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Munich, Germany: People Condemn Forced Organ Harvesting at Events to Expose the Persecution of Falun Dafa

Sept. 8, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent De Xiang from Munich, Germany.

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held an event at Rotkreuzplatz in Munich, Germany, on September 3, 2023. Hans Schmid watched practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises and said he liked the exercise music, “This music is so calming that one simply cannot feel agitated or angry.”

For the past few months, practitioners have been hosting Information Days at several locations throughout Munich every Saturday. They tell people about Falun Dafa and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted the spiritual discipline for more than two decades, including removing their organs while they are alive. Many passersby complimented them for exposing these egregious human rights violations and encouraged them to continue their efforts.

Falun Dafa practitioners held an Information Day at Rotkreuzplatz on September 3.

Information Day at Rotkreuzplatz on September 19

Information Day at Am Harras on September 29.

Many people signed the petition to help practitioners end the persecution.

Young people were interested in Falun Dafa and learned the exercises.

Retired Teacher: All of Communism Is Criminal

Retired teacher Mr. Hans Schmid said he admired the peaceful atmosphere around Falun Dafa practitioners.

Mr. Schmid, a retired teacher, said, “The atmosphere as practitioners do the Falun Dafa exercises makes one feel relaxed and calm. The atmosphere feels honest and real. This is definitely not posed or staged. This comes from the heart.”

He signed the petition to help practitioners end the persecution and said, “It is very important to condemn forced live organ harvesting.

“I know that the CCP is a barbaric and inhuman system,” he sighed and said. “The Nazi regime dominated Germany for 12 years. This is enough already. People suffered and were sent to labor camps just for saying one wrong thing. All of communism is criminal.”

Radio Reporter: “I feel the need to stand up and resist forced live organ harvesting”

Jenny Georgieff-Kaiser, a radio station reporter, signed the petition to help practitioners end the persecution. “As a German citizen, I feel the need to stand up and resist forced live organ harvesting. Harvesting organs from the living is a crime. Unfortunately, this doesn’t only happen in China, it also happens in other countries. We need to take legal action.”

She explained that she is a radio reporter who often travels to China by herself or with governmental organizations. “Germany and China have close economic ties. Most importantly, we need to make it clear and raise the issue of forced live organ harvesting.”

Retired University Lecturer: The Principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Are Very Important

Judith, a retired university lecturer also signed the petition. She said, “China is a country with no justice. China suppresses its citizens and is full of lies. The Party does everything it can to gain power, but it suppresses people.”

In regard to the CCP’s 24 years of persecuting a group of cultivators who follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Judith said, “People who adhere to these principles will not do bad things. These principles are very important.”

Judith took several truth-clarification brochures and said she planned to give them to her friends and family. She encouraged the practitioners to continue exposing the persecution and wished them all the best.

Man Distributes Truth-Clarification Materials to Chinese Students

Klaus Barz-Jungwirth saw practitioners’ Information Day at the Munich-Pasing Train Station. He told practitioners that he’d already signed the petition. He’d even taken some truth-clarification flyers and distributed them to a group of wealthy Chinese students in his neighborhood.

He said, “Those students were shocked to learn about forced live organ harvesting. Some even called their parents and asked about it.”

Business Owner: Everyone Should Have Freedom of Belief

Saffina said everyone should be free to practice their belief

Saffina, who owns a spa, talked with practitioners after she read about the persecution. “This persecution is definitely wrong,” she said. “This is going against our freedom. Everyone should have the freedom of belief and should not be punished for their belief.”