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Deeply Searching Inward During Conflicts

Sept. 12, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) During experience sharing discussions I’ve noticed some practitioners often talk about their tribulations and how they managed to maintain their xinxing. But they often stop there—they were satisfied they passed the tests.

Some practitioners, especially elderly ones, after talking about conflicts with family members or other practitioners, do not look inward further. They say, “They (family members or fellow practitioners) helped me improve my xinxing!”

I had some observations and I’d like to share them with you.

When a practitioner is not moved by an issue raised during a conflict, it may reflect the high standard of a practitioner’s realm. But “not being tempted” and “improving my xinxing” seems to be a little confusing. It may be a manifestation of selfishness because some practitioners only pay attention to their own cultivation state during a conflict. However, this may make them unconsciously develop a false sense of satisfaction. It’s easy for practitioners to ignore other aspects of the conflict.

For example, it can prevent practitioners from delving further, beyond the surface appearance of the matter. We should think, “Why did this happen to me? What underlying attachments led to my improper thinking or improper words and deeds? Did they consider the issue from the other party’s point of view? What kind of harm did the conflict cause the other party? How should they face, resolve, and make up for this loss, so that the other party will not have a negative opinion of Dafa?”

If we look beyond the surface, the “true issue” that caused the conflict may be found — it’s their own attachment. If one looks carefully, one often finds more than one attachment.

So the first step is to expose and clearly identify the attachment. Next, we have to pay attention when it shows up again and eliminate it. At the same time, it’s important to send forth righteous thoughts to completely remove the bad substance from one’s dimensional field.

Of course, in the initial stage of cultivation, if a practitioner can calmly maintain his xinxing and not be moved when facing conflicts, this shows they have met the requirements of the Fa at a certain level. But as the process of Fa-rectification advances, we’ve also shifted from the stage of personal cultivation. As Master Li has enlightened Dafa practitoners in His Fa-teaching lectures, the cultivation standards are constantly being raised. So as long as we truly follow the principles of Dafa and search inward, we’ll find more attachments to eliminate and cherish the cultivation opportunities Master has arranged for us.