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Paris, France: Weekly Activities at Place Saint-Michel Expose Brutality of the Persecution in China

Sept. 18, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondent Zhou Wenying in Paris

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners continued their weekly activities at Place Saint-Michel on the west bank of the River Seine in the center of Paris on September 10, 2023. They demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises, introduced the basics of Dafa cultivation practice, told people about the persecution in China, and collected signatures on a petition to stop the persecution of Falun Dafa.

Place Saint-Michel was crowded, and many people picked up a flier as they walked by. Some people stopped to watch practitioners demonstrate the exercises and asked for more information about Falun Dafa. They signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution when they learned that practitioners are tortured and imprisoned by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) in China and even have their organs harvested while they are alive.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises at Place Saint-Michel in Paris France.

People read information about Falun Dafa and how the CCP brutally persecutes the spiritual practice in China.

People sign a petition to end the persecution of Falun Dafa in China.

“I hope Chinese people can be freed from the CCP’s persecution”

Emmanuelle Le Maître (left) and Dominique Tixier at Place Saint-Michel

Dominique Tixier and Emmanuel Le Maître passed by Place Saint-Michel and learned about the persecution of Falun Dafa. Dominique said that the persecutors have a complete disregard for life, don’t understand love or respect for human beings, and deny all spiritual beliefs. 

He said that religious beliefs can make people thoughtful, compassionate, and happy, which is incompatible with the CCP’s policies that are exactly the opposite. “I hope that in the near future, the Chinese people can be freed from the CCP’s persecution and get rid of these politicians who only care about their personal interests,” he said.

Emmanuelle Le Maître said that the CCP is no different from the Nazis and is evil. “I think it failed because the light came to humanity and to people’s hearts. I think on a human level, you’ve already won,” she added.

People Condemn the CCP

Dancer Angélique Francisco (left)

Angélique Francisco, a dancer, said that when she passed by the practitioners’ activity, she felt an electric current in her body. She said she clearly felt the energy, a positive energy that could clean up the surrounding environment.

She added, “The persecution is terrible and sad. This is not normal, and such a horrific persecution cannot be allowed to exist. People should be allowed to practice the exercises and gain physical and mental health.” Angélique encouraged practitioners to continue working to expose and end the persecution.

Léa Dominique, an energy practitioner, believes that the CCP’s live organ harvesting is horrific and a political persecution. She had no words to describe the atrocities. “Harvesting organs from living people, they [the CCP] take other people’s lives. This is shameful and a scandal,” she said. “The CCP is cutting off the roots of humanity and strangling everyone’s freedom. It turns people into animals who rely on them [the CCP] and have no need to think.”