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Stand On the Side of Master and Dafa

Sept. 12, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) There is no precedent in history for the Fa-rectification, or Falun Dafa practitioners who cultivate themselves while assisting Master. One can imagine the responsibilities each of us bear. Master told us that we are to take every step well and fulfill our ancient vows. The key point is to be able to stand on the side of Master and Dafa no matter the circumstances.

A few years ago, I found it very difficult to cultivate myself while assisting Master to save people. When I was mediating I saw the following words: “Stand on the side of Master and Dafa.” I immediately felt relieved. This sentence came from the depths of my being, encouraging me to assimilate to Dafa unconditionally.

No matter how many trials and tribulations I encounter, as long as I can remember these words, I have no complaints, and no regrets. The huge power behind these words helped me to become even more firm in my cultivation.

Some practitioners may wonder, “Why hasn’t the Fa-rectification ended yet? Why is the persecution still so severe?” If we look at the situation from Master’s perspective, we may think, How many Dafa practitioners are still not up to the standard? How many people have not been saved? In his mercy, Master keeps giving us one opportunity after another.

We must seize the time to cultivate ourselves and do well what we should do. When one sees practitioners around us who are not diligent or are going through tribulations, we should remind each other to study the Fa more, and strictly measure ourselves by the Fa’s standard. Only when one has cultivated well can one help other practitioners.

When we see conflicts among practitioners, we should remember that Master does not exclude anyone, and the conflict is an opportunity for everyone to look inward and improve. The only exception are those who went to the opposite side and are unable to return.

“Stand on the side of Master and Dafa.” Many practitioners say this, but they often regard this sentence as a concept. When they encounter tribulations, they always approach them from their own perspectives. Some veteran practitioners, who started to cultivate before 1999, still can’t understand the true meaning of this sentence.

If we can truly understand the fundamental meaning of, “Stand on the side of Master and Dafa,” we will find ourselves completely aligning with the Fa. A person like this has completely transcended the realm of ordinary people.

I know that those practitioners who completely agree with the Fa are selfless in assisting Master in Fa-rectification and saving people. They can give up everything.

In a certain town, a group of people seemed to be practitioners, but few of them were actually cultivating. An elderly woman who used to be a bureau director, became their “leader.” She appointed someone to be the coordinator of a region, the person in charge, or someone to do a specific task. She also raised funds from practitioners to buy a car, saying it was to be used to pick up Master when he returns to China.

They later formed an “association” to attend weddings and funerals. When someone’s parents passed away, or the children married or had children, they attended the wedding or funeral and brought gifts. But they did not use the opportunity to clarify the truth to people. They just ate, drank and had fun. None of these people talked about cultivation or saving people when they got together. They treated that elderly woman like an empress. This situation went on for about 10 years.

This farce ended when this elderly woman, who was indoctrinated by the Chinese Communist regime and had a strong desire for leadership, suddenly decided to practice Buddhism around 2019. Most of the people who came under her wing are well-known practitioners locally, so you can imagine how much damage they caused in the area. The practitioners in that area were seriously persecuted this year.

Cultivation groups are not ordinary people’s clubs. Cultivation is to bear hardships. One needs to be able to endure hardships and loneliness, and gradually give up all human attachments. The more diligent you are, the more you will know the dire consequences of failing to cultivate. The less diligent you are, the less you will know about these dire consequences. Some people can’t continue their cultivation, so they go and pursue things in ordinary society.

Master said:

“So things are not as simple as people take them to be. Should people expect higher beings to give them whatever they pray for? The prerequisite is that one has to have built up the blessings and virtue for it over past lifetimes. And so the things that come to you are on account of the blessings and virtue you have! This is what the laws of the universe dictate. But speaking on a fundamental level, getting what you want is not the ultimate goal of accumulating blessings and virtue. The real purpose of building those up is to pave the way for you back to heaven. And that is what’s most crucial, not the brief round of happiness that they can bring you in this lifetime!” (“How Humankind Came To Be”)

All sentient beings are waiting for us to save them. Loneliness and suffering are hurdles on our cultivation path.