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Additional Persecution News from China – September 11, 2023 (10 Reports)

Sept. 21, 2023

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 11 cities or counties in 7 provinces, where at least 18 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Huzhu County, Qinghai Province] Ms. Xue Shunrong Arrested and Detained
2. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Arrested
3. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Luo Meilin Arrested and Detained
4. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Cao Yixiang Arrested
5. [Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yu You Arrested and Detained
6. [Shanghai] Ms. Li Hong Released
7. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Shi Yujie Persecuted
8. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Tiexin Arrested
9. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Tong Shurong Tried in Court
10. [Dezhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Gu Wenhua and Ms. Li Rongju Arrested

1. [Huzhu County, Qinghai Province] Ms. Xue Shunrong Arrested and Detained

Ms. Xue Shunrong, 48, was arrested at her home by officers including Shang Chaoming, head of the Huzhu County Domestic Security Division, on July 6, 2023. The police ransacked her home and confiscated her Falun Gong books, USB drives, and other items. Ms. Xue was placed under official arrest and is now held in the Ping’an District Detention Center. The police interrogated mother-in-law who is bedridden, and her son and her daughter who are students.

2. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Liang Shufa was arrested at his shoe repair shop by officers from the Zhongtun Police Station on the afternoon of August 31, 2023. His home was ransacked. He was taken to the Jinzhou City Detention Center on September 1, 2023.

Mr. Zhang Zhenmin and Ms. Cao Guixing were arrested on September 1, 2023. Mr. Zhang was released on September 2, 2023.

Mr. Zhang Zhan’an was also arrested.

3. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Luo Meilin Arrested and Detained

Ms. Luo Meilin was arrested by officers in the Caishan District at 8 a.m. on July 20, 2023 and was sent to the Jiujiang Detention Center. Ms. Luo was pressured to write the three statements, but she refused.

4. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Cao Yixiang Arrested

Ms. Cao Yixiang was arrested by officers from the Zhonghan Police Station on August 25, 2023. She was held for 15 days in the Pudong Detention House.

5. [Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yu You Arrested and Detained

Mr. Yu You from Beixing Farm was arrested in Jixi City on July 22, 2023. He is currently held in the Qitaihe City Detention Center.

6. [Shanghai] Ms. Li Hong Released

Ms. Li Hong was arrested by officers from the Caoyang Police Station in the Putuo District on September 9, 2022. She was later sentenced to one year in prison by the Jing’an District Court. Ms. Li was released on September 8, 2023.

7. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Shi Yujie Persecuted

Ms. Shi Yujie was emaciated and weighed less than 25 kg when she was tried in the Qiaoxi Court on the morning of September 5, 2023. Her family was shocked by the way she looked.

Ms. Shi’s husband called Judge Wang Cuifang on September 6, 2023 and asked that his wife be immediately released on bail for medical treatment. The judge agreed with the condition that the detention center provided the related document. However, the detention center authorities refused to release Ms. Shi.

8. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Tiexin Arrested

Mr. Yang Tiexin from Fushun City was arrested in Tieling City. He has now been released.

9. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Tong Shurong Tried in Court

Ms. Tong Shurong, 79, was tried in the Ganjingzi District Court on the morning of August 9, 2023. The court issued a “bail pending trial” document for her on September 8, 2023.

10. [Dezhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Gu Wenhua and Ms. Li Rongju Arrested

Ms. Gu Wenhua, 63, was arrested at home by officers from the Lingcheng District Police Department at 7 a.m. on September 8, 2023. The police ransacked her home and confiscated a photo of Falun Gong's founder, money imprinted with Falun Gong facts, amulets, and other items. She was denied admission by the Dezhou City Detention House because of her high blood pressure and she was released that afternoon.

Ms. Li Rongju, around 65, was also arrested. She was taken to the Dezhou City Detention House.