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Falun Dafa Practitioners in the U.S. Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 30, 2023

(Minghui.org) In this report, we present greetings from practitioners in the US. They wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Greetings from practitioners in Global Truth-Clarifying Team

Greetings from practitioners in a Fa study group in North America

Greetings from a married couple practitioners in the US

Greetings from four practitioners in the US

Greetings from practitioners in Florida

Greetings from practitioners Working in Epoch Times

Greetings from practitioners working in NTDTV

Greetings from practitioners in Houston

Greetings from practitioners in Mid-US

Greetings from practitioners in Wisconsin

Greetings from practitioners in the US

Greetings from practitioners in Guan, US

Greetings from practitioners in Massachusetts

Greetings from three practitioners in Middle Town