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Young Practitioners from Toronto’s Minghui School Wish Master Li a Happy a Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 28, 2023

(Minghui.org) On September 25, 2023, young practitioners attending Toronto’s Minghui School wished Master Li Hongzhi, Falun Dafa’s founder, a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. They thanked Master Li for his guidance and care. 

Teachers and students from Toronto’s Minghui School wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Remembering Falun Dafa’s Teachings and Cultivating Tolerance

Alison Crocker wishes Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Eight-year-old Alison Crocker used to struggle with her studies in school. Her reading difficulties eventually led her teacher to suggest a visit to a specialist.

Alison started attending Minghui School in May last year. “My English has improved, while my reading ability is now at normal levels. Our teacher even taught me Chinese, and I have learned to write a lot of Chinese characters.”

Beside improving her language skills, Alison learned how to maintain a good moral character, by using the teachings of Falun Dafa as a guide. “Once, a fellow classmate made some remarks that made me upset and angry. I wanted to find her parents and tell on her, but remembered Master’s advice not to lose our temper so as to improve our character. I decided not to complain anymore.”

On another occasion, Alison’s friends made fun of her until she cried. “But I remembered Master’s teachings, to adhere to the requirements of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. When others treat me badly, I have to look within. I also recalled the time I made fun of them.” A shy child, Alison originally only had one friend in school. Now she has many.

Alison tries to cultivate her character at home. “Whenever my mother loses her temper, I will recall the poem “Who’s Right, Who’s Wrong” from Hong Yin III, which I learned at Minghui school.” Alison tells her mother, “Don’t be angry, you are right. I was in the wrong.”

Alison said, “Minghui School teaches us to be filial to our parents.” Alison does her best to help her mother with the housework. These include drying and folding her family’s clean clothes or tidying up around the house. “I take the initiative to cover my parents in blankets whenever I see them sleeping without one. I’ve also learned to offer them comfort whenever they are in a bad mood.”

Alison would like to wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. “I am grateful to Master for teaching me the Fa and giving me lots of wisdom. Thank you, Master!”

Learning to Exercise Restraint When Faced with Problems

Kin (left) and Allen (right) wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Kin 12, and his brother Allen 8, moved to Canada last year with their parents.

Recently, Allen broke Kin’s Lego rocket. Kin attempted to control his temper but lost it when he could not repair the toy, no matter what he did. Kin eventually threw the broken toy to the ground and hit his brother.

After his parents scolded him, Kin stormed into his room. “The minute I entered my room, I regained my cool and realized I should look inwards. My brother was trying to help me improve so I could pass this test. Once I realized this, I managed to regain my calm and reconciled with my brother.” The two siblings repaired the rocket together.

Besides learning to get along well with his brother, Kin also learned to consider the feelings of his classmates in school. Once, he was teamed up with a group of friends for an assignment. Confident of his capability to handle things alone, Kin refused to let his teammates contribute to the assignment. One team member was so angry he asked to leave the group. “After discussing the situation with our teacher, I realized I was selfish and inconsiderate of his feelings. I persuaded the team member to return and split some of the work with him.”

His younger brother, Allen, struggles to manage his selfish behavior. Whether at home or outside, Allen habitually tries to get the food or toys he likes, and is unwilling to give up until he gets what he wants. “While attending a traditional etiquette class at Minghui School, our teacher told us the story of Kong Rong, and how he voluntarily gave away the larger pears to his brothers. I thought, as a young Dafa practitioner, I should learn to do better. I am working towards improving myself. Now, whenever I see things I want, although my heart still craves them, I restrain myself.”

Allen also recently quit his Internet addiction. He used to spend entire days surfing online in his parents’ absence. Even though he knew it was wrong, he was unable to resist the temptation. “Over time, as I studied the Fa and learned with my teachers and classmates at Minghui School, I realized this bad habit had to go. I told my parents about this addiction and asked them to supervise me closely. Now, I am able to control myself.”

Both siblings wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Kin said, “I am grateful to Master for providing his care and protection as we cultivate. I will diligently study the Fa and practice the exercises.” Allen said, “I will work on improving myself.”

Following the Standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

Hao Xiaoyi and Hao Dawei respectfully wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Canada-born siblings, six-and-a-half-year-old Hao Xiaoyi and nine-year-old Hao Dawei, have been attending Minghui School since they were one year old.

Xiaoyi can now meditate for an hour. “When I just turned six, I found it hard to meditate for an hour. Whenever the teacher turned her back, I opened my eyes. Now, I am able to keep my eyes closed.”

Students in her Minghui class recently nominated Xiaoyi as their class monitor. Besides overseeing their manners during mealtimes, she inspects their homework and maintains discipline in the school corridors. “I only assumed this position a few weeks ago so I'm not familiar with many things,” Xiaoyi shared. She recently discovered a passion for memorizing the Fa and a willingness to help others. After finishing her assigned work, she patiently lends a helping hand to whomever needs extra help with their Chinese homework.

Xiaoyi said she used to be afraid of sleeping alone at night, but recently overcame this fear. “Master’s law bodies are constantly protecting and ensuring my safety. My mother also taught me how to send forth righteous thoughts. While sending forth righteous thoughts at school, I try my best to eliminate the bad substances behind this fear. Once this fear was eliminated, I was able to sleep alone.”

Xiaoyi said, “Thank you, Master, for protecting me since I was born, for letting me grow up in an environment where I can cultivate with my parents and friends.”

Dawei said he also recently made some progress, after recognizing his strong jealousy. This negative attachment disrupted his ability to focus when he read the Fa, and interfered with him when he did the exercises and his academic studies. “In the past I was jealous of many things, such as another person’s better looking pencil case or classmates who invited others, but not me, to play with them. However, Master taught us in Zhuan Falun that if we don't get rid of jealousy we cannot consummate.” Dawei began to suppress and eliminate his feelings of jealousy. “Now, I no longer feel jealous of other people's pencil cases. But I haven’t eliminated my feelings of jealousy at not being invited by my friends. I will do better in the future.”

Dawei said, “I wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Thank you for guiding me throughout my nine years of cultivation. I will continue to cultivate according to the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

Maintaining Traditional Values and Kindness in Troubled Times

Minghui summer camp teacher, Angela, wishes Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Angela (first on right) with children from Minghui School’s summer camp.

Angela started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996 and has taught at the Minghui school for seven years. As a senior teacher at the Minghui summer camp, her students are between nine and twelve years old.

At summer camp this year, young practitioners under Angela’s care memorized and recited poems from Hong Yin, made shadow puppets, learned to play chess and appreciate traditional Chinese art, completed a jigsaw puzzle that depicted the famous Chinese historical painting “The Night Banquet of Han Xizai,” and absorbed history and traditional culture from watching dance performances.

During cultural handicraft class, when Angela’s students ran into conflicts, they peacefully resolved them. If anyone became angry, they took time to calm down and then rejoined the group. Some students kept complaining to Angela. Despite the various setbacks, they all settled their differences in the end. This process helped Angela’s students learn how to tolerate, forgive and help each other.

Angela also shared about her students’ meditation progress. “Some were able to sit in the full lotus position from beginning to end. Some lifted their leg back into place immediately after it slid off. Eventually everyone managed to meditate for an hour.”

Angela would like to wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. “I will definitely live up to Master’s expectations and help young practitioners maintain traditional values and kindness in these troubled times,” she said.