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Additional Persecution News from China – August 18, 2023 (11 Reports)

Sept. 13, 2023

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 10 cities or counties in 7 provinces, where at least 23 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Ruichang County, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Zhu Xiaomei Sentenced to Prison
2. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zang Yongjian Tried
3. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liao Shufen Arrested
4. [Chishui City, Guizhou Province] Several Practitioners Arrested
5. [Nong’an County, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Qixia Detained
6. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Mr. Xin Jianfu and Wife Ms. Xiao Qin Arrested
7. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Xu Zhanqing Held in Detention Center for Three and a Half Months
8. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Practitioners Arrested
9. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Lin Xiaoyan Arrested
10. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wei Deli and His Wife Ms. Qi Xiuhong Arrested
11. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xiao Xia Arrested

1. [Ruichang County, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Zhu Xiaomei Sentenced to Prison

Ms. Zhu Xiaomei, 73, from Matou Town, was reported to the police for talking to people about Falun Gong. She was sentenced to one year in prison with one year and six months of probation, and fined 5,000 yuan. The start date of her sentence was July 31, 2023.

2. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zang Yongjian Tried

Mr. Zang Yongjian was tried by the Baoding City Court on August 17, 2023. The court allowed only two people to attend the hearing. During the trial, the police, prosecutors and court personnel presented forged testimonies and brought up false accusations, which Mr. Zang refuted.

3. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liao Shufen Arrested

Three officers from the Longgang District Domestic Security Division went to Ms. Liao Shufen’s home and arrested her on the afternoon of August 12, 2023, for distributing Falun Gong materials. They ransacked the place and confiscated a computer, a printer, and Falun Gong books. Ms. Liao was taken to the Longgang Police Station.

4. [Chishui City, Guizhou Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

The Chishui City 610 Office, Chishui City Political and Legal Affairs Committee, Domestic Security Divisions, police departments, police stations, and various community management offices arrested and harassed Falun Gong practitioners.

In mid-August 2023, officers from the Chishui City Police Department and police stations arrested Mr. Liu Jinmao, Mr. Wang Zexuan, Mr. Wang’s wife, and Mr. Wang’s ex-wife Ms. Wang Simei. At the same time, the officers also arrested Ms. Lin Junying, Ms. Dai Wanying, Ms. Tan Shihui, and Ms. Chen Qimei, who is from Fuxiang Town.

The homes of Ms. Lin, Ms. Dai, Ms. Tan, Ms. Chen, and Ms. Wang were ransacked. They were released the same day they were arrested.

5. [Nong’an County, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Qixia Detained

Ms. Wang Qixia was arrested by officers from the Jingyue Avenue Police Station on August 9, 2023. She is being held in the Weizigou Detention Center. The police station planned to detain Ms. Wang for 15 days.

6. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Mr. Xin Jianfu and Wife Ms. Xiao Qin Arrested

Mr. Xin Jianfu and his non-practitioner wife Ms. Xiao Qin were arrested on the afternoon of August 14, 2023. The officers pressured the couple to sign “transformation statements,” which Mr. Xin refused. He was taken to the county detention center. His wife was released.

7. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Xu Zhanqing Held in Detention Center for Three and a Half Months

Mr. Xu Zhanqing was reported to the police and was arrested by officers from the Qianjin Avenue Police Station on May 1, 2023. He has since been held in a detention center. His family asked about his situation, but were not told anything.

8. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Wang Zhengxing and Mr. Liu Hanchao from Xinxing Township, Shuangcheng District, were arrested on July 31, 2023. They returned home on August 11. Mr. Zhao Dehua is still being held in the Shuangcheng District Detention Center.

Mr. Zhang Xianjun from Shuangcheng District was sentenced to three years in prison in October 2020 and was held in Hulan Prison. He returned home on August 1, 2023.

9. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Lin Xiaoyan Arrested

Team leader He at the Lianjiang City Domestic Security Division, the political head and a deputy director of the Liancheng Police Station, and twelve other people went to Ms. Lin Xiaoyan’s home and arrested her on the morning of May 11, 2023. Without showing any IDs, they confiscated Ms. Lin’s cell phone, several USB drives, memory cards and other personal belongings.

After Ms. Lin was taken to the police station, she developed symptoms of high blood pressure, her hands and feet twitched, and she trembled when she spoke. Ms. Lin asked the officers to let her go home. Afraid of being held responsible for her health problems, they took her to a hospital for an examination. She was found to have high blood pressure.

The officers notified Ms. Lin’s family to go to the police station and pressured Ms. Lin, her husband and son to have her sign paperwork before allowing her to go home.

10. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wei Deli and His Wife Ms. Qi Xiuhong Arrested

Mr. Wei Deli and his wife Ms. Qi Xiuhong were arrested when they were reading the teachings with other practitioners on July 20, 2023, and were detained for 10 days. After they were released, the couple went to the Dongfeng Police Station to ask for their keys, and they were arrested again. They were taken to a detention center. Mr. Wei was released after failing the physical examination, but Ms. Qi is still detained.

11. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xiao Xia Arrested

Ms. Xiao Xia from Hanting District was arrested and taken to the Weifang City Detention Center on August 16, 2023.