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Analyzing Tribulations with Righteous Thoughts

Sept. 16, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Singapore

(Minghui.org) Soon after I began to practice in Falun Dafa in 1995 several health issues, like my chronic menstrual pain, and cervical discomfort, were resolved. Even my sporadic coughing fits disappeared. As a Chinese medicine practitioner, I knew how difficult it was to completely cure my conditions. I was astounded by Dafa’s amazing abilities, which allowed me to enjoy perfect health.

Throughout my cultivation, I occasionally suffered from sickness karma. Whenever this happened I treated it as a false illusion arranged by the old forces. I continued to go out to talk to people about Falun Dafa. My symptoms disappeared within a day or two. Once, my left shoulder became sore and stiff. This condition often appears in people who are around 50 years old and is also called “frozen shoulder.” The person’s shoulder and arm joints freeze together, while the wrist cannot bend backwards. I found it difficult to dress or undress, and whenever I accidentally touched a nerve my arm became numb, and I was unable to move. I sent righteous thoughts, and continued to pull my trolley through the streets, as well as put up display boards to clarify the truth. My symptoms soon disappeared.

Sometimes, Master’s teachings appeared in my mind, allowing me to understand the situation, and pass the tribulation. Once, my left knee started aching and was difficult to bend. Yet, my boss demanded I kneel and clean the floor, not just once but twice. Just as I was feeling aggrieved, I remembered Master’s teachings, telling me that I had to repay my karma. Gritting my teeth in pain I immediately squat down and cleaned the floor. My knee miraculously recovered the following day, and I was able to stretch and bend it freely.

For over 20 years, I quickly and smoothly got over the false illusions of illness created by the old forces. I did not let it affect my cultivation or work when validating the Fa. Every day I clarify the facts and encourage people at Singapore’s Chinatown or tourist attractions to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

During the COVID-19 outbreak, Singapore closed its borders to international tourists. There were few Chinese nationals in Singapore. Last year, when I resumed my regular truth-clarification activities, my right heel started to hurt. This pain manifested strangely. My heel would stop hurting when I went out to clarify the truth in the morning. Yet after boarding the subway on my way home, my foot hurt as soon as I got out and put pressure on it. I limped out of the subway gate, however, the pain disappeared after I walked for a while.

My husband, a fellow practitioner told me, “As we age, we lose calcium from our bones, so we need to drink more milk.” I followed his advice, but my heel still hurt. Soon, I my waist hurt and my feet became numb. Occasionally, my entire body felt numb. I started to panic, unable to think of a solution.

Just like Master described in Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa “It’s trying for both mind and body, and pleasant in neither regard.” (The Fourth Talk, Zhuan Falun) All kinds of unpleasant thoughts surfaced, including human attachments and complaints. “It’s been so long, why didn’t I recover from this sickness karma?” Whenever my truth clarification efforts hit a snag, I grumbled to myself, “These Chinese people can’t recognize what’s good for them. My feet hurt, yet they refuse to quit the CCP to ensure their safety, and even try to chase me away.” “What if I’m suffering from some severe disease that leaves me bedridden, and affects my work?” “How will my family react?” My worries increased.

I also thought of local practitioners affected by health conditions. “This person’s feet are affected, so they have no strength to go out and clarify the truth.” “This practitioner’s illness karma has left them bedridden, they rely on caregivers.” “This practitioner visited a doctor and had surgery.” “Some practitioners even passed away from illness karma.” Whenever I saw people limping I was scared.

Fortunately, my longstanding cultivation and memorization of the Fa built a strong foundation for my belief. I knew I had to persevere and not give up. I began looking for areas where I needed to improve. I identified my human attachments, such as worry, resentment, grudges, suspicion, human happiness, and a competitive nature. These attachments surfaced repeatedly throughout my self-examination, and I got rid of them – one after the other.

In March this year, the CCP ended its “Zero-COVID” policy and the number of Chinese tourists visiting Singapore began to increase. I resumed my truth clarification work at the Merlion tourist attraction. After packing the truth-clarification materials, I set off from home at 8 a.m., regardless of how badly my heel hurt. My heel stopped hurting the minute I arrived at the tourist attraction. I was able to walk around and clarify the facts to people. Yet, whenever it was time to head home, my heel hurt. I slowed down and tried to walk normally. I didn't want to attract attention or make a big deal of the issue. I didn't want anyone to get a negative impression of Falun Dafa. I silently begged Master for help.

The tourist attraction is frequented by a middle-aged photographer, who specializes in taking pictures of Chinese tourists. One day, he suddenly told me with a smile, “More Chinese tourists are coming in the evening. Don’t come if there are no Chinese people. Only come here when there are Chinese people.” I knew Master was borrowing this person’s mouth to convey a message. I had to focus on clarifying the truth to Chinese nationals, and to clarify the facts to those tourists arriving in the afternoon. I decided to visit the site that evening. When I returned, I saw many Chinese tourists and knew my work was not done.

I began visiting the tourist spot in the morning and evening to clarify the truth to Chinese tourists. Focused on my work, I stopped paying attention to my heel. A few days later, I realized my spine was straighter when I meditated. My abdomen also stopped protruding. I realized cultivators must sit upright in addition to adopting an upright moral character.

While I wrote this experience-sharing article, I discovered a notion buried in my subconsciousness. “I am already 60 years old. Birth, old age, illness, and death are only natural under the laws of the universe.” Yet Dafa practitioners are directly under Master’s care, not those low-level beings. My thought of getting old may have been exploited by the old forces and various evil beings, causing danger to my life. I immediately rejected this notion and sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference.

During this test, I learned to look at things with righteous thoughts. I learned to be grateful for each tribulation, which allowed me to grow in levels, and as a result I feel peace and joy in my heart. Viewing things rationally allowed me to grow in maturity, eliminate any resentment, and let go of my notions. Now, I understand the difficulties faced by fellow practitioners who continue to have tribulations. The process of overcoming this tribulation showed me my prehistoric vow that told me to clarify the truth to the Chinese people at tourist attractions, enabling them to quit the CCP and its youth organizations. I must continue to fulfill this vow, regardless of the difficulties. This year, I helped more than 2,000 Chinese tourists withdraw from the CCP.

Master’s new teaching “Stay Far Away From Peril” made me even more aware that the “illness” I experienced, and the interference from the old forces, were the result of karma I created during my many lifetimes. Despite experiencing many ups and downs throughout my 20 years of clarifying the truth, and despite being jailed six times, I am grateful for Master’s continued blessing and protection, enabling me to fulfill my prehistoric vows.