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Personal Cultivation Versus Fa-rectification Period Cultivation

Sept. 12, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) As a Dafa practitioner, why we cultivate is a fundamental question.

From the perspective of personal cultivation, we may want to eliminate our karma, pass cultivation tests and raise our realm. Our final goal is consummation and to go beyond the Three Realms.

If we look at cultivation from the perspective of Fa rectification, we will view the origin of our lives and the reason we take up cultivation from a much higher level. Ages ago, we left our divine positions and followed Master to earth. With strong faith in Master and the Fa, we came here to assimilate to the Fa of the new universe and save the sentient beings we represent. In other words, the purpose and focus of our lives is how to better save sentient beings and validate the magnificence of Dafa.

Different from personal cultivation, Fa-rectification period cultivation requires us to completely let go of our attachment to ourselves, and the purpose of our existence is solely for others.

If we can’t fully elevate our levels during Fa-rectification period cultivation, we may stay at the level of human beings and be restrained by the laws of this level. For example, when one experiences a physical tribulation, one may take it as being ill and endure the suffering to repay one’s own karma. But if we look at this from the perspective of Fa-rectification, tribulations that prevent us from saving people could be interference and should not be acknowledged. Instead of simply bearing physical suffering, the elimination of our karma is reflected in how we improve our xinxing (character) and overcome the mental agony while dealing with the obstacles the old forces created for us in saving people.

When our thoughts are centered on the salvation of sentient beings and safeguarding Dafa, then everything incorrect will be rectified.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare with one another in study, in cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)