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Quebec, Canada: Practitioners Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 30, 2023

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in Quebec, Canada, wished Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. They thanked him for introducing the practice to the world and bringing people hope. They said that Falun Dafa teaches the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, which are beneficial both physically and mentally.

Practitioners in Montreal wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Practitioners in Quebec City wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Practitioners in Sherbrooke wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Medical Student: Thanks to Master for Making Me a Better Person

Anna, a medical student on the Dean’s List every year, says practicing Falun Dafa has opened her wisdom.

A third-year medical student, Anna has been on the Dean’s Honors List every year. She said, “Practicing Falun Dafa is the best thing in my life.”

Anna’s mother practiced Falun Dafa before she was born, and Anna has practiced for as long as she can remember. Falun Dafa was with her as she grew up, and by following its principles she knows how to be a good person.

Anna said, “Dafa asks practitioners to let go of their attachments to self-interest, fame, and money—this has made me a better person. When I have conflicts with others, I see it as an opportunity to improve myself and do better, rather than fighting back. This made me an optimistic person. I think everyone needs that in life.”

The heavy workload in medical school leaves many students stressed out. Anna said that following the teachings of Dafa and doing her best without pursuing the results helped her relieve a lot of stress. As a result of her outstanding academic achievements, she was also awarded a scholarship in 2022 for a medical research project under the Canadian Chief Scientist Program.

Anna said that Falun Dafa has opened up her wisdom and broadened her views. She participated in the Doctors Against Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) activities to tell people in the medical community about the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) crime of organ harvesting. In addition, she and her colleagues formed the Global Health Club, which focuses on the accessibility of surgical procedures to underdeveloped and remote areas.

“I realized that the wonderful thing about Dafa is that it’s not just about doing good things or helping others occasionally out of kindness,” Anna said. “It’s not like that. Being a practitioner, you do things according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, just like all the practitioners I know, who assimilate to it and genuinely care about others.”

Anna said there were no words in the world to adequately express her gratitude to Master. “Thank you, Master, for introducing Dafa to the world and giving me the opportunity to cultivate, which I cherish. I will try my best to follow the guidelines Dafa teaches and become a better person.”

Western Practitioner: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Has Changed Me

Anne Chapdelaine, an agronomist, says practicing Falun Dafa has helped her overcome depression and become optimistic.

Anne Chapdelaine from Montreal is an agronomist. She has practiced Falun Dafa since 1998.

Anne said that before she began practicing Falun Dafa, she was an anxious person who was afraid of facing the complexities of life. She searched for and tried several cultivation methods, trying to find a way to cultivate her mind and body until she finally found Falun Dafa.

After she started practicing, Anne gave up her bad habits and gained hope and strength. She learned how to face all kinds of tests in life calmly. As a result, she found a good job that she was happy with. She was no longer stressed.

“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance changed me,” said Anne. Her relationship with her family also improved, “Falun Dafa teaches me to think of others. I let go of my dissatisfaction with my family and learned to accept their shortcomings and care for them. My family has become harmonious.”

Now Anne is happy, optimistic, and cheerful all day long. Grateful to Master Li, she said, “I want to thank Master from the bottom of my heart. It is his teachings that enable me to be a better person. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Master. Thank you!”

Understanding the Meaning of Life

Catherine Mongeau, who works for a film and television company, says the book Zhuan Falun answered all her questions about life.

Catherine Mongeau, a practitioner from Sherbrooke, works for a film company. She recalled that when she first read Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, in 2011, “It was like someone answered all the questions in my mind. I understood why people came to Earth, the purpose of life, and why people suffer.

“I was really very moved that Master helps me understand what is good and what is bad, and that being a good person is important.” Since then, she has made the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance the cornerstone of her life.

Catherine found that she could solve conflicts when she followed Falun Dafa’s guidelines in her daily life. Her family and work environment became harmonious. When she went through difficult times, she was able to get rid of the bad ideas that were holding her back, and she became honest and happy.

Catherine expressed her gratitude to Master Li: “Thank you, Master! You have guided me on how to be a better person every day so that I can face difficulties in a peaceful way. I feel more joy and balanced in my daily life. Falun Dafa has brought happiness to my family.”