was all about, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the brutal persecution of Dafa. I’ve been homeless for more than 20 years and can’t even remember when it started. I only remember that when I faced the prospect of further persecution after several prior rounds of persecution, my family decided to leave our permanent home and started to move from place to place.

The First Time I Felt Master’s Merciful Protection

I set up a truth-clarification materials production site with the help of other practitioners. The first time I purchased supplies, I had to move the boxes in batches. I had put them on the roadside not far from where I was staying, but worried that if I took a box inside, someone might come and take the other boxes.

An old man, dressed in black, appeared out of nowhere and said to me, “You go ahead and carry that box. I’ll help keep watch for you.” I didn’t think much of it and moved the box. I managed to move all the boxes this way, and didn’t know what time the old man left.

Thinking back, I realize that it was Master Li [the founder of Falun Dafa] who sent the old man to help me.

Righteous Thoughts Disintegrated Potential Persecution

On my bus journey back from buying supplies, a dozen police officers got on and sat near me. I wondered why and started to send forth righteous thoughts. I knew they were not coming for me, but I started to get distraught and couldn’t sit calmly. I exerted all my energy to keep sending forth righteous thoughts.

I don’t know how long it lasted, but I continued to send righteous thoughts and could feel the evil elements slowly disintegrating. When the bus arrived at the checkpoint, the driver questioned, “Where are the police?” He was not referring to the police sitting near me, but to the checkpoint police, who check the passengers on the bus. If my packages were found, I would have been arrested for sure. It was Master who used the police who got on the bus to warn me, which got me to start sending righteous thoughts early enough to disintegrate the evil and make the checkpoint police leave before we got there.

I remember that during a large scale search, the police found out where I lived. Several officers were banging on my front door for a long time. I was inside with a few other practitioners and kept sending righteous thoughts and asked Master for help. Finally, one of the officers received a call from their superiors telling them to go back to the station. 

Such incidents happened several times.

The Water Stopped at My Door

There was a flood in one of the apartments upstairs. We were making materials in our apartment at the time. When we finished and went out to deliver them, I found that there was water coming from upstairs. The floors below us were also flooded. The other residents’ units on my floor were all deluged by water, and everybody had their doors wide open to get the water out. The water rushed to my door, but then turned back. I couldn’t help but think: What a miracle!

When I walked to the main door, the residents and security staff were standing around ordering people to sweep the water away. When they saw me, they didn’t say anything. I calmly walked past them, went downstairs and out of the building.

Renting Apartment Without an ID 

A practitioner’s landlord told her to move out because the landlord was suspicious about her. The practitioner very calmly said that she would leave when the lease ended. The practitioner asked me to help rent an apartment, but I didn’t have an ID card. How could I rent an apartment without one? There were very few apartments for rent at the time. I went out almost every day but couldn’t find anything for rent! After a week of searching, I saw a nearby apartment for rent. I contacted the landlord, who wanted to take a photo of me since I didn’t have an ID. I did not agree and asked Master for help. In the end, the landlord agreed to sign a lease without asking for any documents.

The apartment was only to be used as a decoy, to prevent the police from finding where the practitioner would really live. So I still had to find another apartment. Time was limited. I looked everywhere, but it was very difficult. For the last few days before she had to move out, I walked aimlessly, feeling despair. My body seemed like it would collapse. I then walked into a neighborhood, looked up, and saw a man sticking a poster on the window. He saw me and asked if I was looking for an apartment. I said yes and went in. I knew Master had helped me and I started to cry.

Moving in the Rain

The next step was to help the practitioner move. She told me that she dreamed I had been followed while helping her move, and my apartment was subsequently raided by the police. I said that I didn’t acknowledge her dream and only accepted Master’s arrangements! Having said that, the pressure in my heart was still great.

When we moved her out of her apartment, the secretary of the community and a few people circled around the rental truck and wrote down the license number. We drove to the first apartment but didn’t unload. We only took a pot for cooking. We then went out to buy things during the day. We wanted to make the police think that the practitioner would live there for a long time. A car was parked outside the building with people sitting inside. We kept sending righteous thoughts.

Half a month later, it was the planned day for the second move. It was raining that day, and no one was wandering around outside. The rain stopped when we were loading the truck. It kept raining on and off.

When we were about to leave, a woman came out of another building and asked the driver about his fees, saying that she was also ready to move. Her questions were endless, and the driver wanted the business, so we couldn’t leave. We begged Master for help. Suddenly it started raining heavily, the woman went away, and the driver started the truck. When we got to the second apartment, the rain stopped, and we moved everything upstairs. After moving in, the rain came down again.

The persecution in the practitioner’s dream did not happen due to Master’s merciful protection.

Passing Through Three Doors to Walk Out of the Police Station

When delivering truth-clarification materials to a fellow practitioner, I was stopped by the police at an intersection. Several officers grabbed my motorcycle and took me to the police station. I asked Master for help in my mind.

I had a large bag of materials in my hand and was locked in a room. We had to pass through three doors to get to the room where I was being held. I thought, I have to put down any fear of life and death to face this situation. As soon as this thought came out, my heart became very calm.

I was determined to leave. Two of the doors were open, but there were guards watching. A man said to me, “Don’t think about it! You can’t get out.” I didn’t say anything and continued to send righteous thoughts.

The opportunity came, as no one was coming in and out anymore. The first door was now shut, but I knew I could push it open. I pushed hard, the door opened, and I walked out. I glanced back at the man staring at me blankly. I came to the second door, opened it and walked out. A group of officers looked at me without saying anything.

When I walked to the last door, the officer who intercepted me and took me to the police station was standing at the door and talking on his phone. I said in my heart, “Master, please help me!” Suddenly, the phone in the man’s hand fell to the ground. As he bent down to pick it up, I quickly walked passed him and out the door. I walked to the street without looking back. A taxi came. I got in and was taken to a random location and managed to escape.

In cooperating with practitioners over the years, we made copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party when it was published, and Shen Yun CDs. Rain or shine, we never stopped.

I helped establish material production sites in my free time and taught practitioners how to print files using the techniques I learned from the Minghui website.

There are many more amazing stories, but out of consideration for other practitioners’ safety, I cannot tell them here.

Thank you, Master for your merciful protection. I will continue to walk my cultivation journey to help you rectify the Fa and save sentient beings.