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Belgium: Falun Dafa Well-Received During Peace Festivities

Sept. 10, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondent Rong Fa from Sint-Niklaas, Belgium

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners once again participated in the annual Vredefeesten, also called Peace Festivities, in Sint-Niklass on September 2 and 3, 2023. Over 130,000 people came to the festival, and practitioners’ bright yellow tent attracted many people. They demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises and offered free exercise classes. One visitor said, “A certain energy drew me to the Falun Dafa booth.”

Practitioners participated in the Peace Festivities on September 2 and 3. Many people were interested in learning more about Falun Dafa.

Falun Dafa’s Energy Field Draws People In

Rita Heyrman chatted with practitioners for a long time. She said she was drawn to the Falun Dafa booth: “A certain energy got my attention and guided me to this booth.”

Rita Heyrman wants to read Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa.

Rita, who has meditated for many years, said, “This booth has a special energy. I want to practice Falun Dafa.

“I saw on the news that Falun Dafa is forbidden in China, so I wanted to know why. I learned that the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] is scared because many people are practicing Falun Dafa. The CCP is afraid because Falun Dafa is good.”

She was interested in reading Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, and asked where she could purchase the book. She wished practitioners success before she left.

Many people stopped to ask about Falun Dafa and where they could learn the exercises.

“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is important to me and the people I know”

After watching practitioners meditate for a long time, Vera said, “Just watching them meditate brings me peace.”

A practitioner explained that the peace she sees is from practitioners’ adhering to Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Vera said, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is especially important to me and the people I know.”

Vera said, “Just seeing practitioners meditate brings me peace.”

Vera said that it was terrible that the CCP forbids such a good practice. She asked about the CCP’s forced live organ harvesting, “Why aren’t people resisting the CCP?” A practitioner explained that everything in China was strictly controlled and that Falun Dafa practitioners in China are risking their lives when they expose the persecution. Vera said, “Yes, the CCP attempts to control the whole world.” She thanked practitioners for being there.

Practitioners taught people how to write Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in Chinese calligraphy, which appealed to many children.

Children learned how to do the Falun Dafa exercises.

“I am interested in learning more about Falun Dafa.”

Ben Nijs works in the ICT (information and communications technology) department of a bank. His work life is filled with technology, new things, and innovations. He wants to be productive at work but wants to find an inner balance so he will not be driven by his work and the complexities of daily life.

Ben Nijs believes that Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance can make it easier for people to learn to understand, communicate with, and interact with each other.

Ben brought his daughter to the practitioners’ booth and stayed to chat for a long time. He said he saw their booth last year and was interested in Falun Dafa then. He said he is very sensitive to his surroundings and sometimes feels anxious. He hopes to calm down by meditating.

He said, “The peaceful atmosphere around the Falun Dafa practitioners drew me here. I want to know how they can manage to be so peaceful amid the bustling crowds.”

Ben searched on Minghui.org and said, “The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance really resonates with me. The peace comes from one’s inner soul. This is what I need to focus on.”

He said the principles can make it easier for people to learn to understand, communicate with, and interact with each other. Ben also planned to do more research more on Falun Dafa and go to a group practice site because, “I am interested in learning more about Falun Dafa.”

Two ladies read the Falun Dafa flyers.

Anita smiled and told practitioners that her eight-year-old granddaughter told her to sit down and be calm before they came to the festival. She wanted to learn more about Falun Dafa when she saw practitioners meditating so peacefully.

Anita feels the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance can help her.

She said, “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are good. I think practitioners are doing a great thing and I am very interested.” She said is going through hard times and needs help. She went to many doctors but none of them could really help her. She was miserable and even developed some bad thoughts. She said, “I believe that these principles will help me a lot!”

A practitioner suggested she read the Falun Dafa books. She was sad when she heard how the CCP persecutes Falun Dafa. She thanked practitioners for telling her about the persecution, “You are doing an admirable thing.”